Municipalities and towns of Yucatán

In the State of Yucatán there are dozens of communities, ranches and small towns worth visiting.

In Yucatán there are very interesting demographics and statistics.

List of Municipalities in the State of Yucatán. Click on the names of the Municipalities to find towns, cities, communities and villages in the State.

Abalá (13 towns)
Acanceh (27 towns)
Akil (20 towns)
Baca (45)
Bokobá (3)
Buctzotz (63)
Cacalchén (14)
Calotmul (32)
Cansahcab (11)
Cantamayec (26)
Celestún (24)
Cenotillo (34)
Chacsinkín (8)
Chankom (19)
Chapab (8)
Chemax (165)
Chichimilá (42)
Chicxulub Pueblo (17)
Chikindzonot (13)
Chocholá (20)
Chumayel (5)
Conkal (83)
Cuncunul (12)
Cuzamá (8)
Dzán (4)
Dzemul (16)
Dzidzantún (23)
Dzilam de Bravo (29)
Dzilam González (41)
Dzitás (6)
Dzoncauich (5)
Espita (41)
Halachó (23)
Hocabá (11)
Hoctún (12)
Homún (21)
Huhí (5)
Hunucmá (27)
Ixil (15)
Izamal (42)
Kanasín (81)
Kantunil (6)
Kaua (15)
Kinchil (8)
Kopomá (4)
Mama (5)
Maní (21)
Maxcanú (41)
Mayapán (9)
Mérida (807)
Mocochá (24)
Motul (70)
Muna (22)
Muxupip (4)
Opichén (7)
Oxkutzcab (65)
Panabá (140)
Peto (86)
Progreso (40)
Quintana Roo (3)
Río Lagartos (56)
Sacalum (11)
Samahil (10)
San Felipe (56)
Sanahcat (2)
Santa Elena (12)
Seyé (21)
Sinanché (12)
Sotuta (13)
Sucilá (73)
Sudzal (16)
Suma (6)
Tahdziú (25)
Tahmek (10)
Teabo (21)
Tecoh (32)
Tekal de Venegas (8)
Tekantó (6)
Tekax (131)
Tekit (26)
Tekom (17)
Telchac Pueblo (16)
Telchac Puerto (6)
Temax (13)
Temozón (102)
Tepakán (7)
Tetiz (10)
Teya (3)
Ticul (29)
Timucuy (30)
Tinum (27)
Tixcacalcupul (24)
Tixkokob (42)
Tixmehuac (22)
Tixpéhual (20)
Tizimín (690)
Tunkás (23)
Tzucacab (64)
Uayma (7)
Ucú (12)
Umán (118)
Valladolid (264)
Xocchel (6)
Yaxcabá (64)
Yaxkukul (11)
Yobaín (15)