
There won’t be any “Physical Wall” between U.S. and Mexico and it’s “only symbolic”, according to Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Adviser

Walid Phares has been working as an adviser on foreign affairs for the Republican Presidential candidates for several years, starting with Mitt Romney and then with the 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump. He grew up in Beirut, emigrated to the United States in 1990, and he is an expert in several topics of foreign issues […]


Cool photo of the Mexico City Metro

The photographer Luis I. Sánchez made the most of this trip to Mexico City to visit the metro system and take this cool photo of the Copilco Station, close to the campus of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), and the penultimate stop along the southern portion of Line 3 (the olive green one). […]


Flight over Teziutlán with a drone

The city of Teziutlán is located in the State of Puebla, and there are 60,597 inhabitants. It is known because of the Main Cathedral, the Chapel of Our Lady of Carmen (built on a small hill), and the landscapes. A group of young people recorded with a drone this beautiful footage of the Cathedral and […]


Almost run over at a crossing in Australia

It happened in Toowoomba, a city in southern Queensland, Australia. An older man failed to stop in a pedestrian crossing and did not give way to a woman, almost running her over. Just by centimeters! The driver which recorded the video saw this car approaching fastly from the rear, sounding the horn to warn the […]


The Spanish teacher who became a Youtube star with his Buenos Dias video

At Turner High School in Kansas City, KS, there is a Spanish teacher who became a Youtube Star after two of his pupils filmed him quietly everyday when the teacher walked into the room tellng “Buenos días” to his students. The energetic greetings Andrew Ward got thousands of visit at Youtube, as these salutes are […]

Mexico Videos

Mayor of a Mexican town marries a crocodile to bring luck to locals

The small town of San Pedro Huamelula is located in the South of the State of Oaxaca, Mexico. There are 2,247 inhabitants. According to a tradition from the year 1789, if the mayor of the village marries a female crocodile, the local fishermen of San Pedro Huamelula will get good luck and prosperity, obtaining huge […]


The first umbrella user in England had to put up with insults and pelted trash

Although we find the use of umbrellas as an everyday fact when it is raining, in mid 18th century in England they were unknown rare gadgets coming from France and reserved for the noblewomen of that country to protect themselves from the sun. However, an unconventional English traveler named Jonas Hanway was the responsible to […]