Localities of the Municipality of Viesca, Coahuila

All the data of the municipality of Viesca, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Viesca, La Ventana, or Boquilla de las Perlas.

Browse our list, and discover the pictures, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Coahuila.

Which is my place if I live in Viesca?

Viesca is a Municipality of 21319 inhabitants, placed in the State of Coahuila, with a birth rate of 2.86 children per woman. 11.89% of the population migrated from outside the State of Coahuila. 0.17% of the population is indigenous, 0.12% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

84.35% of the inhabitants of Viesca are Catholic, 44.52% are economically active and, within this active population, 90.46% are employed. Additionally, 93.49% of the housings have piped water and 1.94% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Viesca do most people live?

According to our statistics of Viesca, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Viesca? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Viesca through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Viesca. We have a complete list of all colonies and localities Municipality Viesca. You can, for example, discover towns and localities near Viesca..

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Viesca

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Viesca:

Which is my place if I live in Viesca?

Alto del Palomillo (104 inhabitants)
Bajío de Ahuichila (71 inhabitants)
Boquilla de las Perlas (1876 inhabitants)
Boquilla de las Perlas (Veintiocho Catorce) (4 inhabitants)
Buenavista (344 inhabitants)
Cinco de Mayo (70 inhabitants)
Darías (40 inhabitants)
El Chupón (5 inhabitants)
El Crótalo (27 inhabitants)
El Esfuerzo Sector Ocho (El Puerto) (26)
El Esfuerzo Sector Seis (23)
El Esterito Uno (-)
El Esterito (-)
El Esterito Dos (-)
El Uno (1)
Emiliano Zapata (743)
Empacadora La Fe (2)
Empaque Dos (Enrique Vargas) (11)
Empaque Uno (Uriel Vargas) (7)
Esfuerzo Sector Cinco (La Chiripa) (3)
Establo Las Margaritas (5)
Establo San José (5)
Estación Claudio (-)
Flor de Mayo (446)
Gabino Vázquez (San Luis) (946)
General Eulalio Gutiérrez González (-)
General Eulalio Gutiérrez González (-)
Gilita (1208)
Gregorio García (El Taconazo) (509)
Héroes de Chapultepec (Niños Héroes) (-)
Ignacio Zaragoza (721)
Juan Antonio del Sur (Sector Gilita Ocho) (24)
La Colorada (15)
La Cuchilla (Noria Villa de Bilbao 3089) (2)
La Esperanza (Florencia) (-)
La Fe (59)
La Fe (41)
El Cerrito (La Granja) (-)
La Leona (6)
Estación La Mancha (11)
La Noria (El Control) (21)
La Presa de Yenti (90)
La Rosita (451)
La Siete (Laguna Seca) (32)
La Ventana (1976)
Las Liebres (-)
Las Margaritas (253)
Las Margaritas (Casco) (57)
Lázaro Cárdenas (215)
El Cerrito (La Cuadra) (-)
Los Rosales de Mieleras (-)
Luz María (Los García) (-)
Manuel Delgado (4)
Margaritas Sector Uno (-)
Mieleras (970)
Noria los Marchanes (7)
Noria Veintisiete Once (1)
Nueva Reynosa (696)
Nuevo Margaritas (132)
Paredones (25)
Paulin Juárez García (-)
Poanas Margaritas (Margaritas Dos) (36)
Punta de Santo Domingo (214)
Río Escondido (98)
El Arenal (-)
Rosita Cuatro A (Noria los Valero) (6)
San Ignacio (-)
San Isidro (574)
San Jorge (El Crótalo) (11)
San Jorge (El Florido) (-)
San José del Aguaje (300)
San Juan de Villanueva (Villanueva) (354)
San Manuel (240)
San Manuel Sociedad (1)
San Miguel del Alto (36)
Santa Cruz (124)
Santa María de Arriba (49)
Santa María Sector Nueve (29)
Santa María Uno (99)
Saucillo (117)
Sector 2 Flor de Mayo Veintisiete-Veintitrés (5)
Sector 6 la Ventana Veintiocho-Veintisiete (2)
Sector Cinco Boquilla de las Perlas (Las Víboras) (2)
Sector Cinco Mieleras (El Pabellón) (-)
Sector Cuatro Gabino Vázquez (1)
Sector Diez Mieleras (4)
Sector Doce Mieleras (Noria los Paniagua) (-)
Sector Dos Mieleras (6)
Sector Javier Rojo Gómez (-)
Sector Nueve Mieleras (1)
Sector Ocho A Mieleras (4)
Sector Ocho B Mieleras (1)
Sector Ocho B Mieleras (3)
Sector Once Mieleras (La Nogalera) (-)
Sector Quince Mieleras (-)
Sector Seis Mieleras (-)
Sector Siete Boquilla de las Perlas (-)
Sector Siete Gilita (-)
Sector Siete Mieleras (2)
Sector Trece A Mieleras (-)
Sector Trece B Mieleras (Los Alacranes) (-)
Sector Tres B Aguanueva (11)
Sector Tres C. Gilita (Rancho del Prieto) (-)
Rancho Alegre (6)
Sociedad de Producción Agropecuaria 8 de Abril (Pozo 2030) (-)
Tanque Aguilereño (El Tanque) (240)
Tejabán de la Rosita (531)
Tejabán del Esfuerzo (El Esfuerzo) (740)
Tierra y Libertad (190)
Venustiano Carranza (Hacienda de Hornos) (192)
Viesca (3522)
Villa de Bilbao (263)
Zapopan (-)
Zapopan (6)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Viesca:

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