Municipality of Valladolid

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Valladolid through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Valladolid, Popolá, or Kanxoc.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Yucatán by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Valladolid?

Valladolid is a Municipality of 74217 inhabitants, placed in the State of Yucatán, with a fertility rate of 2.33 children per woman. 7.27% of the population migrated from outside the State of Yucatán. 75.94% of the population is indigenous, 56.08% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 7.78% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

83.22% of the inhabitants of Valladolid are Catholic, 50.89% are economically active and, within this active population, 97.19% are employed. Additionally, 93.11% of the dwellings have piped water and 10.96% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Valladolid do most people live?

According to our statistics of Valladolid, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Valladolid? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Valladolid through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Valladolid. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Valladolid. As an example, you can find towns and places around Valladolid.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Valladolid

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Valladolid:

Which is my place if I live in Valladolid?

Agua Azul (4 inhabitants)
Akabchén (61 inhabitants)
Tohtichén (- inhabitants)
Bodega Sabritas (- inhabitants)
Balanté (- inhabitants)
Blanca Flor (7 inhabitants)
Bolmay (395 inhabitants)
Bretaña (4 inhabitants)
Butum-Chén (- inhabitants)
Caxayché (-)
Caxayché (-)
Ce-Ac (4)
Chablé (3)
Chac-Halal (6)
Chakán (2)
Chamul (67)
Chan Chen (-)
Chan Dzub (-)
Chan Hunukú (11)
Chan Kot Kahum (Los Cocales) (4)
Chan Popolá (3)
Chan Santa Cruz (-)
Chan Suytún (-)
Chan Suytum (12)
Chan X-Batún (8)
Chan Xbutum Dos (5)
Chan Xkauil (1)
Chan Yokdzonot (145)
Chanchén (8)
Chanil (41)
Chansus (2)
Chanyokdzonot Dos (85)
Chice Santa Cruz (-)
Hacienda Chucum (-)
Chiquén (-)
Chompool (19)
Chuc-Yuc (1)
Chumpila (4)
Chun Subul (-)
Chunhalal (-)
Chunhuás (-)
Chuyche (2)
Cocom (4)
Construrama (-)
Consuc (-)
Cowboys Land (3)
Curtiduría Chávez (2)
Cuzanchén (3)
Dos Gallos (2)
Dzekul (3)
Dzibil (30)
Dzitnup (1518)
Dzonot Petká (-)
Dzoyolá (11)
Ebtún (970)
Ek-Balam (-)
El Corralón (-)
El Diezmo (6)
El Gato Negro (21)
El Jordán (3)
El Paraíso (5)
El Rosario (Dzadz Nal) (-)
Flor Campestre (-)
Fraccionamiento Residencial Campestre (-)
Granja Porcícola Rancho Cervera (1)
Humberto Díaz Martínez (7)
Halal (2)
Huayaba (-)
Izhuá (3)
Juchín (1)
K'an Ac (6)
Ka'anan (1)
Chi-Ac (6)
Kaan Ac (-)
Xkampepén (30)
Kankabchén (-)
Kankabchén (-)
Kankachén (-)
Kankirixche (2)
Kantunil (1)
Kanxoc (3579)
Kanxoc-Chen (2)
Katil (2)
Kauán (2)
Chan Kiuik (-)
Kix Abán (-)
Kondzonot (-)
Koopchén (45)
Kuchechén (2)
Kulinché (-)
La Ceiba (4)
La Choza (5)
La Fátima (1)
San Francisco de Asís (-)
La Piedra (4)
La Piedra Angular (4)
La Poderosa del Oriente (-)
Lachén (1)
Las Cúpulas (6)
Las Palomas (3)
Cardenales (-)
Lodgecol (1)
Los Ficus (4)
Nah-Capat (5)
Nenelá (4)
Ninibeh (-)
Noc-Ac (-)
Noc-Pek (-)
Noh Chaca (-)
Xnohbutún (10)
Xnoh-Ox (1)
Nohsuytún (355)
Nohtoc (1)
Noxkituc (-)
Papagayo (-)
Paraíso (-)
Pixoy (1158)
Pol-Kee (6)
Popolá (4960)
Poxil (-)
Chan Puhuy (13)
Quex (1)
X-Chiceh (1)
Ramonal (-)
Rancho El Potrillo (2)
Rancho Ganadero [Rancho Ganadero (10)
Rancho Tekal (2)
Sac-Bé (-)
Sac-Helbach (-)
Sagrado Corazón (2)
Sahcabá Dos (4)
San Andrés Kampocolché (29)
San Andrés X-Bac (102)
San Ángel (1)
San Antonio (8)
San Antonio (94)
San Antonio (9)
San Antonio Chic-Chan (-)
San Antonio Takú (-)
San Cristóbal (2)
San Diego (9)
San Felipe (-)
San Francisco (9)
San Francisco (2)
San Gerónimo (31)
Santo Domingo (10)
San Isidro (25)
San Isidro (6)
San José (-)
San José (-)
San José (4)
San José 2 (1)
San Juan (2)
San Juan Bubul (-)
San Juan Chen (-)
San Judas Tadeo (1)
San Lorenzo (-)
San Lorenzo (9)
San Lorenzo (-)
San Luis Potosí (14)
San Manuel (4)
San Marcos (3)
San Mateo (3)
San Miguel (5)
San Miguel (-)
San Miguel (4)
San Miguel (Tusik) (-)
San Pedro (23)
San Pedro (10)
San Pedro Sula (13)
San Ramón (1)
San Salvador (2)
San Vicente (19)
Santa Barbara (-)
Santa Cecilia (3)
Santa Cruz (-)
Santa Cruz (-)
Santa Cruz (-)
Santa Cruz (-)
Santa Cruz (7)
Santa Cruz Uno (4)
Santa Diana (-)
Santa Eleuteria (77)
Santa Inés (-)
Santa Rita (-)
Santa Rosa (21)
Santa Rosa (11)
Santa Teresa (6)
Sidrakín (14)
Sinail (1)
Sistema De Riego Chan Yokdzonot Dos (9)
Celkop (-)
Suytún (17)
Suytún (3)
Tahmuy (1248)
Takú (-)
Taller Mecánico (-)
Tepakán (57)
Tesoco (1872)
Teya (3)
Tikuch (1654)
Timas (20)
Tixcancal (-)
Tixhualactún (1982)
Totilá (-)
Tres Marías (-)
Tres Reyes (2)
Tres Reyes (-)
Uspib (32)
Valladolid (56494)
La Guadalupana (-)
Villa Elidé (6)
X-Bacab (65)
X-Bahil (7)
X-Balché (-)
X-Batún (20)
X-Bohbat (8)
X-Bojón (3)
X-Catbé (-)
X-Cohuó (142)
X-Copoil (-)
X-Juubil (2)
Ningún Santo (3)
X-Kambul (4)
X-Kanahaltún (5)
X-Katil (-)
X-Kochilá (-)
Los Ciervos (-)
X-Marina (7)
X-Mitán (33)
X-Nohbutún (3)
X-Polulum (-)
X-Poom (2)
X-Quiahuil (-)
X-Sac-Uil (2)
X-Wó (6)
Xcojil (7)
Xinal (-)
Xisbic (6)
Xocén (2816)
Xojolchén (8)
Xool (-)
Xuilub (682)
Xunchan (13)
Yaax Hom Timas (1)
Yaax-Hal (262)
Yalcón (249)
Yalcobá (3052)
Yalcón (9)
Yax-Kax (2)
Yaxché (130)
Yaxché (1)
Chan Yohalal (3)
Yohdzonot (-)
Yohkoop (4)
Yok-Halal (1)
Yokdzonot (33)
Yokdzonot (2)
Yokdzonot Reyes (-)
Yokdzonot Dos (1)
Yookal (-)
Yunchén (-)
Zodzilchén (115)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Valladolid:

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