Beautiful map of Pátzcuaro (Michoacán)
Online map with the boundaries of the Municipality of Pátzcuaro (Michoacán). You can choose wich kind of basemap you like to use (there are different styles), zoom or pan.You can access more information about the municipality of Pátzcuaro (Michoacán) following this link
:: Beautiful maps of the States and Municipalities of Mexico
Municipalities and towns of Aguascalientes
Municipalities and towns of Baja California
Municipalities and towns of Baja California Sur
Municipalities and towns of Campeche
Municipalities and towns of Coahuila
Municipalities and towns of Colima
Municipalities and towns of Chiapas
Municipalities and towns of Chihuahua
Municipalities and towns of DF
Municipalities and towns of Durango
Municipalities and towns of Guanajuato
Municipalities and towns of Guerrero
Municipalities and towns of Hidalgo
Municipalities and towns of Jalisco
Municipalities and towns of Estado de México
Municipalities and towns of Michoacán
Municipalities and towns of Morelos
Municipalities and towns of Nayarit
Municipalities and towns of Nuevo León
Municipalities and towns of Oaxaca
Municipalities and towns of Puebla
Municipalities and towns of Querétaro
Municipalities and towns of Quintana Roo
Municipalities and towns of San Luis Potosí
Municipalities and towns of Sinaloa
Municipalities and towns of Sonora
Municipalities and towns of Tabasco
Municipalities and towns of Tamaulipas
Municipalities and towns of Tlaxcala
Municipalities and towns of Veracruz
Municipalities and towns of Yucatán
Municipalities and towns of Zacatecas