Information and updated data of Fracc El Vergel in Estado de México: postal code, location, maps. Places to eat.
¿Quieres localizar la población de de Fracc El Vergel (Colonia)? Es un lugar emplazado dentro de la localidad más grande de Chicoloapan de Juárez, que está ubicada en the Municipality de Chicoloapan (en the State de Estado de México). The Magical Town of San Martín de las Pirámides is 49 minutes away by car (46 km). It is located exactly 4.88 km (towards E) from the geographic center of the Chicoloapan municipal area. From the town center of Chicoloapan de Juárez, you can get there in 2.06 km in the NE direction.
#1 Mapa y foto satelital de Fracc El Vergel (Chicoloapan)
Enjoy the pleasure of navigating through a satellite photo of your town, so you can get a close look at a house, the school where you studied, or a specific place. Through the following map you can, with the controls of the superior left zone, make zoom approaching (+) or moving away (-). The locality of Fracc El Vergel is centered on the image, and you will discover it with the symbol
#2 What to do in Fracc El Vergel
Want to know what to see in Fracc El Vergel if you are visiting this town?Here are some ideas of activities to enjoy Fracc El Vergel.Las mejores montes de Fracc El Vergel para excursiones y actividades al aire libre:
- Chimalhuachi (2524 meters): 6.3 km walk (95 minutes), heading Southwest.
- Xolcuango (2452 meters): 6.5 km walk (93 minutes), heading South.
- Cerro Tepetitlan (2398 meters): 6.6 km walk (102 minutes), heading East.
- Cerro Cuetlapanca (2393 meters): 9.6 km walk (134 minutes), heading Southeast.
- San Martín de las Pirámides (Estado de México): Don't miss "Río Barranquilla del Águila", 49 km, heading North (46 minutes by car)
- Otumba de Gómez Farías (México): Don't miss "Parroquia de San Juan Evangelista", 49 km, heading Northeast (47 minutes by car)
- Santa Martha (9641 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the Northeast (1 minutes by car)
- Chicoloapan de Juárez (193532 inhabitants): Located 3 km to the East (5 minutes by car)
- El Jardín (Rancho el Jardín) (117 inhabitants): Located 3 km to the North (3 minutes by car)
- Santiago Cuautlalpan (11849 inhabitants): Located 4 km to the Northeast (4 minutes by car)
- Rancho la Cabaña (1629 inhabitants): Located 4 km to the East (4 minutes by car)
#3 El Código Postal de Fracc El Vergel (Chicoloapan) es 56375
Knowing the Zip Code of Fracc El Vergel is essential to be able to send any letter or package through the Postal Service, and to be sure that it will reach its addressee in this location. Remember to write "56375" at the end of the postal address. As a curiosity of the Mexican Postal System, you should know that the first two digits of the Postal Code (in this case, "56") are those of the State of Estado de México, while the final three digits correspond to the locality itself. Don't worry if you see that several locations in the same area have the same postal code, because it is common.
#4 Vote for Fracc El Vergel as the most beautiful town in Mexico
Do you like Fracc El Vergel or don't you like it very much? Now you can vote for Fracc El Vergel to let everyone know about it. Use these stars ("0" you don't like it much, "5" you like it a lot) to rate it with your opinion.
#5 Comments and opinions about Fracc El Vergel
#6 All towns in the municipality of Chicoloapan
Here you have a list, sorted alphabetically, of all the towns (even the smallest) in the municipality of Chicoloapan, with maps, pictures and statistics.
Restaurants to eat in Fracc El Vergel
Here you are more Towns in the Municipality of Chicoloapan:
- Barrio San Patricio (92 inhabitants)
- Buenavista (Xolcuango) (- inhabitants)
- Centro Turístico Ejidal Ejido de Chicoloapan (83 inhabitants)
- Ejido la Copalera (704 inhabitants)
- Ejido la Venta Cuautlalpan (1395 inhabitants)
- La Noria (72 inhabitants)
- Loma de Guadalupe (139 inhabitants)
- Loma San Pedro (1350 inhabitants)
- Mirador Tezaluca (259 inhabitants)
- Paraje el Zapote (57 inhabitants)
- Pozo Número Cuatro (San Juan) (367 inhabitants)
- Pozo Número Uno (La Trinidad) (70 inhabitants)
- Rancho la Cabaña (1629 inhabitants)
- San Diego (18 inhabitants)
- San Pablo Escalerillas (- inhabitants)