Information and updated data of Gustavo Diaz Ordaz in Guerrero: postal code, location, maps. Places to eat.
The site of Gustavo Diaz Ordaz (Colonia) located inside the town of Acapulco de Juárez, in the Municipality of Acapulco de Juárez (in the State of Guerrero). It's a beach town: the beach of Playa Hornitos is 2 km away. It is located exactly 19.65 km (towards SE) from the geographic center of the Acapulco de Juárez municipal area. And it is located at 3.61 km (towards NE ) from the urban center of the town of Acapulco de Juárez.
#1 Mapa y foto satelital de Gustavo Diaz Ordaz (Acapulco de Juárez)
Find out the location of Gustavo Diaz Ordaz through the following map and satellite photo. Using the controls on the top left you can zoom in and out (+) or zoom out (-), so you can for example locate your house or a known location. The map is centered in Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, and the town has been marked with the symbol
#2 What to do in Gustavo Diaz Ordaz
Want to know what to see in Gustavo Diaz Ordaz if you are visiting this town?Here are some ideas of activities to enjoy Gustavo Diaz Ordaz.The best beaches in Gustavo Diaz Ordaz to enjoy water sports:
- Playa Hornitos: A 2 km walk (18 minutes) or 2 minutes by car, heading Southwest.
- Playa Condesa: A 3 km walk (42 minutes) or 4 minutes by car, heading Southeast.
- Playa Hornos: A 4 km walk (50 minutes) or 5 minutes by car, heading Southwest.
- Playa Icacos: A 7 km walk (67 minutes) or 10 minutes by car, heading Southeast.
- Cerro El Veladero (srw al wladrw, سرو ال ولادرو) (918 meters): 6.2 km walk (128 minutes), heading Northwest.
- Cerro Icacos (82 meters): 8.5 km walk (109 minutes), heading East.
- Cerro El Vigía (457 meters): 9.1 km walk (121 minutes), heading Southeast.
- Cerro Aguacatillo (28 meters): 10.5 km walk (179 minutes), heading Northeast.
- Acapulco de Juárez (658609 inhabitants): Located 2 km to the West (3 minutes by car)
- Colonia Praderas de Guadalupe (481 inhabitants): Located 4 km to the North (4 minutes by car)
- Colonia Nueva Luz (618 inhabitants): Located 5 km to the North (6 minutes by car)
- Carabalí (380 inhabitants): Located 5 km to the North (5 minutes by car)
- Colonia Loma Larga (El Basurero) (791 inhabitants): Located 6 km to the North (7 minutes by car)
#3 El Código Postal de Gustavo Diaz Ordaz (Acapulco de Juárez) es 39670
If you have a friend in this locality and want to send him/her a letter or a gift by postal mail, you will be interested in knowing the Zip Code of Gustavo Diaz Ordaz. Please write the following 5 digits: 39670. The first two digits ("39") correspond to the state of Guerrero, and the last three are linked to the town itself, although there may be several towns sharing the same Postal Code.
#4 Vote for Gustavo Diaz Ordaz as the most beautiful town in Mexico
Do you like Gustavo Diaz Ordaz or don't you like it very much? Now you can vote for Gustavo Diaz Ordaz to let everyone know about it. Use these stars ("0" you don't like it much, "5" you like it a lot) to rate it with your opinion.
#5 Comments and opinions about Gustavo Diaz Ordaz
#6 All towns in the municipality of Acapulco de Juárez
Here you have a list, sorted alphabetically, of all the towns (even the smallest) in the municipality of Acapulco de Juárez, with maps, pictures and statistics.
Fast food in Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, delivery and take-away
Here you are more Towns in the Municipality of Acapulco de Juárez:
- Campanario (1459 inhabitants)
- Colonia Ángel Heladio Aguirre Rivero (191 inhabitants)
- Colonia el Pedregal (- inhabitants)
- Colonia Loma Larga (El Basurero) (791 inhabitants)
- Colonia Vista Hermosa de las Flores (105 inhabitants)
- El Cajelito (4 inhabitants)
- Huerta El Uno (1 inhabitants)
- José Francisco Martínez Clark (- inhabitants)
- Kilómetro Treinta y Dos (Colonia la Unión) (180 inhabitants)
- La Cámara (- inhabitants)
- Las Chanecas (567 inhabitants)
- Lomas del Aire (495 inhabitants)
- Mirita de los Reyes (77 inhabitants)
- Rancho Eusebio Sequeida Ozuna (12 inhabitants)
- Rancho Viejo (- inhabitants)