
Germany is closing their coal mines to transform them into pumped hydro batteries for wind and solar

Starting in 2018, Germany will no longer operate hard coal mines. However, these abandoned mines could receive a new life to make a great contribution to the development of renewable energy in the country. They could start to store the excess of wind and solar power during the hours with high renewable production by pumping […]


Elon Musk advocates for a Direct Current world. War of Currents II?

During the first decades of the history of the electricity, Direct Current (DC) was the standard in the use of this kind of energy. However, this way to produce and deliver the electricity had a big problem: it was not easy to convert to higher or lower voltages. And then, in late 19th Century the […]

Mexico Videos

Town of Mexico which suffered fireworks explosion honors the victims with another pyrotechnic show

Millions of people worldwide watched the astonishing footage of the fireworks explosions in Tultepec, occurred at the San Pablito Market five days before Christmas Day. It was probably caused accidentally by accumulated gas from the fireworks, around 40 people were killed, dozens injured, and the market was reduced to a heap of rubble. This city […]


Inventor of lithium-ion batteries introduces a new safer and faster-charging cell

John B. Goodenough (age 94) is currently a professor of mechanical engineering and materials science in the Cockrell School of Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, but he is broadly known as one of the inventorsm, along with Mizushima, Jones, and Wiseman, of the Li-ion rechargeable batteries which have helped the development of […]