Localities of the Municipality of Chignahuapan, Puebla

All the data of the municipality of Chignahuapan, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Ciudad de Chignahuapan, Ixtlahuaca Barrio, or El Paredón.

Browse our list, and discover the pictures, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Puebla.

Which is my place if I live in Chignahuapan?

Chignahuapan is a Municipality of 57909 inhabitants, placed in the State of Puebla, with a birth rate of 2.79 children per woman. 10.52% of the population migrated from outside the State of Puebla. 1.46% of the population is indigenous, 0.61% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

96.12% of the inhabitants of Chignahuapan are Catholic, 49.57% are economically active and, within this active population, 97.59% are employed. Additionally, 90.05% of the housings have piped water and 4.86% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Chignahuapan?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Chignahuapan and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Chignahuapan? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Chignahuapan through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Chignahuapan. We have a complete list of all colonies and localities Municipality Chignahuapan. You can, for example, discover towns and localities near Ciudad de Chignahuapan..

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Chignahuapan

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Chignahuapan:

Which is my place if I live in Chignahuapan?

Acoculco (Alamedilla) (1993 inhabitants)
Acolihuia (596 inhabitants)
Ciénega Larga (Agua Santa) (60 inhabitants)
Ailitla (35 inhabitants)
Ajolotla (496 inhabitants)
Almeya (Casa Blanca) (16 inhabitants)
Altamira (27 inhabitants)
Apapasco (113 inhabitants)
Atlamaxac (384 inhabitants)
Baños Termales Chignahuapan (1)
Berlín (1)
Buenavista (38)
Buenos Aires (Presa San Francisco) (318)
Cañada de Piedras (46)
Calapa (249)
Canuillas (Barranca del Cristo) (76)
Capulaquito (473)
Cerro Blanco (20)
Cerro de la Virgen (224)
Ciénega Larga (914)
Ciudad de Chignahuapan (22904)
Coacoyunga (759)
Cozapa (El Cortijo) (70)
Cozapa (El Polvorín) (27)
Cruz Colorada (454)
Cuautelolulco (688)
Ejido de Atlamaxac (Estados Unidos) (177)
Ejido Río Blanco (El Doce) (33)
El Arenal (La Colonia) (2)
El Campamento (16)
El Cantón (56)
El Capulín (73)
El Cristo (16)
El Derramadero (6)
El Eco (104)
El Fierro (-)
El Fresno (879)
El Lobón (280)
El Manzanito (120)
El Manzano (18)
El Paraíso (-)
El Paredón (2741)
El Porvenir (4)
El Potrero (17)
El Potrero (42)
El Refugio (11)
El Reparo (21)
El Rodeo (91)
El Saltito (25)
El Sifón (162)
El Tecajete (-)
El Tesmolar (18)
El Zacatonal (4)
General Rafael Ávila Camacho (Teopan) (317)
Huéymac (-)
Ilamapa (2)
Ixtlahuaca (Palancingo) (162)
Ixtlahuaca Barrio (3226)
Jardínes de Cozapa (85)
Jonuco Pedernales (508)
La Alcantarilla (206)
La Bruja (139)
La Campana (52)
La Cieneguilla (-)
La Concepción Calapa (66)
La Cruz de los Pastores (-)
La Cuchilla (Manav Kendra) (34)
La Fragua (116)
La Gloria (Primera Sección) (147)
La Gloria (Segunda Sección) (267)
La Joya (92)
La Loma (-)
La Magdalena (2)
La Magdalena (4)
La Melada (72)
La Mesa (-)
La Mesa (14)
La Ocopilera (El Capulín) (44)
La Paila (65)
La Perla (6)
La Providencia (5)
La Providencia (27)
La Quinta (285)
La Roca (46)
La Rosa (22)
La Rosa (42)
La Ruleta (26)
La Soledad (14)
La Soledad (26)
La Tesmolosa (6)
La Yerba (306)
Las Cabras (54)
Las Chavelitas (4)
Las Cruces (10)
Las Mesas (177)
Las Tetillas (14)
Las Víboras (91)
Lázaro Cárdenas (Tzitla) (1040)
Llanetillo (322)
Llano Grande (El Aserradero) (540)
Llano Verde (562)
Loma Alta (1669)
Loma Alta (7)
Loma Larga (-)
Los Cerones (33)
Los Pilares (La Joya) (21)
Los Puentes Cuates (26)
Los Ranchos (Rinconada) (743)
Los Reyes (136)
Matlahuacala (133)
Matlahuacales de Aquiles Serdán (1009)
Michac (1707)
Nacayolo (59)
Nuevo San Claudio (Carretero) (228)
Ocojala (388)
Ocote Huérfano (18)
Ojo de Agua (23)
Palo Bendito (-)
Parada el Conejo (3)
Paxtla (142)
Piedra Ancha (463)
Piedra Ancha Aserradero (Segunda Ampliación) (-)
Potrerillos (219)
Pueblo Nuevo (Peñuelas) (552)
Rancho Escondido (-)
Rancho San Isidro (19)
Río Blanco (Sebastopol) (384)
Río Chico (378)
Rincón Verde (11)
Rinconada (952)
San Antonio Matlahuacales (1394)
San Francisco Terrerillos (624)
San Isidro Coliuca (284)
San Isidro Pedernales (52)
San José Atzintlimeya (398)
San José Corral Blanco (1339)
San José de las Delicias (1)
San Juan (27)
San Luis del Valle (448)
San Miguel (Llanito Verde) (4)
San Miguel Lastiri (117)
San Miguel Pedernales (150)
San Pedro el Tipizil (14)
San Rafael (12)
Santa Cruz (6)
Santa Cruz (27)
Santa Rosa (3)
Santa Rosa Amanalco (6)
Sebastopol (1038)
Sección el Ixtete (109)
Tecoloque (-)
Tecoloquillo (370)
Tecoyuca (121)
Tenancingo (423)
Tenextla (1055)
Teoconchila (-)
Teotlalcingo (205)
Teotlalpan (437)
Teyra (Santa Rita) (4)
Tlalayotes (2)
Tlapizahua (-)
Toltempan (5)
Tres Cabezas (1020)
Tzitla (70)
Venta Ahumada (644)
Villa Cuauhtémoc (1433)
Zacatempa (23)
Zotoltepec (133)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Chignahuapan:

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