Municipality of Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa

All the data of the municipality of Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Vicente Camalote, Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa, or Tetela.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Oaxaca.

Which is my place if I live in Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa?

Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa is a Municipality of 44885 inhabitants, placed in the State of Oaxaca, with a fertility rate of 2.73 children per woman. 35.80% of the population migrated from outside the State of Oaxaca. 21.10% of the population is indigenous, 12.71% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 1.03% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

84.96% of the inhabitants of Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa are Catholic, 43.02% are economically active and, within this active population, 93.27% are employed. Additionally, 76.73% of the dwellings have piped water and 4.37% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa do most people live?

According to our statistics of Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa. As an example, you can find towns and places around Vicente Camalote.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa:

Which is my place if I live in Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa?

Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa (6341 inhabitants)
Agua Escondida (10 inhabitants)
Argentina (- inhabitants)
Arroyo de Enmedio (1517 inhabitants)
Arroyo de Pita (766 inhabitants)
Aserradero Segundo (123 inhabitants)
Aserradero (466 inhabitants)
Barbasco (851 inhabitants)
Bonito (4 inhabitants)
Buenavista (50)
Buenos Aires (8)
Buenos Aires (413)
Cañada San Antonio (768)
Cañamazal (663)
Campo Chico (30)
Campo Grande (12)
Cerro Castillo (4)
Cerro las Águilas (1)
Cerro Mojarra (2509)
Cobagar (7)
Colonia Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez (211)
Colonia Vicente García (-)
Comitancillo Libre (-)
Cosolapa Sarmiento (482)
Desviación a la Palma (2)
Doña Rufina (El Mirador) (-)
El Agostadero (10)
El Arbolito (10)
El Borrego (16)
El Carmen (41)
El Cedral (628)
El Cedro (13)
El Conejo (419)
El Crucero (1)
El Dorado (-)
El Esfuerzo (21)
El Nacimiento (42)
El Nanche (31)
El Peñón (2)
El Porvenir (869)
El Retiro (-)
El Setenta y Dos (45)
El Tigre (1)
El Uvero (-)
El Zapote (224)
El Zapote (4)
Emiliano Zapata (Colonia 21 de Mayo) (177)
Esperanza (287)
Esperanza Madero (119)
Estancia de Vacas (11)
Fraccionamiento Los Huertos (225)
Garza Blanca (17)
Guadalupe de los Reyes (527)
Los Vírgenes (13)
Joliette (793)
Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez (La Josefita) (65)
Julián González Soriano (10)
La Candelaria (-)
La Carbonera (866)
La Coraza (347)
La Cotorra (9)
La Cotorrita (11)
La Cuchilla (3)
La Defensa (821)
La Estrella (152)
La Fortunita (-)
La Gloria (6)
La Guadalupe (157)
La Isleta (35)
La Junta (1030)
La Magdalena (5)
La Merced (6)
La Michuca (15)
La Ogada (-)
La Palma (712)
La Raya (622)
La Reforma (183)
La Sabaneta (11)
La Tabaquera (1283)
Laguna Verde (108)
Las Casitas (18)
Las Flores (19)
Las Maravillas (375)
Las Tres Marías (-)
Lindero (16)
Loma de Azures (-)
Los Almendros (28)
Los Cañas (Tres Potencias) (24)
Los Caracoles (6)
Los Corrales (621)
Los Encinos (-)
Los Lirios (156)
Los Manantiales (1)
Los Osorio (Parcela los Osorio) [Rancho} (9)
Los Pinos (-)
Los Pinos (-)
Los Reyes (81)
Los Rodríguez (-)
Los Torres (5)
Los Trapiches (5)
Macahua (-)
Manantiales Dos (-)
Maravillas (-)
Miguel Hidalgo (413)
Monte Alto (24)
Mundo Nuevo (-)
Ojo de Agua (-)
Ojo de Agua o Palma Cuata (415)
Palma Cuata (105)
Palo Solo (40)
Paso Limón (5)
Peña Blanca (211)
Plan de Ayala (141)
Primera Ampliación la Palma (El Viejo) (53)
Rancho Arco (7)
Rancho Cañón (-)
Rancho Cortez Lozano (-)
Rancho Cuatro Vientos (-)
Rancho de los Martínez (Rancho Escondido) (12)
Rancho El Limonal (3)
Rancho El Mangal (La Raya) (6)
Rancho Escondido (Rancho de los Martínez) (4)
Rancho Grande (935)
Rancho Hernández (7)
Rancho La Loma (8)
Rancho López (10)
Rancho Los Benitos (15)
Rancho Los Huerta (2)
Rancho Los Lara (27)
Rancho Los López (-)
Rancho Matías Virgen Virgen (6)
Estancia de Vacas (-)
Rancho Pavón (6)
Rancho Ramírez (-)
Rancho San Antonio (-)
Rancho Tetela (Parada los Mangos) (9)
Saltillo (37)
San Antonio (5)
San Antonio Dos (53)
San Antonio Uno (29)
San Evaristo (15)
San Felipe de Jesús (-)
San Francisco (El Trapiche) (8)
Santa Cruz (192)
Santa Elena (26)
Santa Teresa (-)
Santa Teresita (-)
Santa Teresita (5)
Santiago Cibrián (-)
Santo Domingo (4)
Santo Tomás (-)
Sierra Mojarra (32)
Tembladera de la Selva 1 (790)
Tembladera de la Selva 2 (375)
Tembladera del Castillo (858)
Tembladera Vista Hermosa (338)
Tetela (3100)
Torreón (477)
Vicente Camalote (7024)
Zona Urbana Ejidal (1730)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa:

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