Municipality of Pinal de Amoles

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Pinal de Amoles through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Pinal de Amoles, Ahuacatlán de Guadalupe, or Sauz de Guadalupe.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and pictures of the beautiful towns of the State of Querétaro Arteaga by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Pinal de Amoles?

Pinal de Amoles is a Municipality of 27093 inhabitants, placed in the State of Querétaro Arteaga, with a birth rate of 3.51 children per woman. 3.93% of the population migrated from outside the State of Querétaro Arteaga. 0.57% of the population is indigenous, 0.29% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

95.50% of the inhabitants of Pinal de Amoles are Catholic, 33.25% are economically active and, within this active population, 85.82% are employed. Additionally, 56.83% of the housings have piped water and 1.65% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Pinal de Amoles?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Pinal de Amoles and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Pinal de Amoles? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Pinal de Amoles through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Pinal de Amoles. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Pinal de Amoles. As an example, you can find towns and places around Pinal de Amoles.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Pinal de Amoles

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Pinal de Amoles:

Which is my place if I live in Pinal de Amoles?

Adjunta de Gatos (78 inhabitants)
Adjuntas de Ahuacatlán (163 inhabitants)
Agua Amarga (421 inhabitants)
Agua del Maíz (182 inhabitants)
Agua Fría (201 inhabitants)
Agua Fría de Gudiño (122 inhabitants)
Agua Verde (64 inhabitants)
Aguacate de Morelos (128 inhabitants)
Aguacate de San Pedro (78 inhabitants)
Ahuacatlán de Guadalupe (1897)
Alejandría de Morelos (168)
Arquitos (218)
Barranca del Plátano (103)
Barrio de la Loma de San Pedro (60)
Bucareli (265)
Carrizal de Adjuntas (143)
Casas Viejas (Agua Enterrada San Carlos) (150)
Cerro del Carmen (64)
Ciénega de San Juan (148)
Coatlán de los Ángeles (226)
San Martín (29)
Cuatro Palos (101)
Cuervo de San Rafael (38)
Cuesta Blanca (109)
Cuesta Colorada de Huazquilíco (97)
Cuesta de Huazmazontla (102)
Derramadero de Bucareli (369)
Derramadero de Juárez (510)
Durazno de San Francisco (138)
El Arpa (66)
El Cantón (180)
El Carrizalito (197)
El Chuveje (68)
El Cuervo (38)
El Cuervo de San Pedro (61)
El Durazno Grande (108)
El Encino (32)
El Gallo (138)
El Limón (32)
El Limón de la Cruz (42)
El Llano de Huazquilíco (137)
El Madroño (338)
El Mastranto (112)
El Mezquite (65)
El Murciélago (69)
El Naranjo (53)
El Pedregal (70)
El Plátano (72)
El Ranchito (438)
El Refugio (211)
El Rodezno (174)
El Tambor de Huazquilíco (94)
El Tejocote (34)
El Timbre de Guadalupe (125)
Encino de Ahuacatlán (119)
Epazotes Grandes (169)
Epazotitos (150)
Escanelilla (501)
Hornitos (58)
Huajales (268)
Huazquilíco (76)
Huilotla (311)
Joyas de Bucareli (141)
Joyas del Derramadero (57)
Joyas del Real (115)
La Angostura (34)
La Barranca (502)
La Barrosa (65)
La Cañada (178)
La Cebolla (105)
La Charca (84)
La Ciénega (286)
La Colgada (314)
La Dinamita (86)
La Escondida (31)
La Esperanza (48)
La Joya de Ahuacatlán (296)
La Joya de Santa Águeda (66)
La Loma de la Ciénega (35)
La Meca (35)
La Mesa (96)
La Mesa de la Barranca (25)
La Mohonera (490)
La Morita (193)
La Quebradora (89)
La Sierrita (64)
La Tinaja (503)
La Troja (131)
La Yerbabuena (128)
Laguna de Pitzquintla (34)
Las Adjuntas (105)
Las Cruces (56)
Las Escaleras (33)
Las Guayabas (80)
Las Majaditas (37)
Las Mesas de Santa Inés (214)
Lindero del Tejamanil (33)
Llano de San Francisco (215)
Loma Larga (Santa Cecilia) (165)
Los Pinos (369)
Maby (192)
Maguey Blanco (283)
Magueycitos (127)
Manzanillos (32)
Mesa de Ramírez (61)
Mesas de San José (45)
Otomites (51)
Buenavista (60)
Peña Alta (86)
Pie de la Cuesta (111)
Piedra Parada de Santa Rosa (52)
Pinal de Amoles (2382)
Potrerillos (167)
Puerto Colorado (246)
Puerto de Alejandría (183)
Puerto de Escanelilla (481)
Puerto de Huilotla (53)
Puerto de Pujunguía (138)
Puerto de Tejamaníl (81)
Puerto de Tenamaxtle (30)
Puerto de Vigas (217)
Puerto del Derramadero (137)
Puerto del Oro (53)
Puerto del Perico (83)
Puerto del Rodezno (82)
Puerto del Sabino (32)
Puerto Hondo (111)
Puerto Hondo (27)
Puerto Pinto (26)
Quirambal (263)
Rancho Nuevo (166)
Rancho Nuevo Dos (94)
Río Escanela (224)
Rincón de Pitzquintla (214)
San Antonio del Pelón (34)
San Gaspar (364)
San Isidro (165)
San Isidro (206)
San José Cochinito (164)
San Pedro Escanela (419)
San Pedro Viejo (533)
Santa Águeda (443)
Sauz de Arroyo Hondo (122)
Sauz de Guadalupe (710)
Temazcales (77)
Tierras Coloradas (77)
Tonatico (304)
Tres Cruces (185)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Pinal de Amoles:

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