Municipality of José María Morelos

All the data of the municipality of José María Morelos, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: José María Morelos, Dziuché, or Sabán.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Quintana Roo.

Which is my place if I live in José María Morelos?

José María Morelos is a Municipality of 36179 inhabitants, placed in the State of Quintana Roo, with a fertility rate of 2.91 children per woman. 29.19% of the population migrated from outside the State of Quintana Roo. 88.41% of the population is indigenous, 58.45% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 3.34% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

62.18% of the inhabitants of José María Morelos are Catholic, 46.16% are economically active and, within this active population, 98.97% are employed. Additionally, 90.27% of the dwellings have piped water and 3.83% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of José María Morelos?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of José María Morelos and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about José María Morelos? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of José María Morelos through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of José María Morelos. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of José María Morelos. As an example, you can find towns and places around José María Morelos.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of José María Morelos

List with all the towns in the Municipality of José María Morelos:

Which is my place if I live in José María Morelos?

Adolfo de la Huerta (90 inhabitants)
Adolfo López Mateos (325 inhabitants)
Adriana (- inhabitants)
Aguada la Presumida (61 inhabitants)
Asociación Ganadera Local (- inhabitants)
Benito Juárez (102 inhabitants)
Berlín (2 inhabitants)
Bulukax (593 inhabitants)
Cacatziu (- inhabitants)
Cafetal Grande (324)
Cafetalito (311)
Camarones (8)
Campamento Apostólico Monte Horeb (5)
Candelaria (1057)
Carlos Tuc (-)
Chan Tabasquito (-)
Chan X-Cunei (1)
Chanbarbachano (1)
Chantuk Águilas (-)
Colmenitas (38)
Crucero Verdon (4)
Dos Aguadas (204)
Dos Aguadas (-)
Dziuché (2909)
Dziuché (-)
Dziuché (2)
El Divino (3)
El Pitallo (1)
El Huanal (-)
El Lucero Dos (3)
El Martirio (82)
El Naranjal (759)
El Paraíso Naciente (10)
El Pocito (1)
El Tesoro (3)
El Triunfo (148)
El Verdón (-)
Elsa María Landa (2)
Esperancita (-)
Esteban Torres Lozada (2)
Francisco Villa (-)
Garita Aduanal (-)
Gavilanes (291)
Huay Max (1481)
La Aurora (-)
Insurgentes (76)
Javier Rojo Gómez (42)
José María Morelos (13332)
San Juan (1)
Juanas (-)
Kancabchén (1058)
Kankabchén (-)
Kantemó (246)
La Carolina (124)
La Ceiba (11)
La Ceibita (-)
La Chaparrita (1)
La Coqueta (-)
La Esperanza (775)
La Estrella (-)
La Herradura (-)
La Herradura (1)
La Herradura (1)
La Pimientita (301)
La Presumida (1313)
La Voluntad de Dios (4)
Las Bugambilias (1)
Las Moras (-)
La Gloria (-)
Las Palmas (1)
Lázaro Cárdenas (152)
Los Girasoles (-)
Los Lagartos (14)
Los Lagartos (-)
Los Tres Hermanos (-)
Los Tres Reyes (-)
María de Jesús (-)
Mariano Matamoros (23)
Mina de Oro (-)
Mis Angelitos (4)
Monte Grande (-)
Nachi Cocom (-)
Nueva Reforma (324)
Nuevo Cunduacán (-)
Nuevo Plan de la Noria (324)
Nuevo San Marcos (208)
Ocho Venado (2)
Othón P. Blanco (602)
Pedro Moreno (64)
Piedras Negras (118)
Plan de la Noria Poniente (253)
Pozo Número Cuatro El Verdón (2)
Pozo Número Uno El Verdón (2)
Pozo Pirata (169)
Preciliano Martín Traconis (3)
Puerto Arturo (716)
Rancho Guadalupe (5)
Rancho La Creación (1)
Rancho San Marcelo (1)
Rancho Tierra de Cristo (54)
Rancho Vázquez (2)
Rancho Viejo (31)
Restaurante El Crucero (3)
Sabana San Francisco (155)
Sabán (2380)
Sacalaca (1038)
Saczuquil (399)
San Agustín (-)
San Antonio Tuk (183)
San Antonio Zuctuk (-)
San Carlos (146)
San Cosme (-)
San Diego (682)
San Eustaquio (-)
San Eustaquio (-)
San Felipe III (-)
San Felipe Oriente (232)
San Felipe Primero (800)
San Felipe Segundo (273)
San Francisco (2)
San Francisco (-)
San Francisco de Castro (-)
San Ignacio (-)
San Isidro (-)
San Isidro Poniente (115)
San José de la Montaña (-)
San Juan (1)
San Juan (2)
San Juan Oriente (162)
San Lorenzo (-)
San Luis (-)
San Luis (-)
San Luis Panal (1)
San Martín (2)
San Martín (1)
San Nicolás (-)
San Nicolás (5)
San Pedro (-)
San Pedro (-)
Yggdrassil (2)
San Román (1)
San Salvador (-)
San Salvador (4)
San Salvador Segundo (1)
San Valerio (-)
Santa Amalia (-)
Santa Cruz (-)
Santa Elena (-)
Santa Gertrudis (940)
Santa Lucía (1)
Santa Margarita (-)
Los Compadres (-)
Santa Rita (1)
Santa Rita (1)
Santo Domingo (9)
Su'ukil Naj (-)
Tabasco (302)
Tres Palmas (-)
Venustiano Carranza (255)
Villa de Guadalupe (3)
Vivero Juan Interián Mejía (5)
X-Cabil (1208)
X-Cunei (1)
X-Peten Hay (-)
X-Querol (81)
Xnoh Cruz (218)
Zafarrancho (362)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of José María Morelos:

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