Municipalities and towns of Tabasco

Do you really know the State of Tabasco? You must discover the charm of all its villages and communities.

Plan your next trip to Tabasco through the maps of the towns, enjoy their pictures.

List of Municipalities in the State of Tabasco. Click on the names of the Municipalities to find towns, cities, communities and villages in the State.

Balancán (460 towns)
Cárdenas (243 towns)
Centla (240 towns)
Centro (485)
Comalcalco (150)
Cunduacán (134)
Emiliano Zapata (111)
Huimanguillo (393)
Jalapa (67)
Jalpa de Méndez (80)
Jonuta (187)
Macuspana (267)
Nacajuca (87)
Paraíso (75)
Tacotalpa (94)
Teapa (77)
Tenosique (172)