Municipality of Francisco I. Madero

All the data of the municipality of Francisco I. Madero, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Francisco I. Madero (Chavez), Hidalgo, or Seis de Octubre (Santo Niño).

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza.

Which is my place if I live in Francisco I. Madero?

Francisco I. Madero is a Municipality of 55676 inhabitants, placed in the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza, with a fertility rate of 2.52 children per woman. 10.36% of the population migrated from outside the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza. 0.35% of the population is indigenous, 0.14% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

81.19% of the inhabitants of Francisco I. Madero are Catholic, 48.11% are economically active and, within this active population, 92.16% are employed. Additionally, 95.48% of the dwellings have piped water and 9.07% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Francisco I. Madero?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Francisco I. Madero and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Francisco I. Madero? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Francisco I. Madero through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Francisco I. Madero. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Francisco I. Madero. As an example, you can find towns and places around Francisco I. Madero (Chavez).

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Francisco I. Madero

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Francisco I. Madero:

Which is my place if I live in Francisco I. Madero?

Alamito (709 inhabitants)
Alberto Ibarra Moreno (6 inhabitants)
Ana Carmen Tricio Haro (- inhabitants)
Alonso Tegui (7 inhabitants)
Amabizkar (8 inhabitants)
Ampuero (Las Vegas) (6 inhabitants)
Andalucía (- inhabitants)
Batopilas (589 inhabitants)
Batopilas (1 inhabitants)
Benito Juárez (-)
Benito Juárez (-)
Benito Valenzuela (15)
Benjamín Perales (-)
Benjamín Rivera González (3)
Buenavista (-)
Buenavista de Arriba (1106)
Canal Sacramento (El Tajo) (15)
Cántabro Progreso (El Veintiocho) (4)
Caprinocultores De los Santos (-)
Charcos de Risa (196)
Colón (841)
Covadonga (476)
José Ángel García Cabrera (5)
Beta San Gabriel (-)
Diana (-)
Dieciocho de Marzo (300)
División del Norte (El Solito) (-)
El Atardecer (3)
El Botecito (-)
El Cañón (-)
El Camarón (-)
El Cántabro (513)
El Chaparro (-)
El Dorado (6)
El Ebro (-)
El Encanto (4)
El Faro (5)
El Milagro (1)
El Milagro (Güero) (-)
El Porvenir (El Porvenir de Arriba) (1327)
El Refugio (-)
El Relicario (-)
El Trébol Dos (11)
El Venado (121)
Felipe Ángeles (42)
Finisterre (479)
Florencia (909)
La Montañesa (Florida Libertad) (9)
Fraccionamiento de los Santos (2)
Francisco I. Madero (Banco de Londres) (183)
Francisco I. Madero (Chávez) (32704)
Francisco Nuñez (-)
Francisco Rodríguez Delgado (4)
Francisco Vega (-)
Francisco Villa (-)
Francisco Villa (Los Sierra) (-)
Fresno del Norte (-)
Fresno del Norte (José Guadalupe Villegas) (5)
Los Abuelos (2)
Palestina (El Porvenir) (6)
Sociedad Grupo Covadonga (2)
Hidalgo (2779)
El Cerrito (-)
Huitrón (Heriberto Ochoa) (1)
Humberto Martínez Payán (4)
Isidro Jaramillo Celaya (6)
Israel Chavarría (5)
J. Jesús Ramírez Hernández (1)
Jaboncillo (1025)
Jacaranda (Filipinas) (3)
Jesús Garza Martínez (1)
José Méndez Valdez (6)
La Botella (3)
Julián Rubio (Las Marraneras) (-)
La Bonita (Kilómetro 2.5 Carretera la Florida-Madero) (17)
La Arabia (-)
La Aurora (-)
La Caseta Veintinueve más Setecientos (16)
La Coruña (970)
La Esperanza (6)
La Esperanza (-)
La Estrella (-)
La Florida (1445)
Florida Libertad (4)
La Manada (1)
La Marsellita (Marsella Dos) (-)
La Morenita (-)
La Noria (15)
La Noria (-)
La Noria del Tazas (-)
La Trinidad (33)
La Nueve (1)
La Pezuña (1)
La Pinta (1027)
La Pompita (-)
La Tres (10)
La Vieja Trinidad (6)
La Virgen (-)
Lácteos La Florida (-)
Las Mercedes (903)
Las Tres Nenas (-)
Las Virginias (1425)
Lazarín González (21)
Lequeitio (1557)
Lequeitio (Víctor Handall) (-)
Linda Vista (39)
Rancho de los Santos (5)
Los Cuates (2)
Lugardo Múñoz García (-)
María de Lourdes Encina Bernal (1)
Ramón Marrufo (2)
Mena Chiqui (4)
Francisco Lucio (3)
La Negra (-)
Noé Saldaña (2)
Noria de Hidalgo (La Uno) (-)
Noria de los Berlanga (-)
Noria de Ramón Marrufo (-)
Noria del Grupo de los Amarillos (-)
Noria del Alto (-)
José Cruz Delgado Sonora (-)
Noria Santo Niño (-)
Noria Sector Número Dos (-)
Noria Sector Ocho (Noria Dos) (-)
Noria Sector Seis (-)
Noria Villa Verde (5)
La Nueva Trinidad (72)
Nuevo León (1385)
Nuevo Lequeitio (8)
El Terraceño (7)
Oscar Javier Campos Sifuentes (22)
Pedro Ramírez Quevedo (El Papalote) (4)
Providencia del Norte (-)
Quinta Don Pancho (2)
Río Aguanaval (21)
Río Aguanaval (13)
Saloña (-)
Saloña (Tres Norias) (150)
San Agustín de Ulúa (275)
San Elías del Álamo (-)
San Esteban de Egipto (337)
San Isidro (99)
Rubén Castañeda Vázquez (4)
San José de la Niña (710)
San Juan de Ulúa (300)
San Martín (Covadonga) (13)
San Pablo (-)
San Ramiro (6)
San Salvador de Arriba (759)
Santa María (Santa María de Arriba) (570)
Santa Rosa (-)
Sector Uno (2)
Seis de Octubre (Santo Niño) (2016)
Ernesto Sedma (Noria Buenavista) (-)
Tierra Blanca (-)
Toberas (-)
Tres Manantiales (La Parrita) (43)
Vasconia (-)
Vicente Villegas (Hidalgo) (2)
La Amapola (-)
Villas del Fresno (1)
Yucatán (234)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Francisco I. Madero:

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