Tanque los Carrizos
Maps, pictures and statistics of Tanque los Carrizos, a beautiful tiny town of 9 inhabitants of the State of Aguascalientes
The town of Tanque los Carrizos belongs to the municipality of Aguascalientes (State of Aguascalientes). There are 9 inhabitants and it is 1,860 meters altitude. The Magical Town of San José de Gracia is 51 minutes away by car (44 km). It is the most populated town in the position #319 of the whole municipality.
In 2020, the authorities declared it uninhabited.
To locate this beautiful town inside the municipality, you must know that Tanque los Carrizos is located at 4.3 kilometers (in direction West) from the locality of Aguascalientes, which is the one that has more inhabitants inside the municipality. With our webpage and with our satelital map that you can find below, you can know where is and visit the surroundings of Tanque los Carrizos.
#1 Where is Tanque los Carrizos? How to go? Map
Online map of Tanque los Carrizos in Aguascalientes, with an interactive cartography with which you can see closely the town, centered on
Do you want to know if your last name is among the most common in the Aguascalientes State? Here is a complete list of the most popular ones
#2 The population of Tanque los Carrizos (Aguascalientes) is 9 inhabitants
Year | Female Inhabitants | Male inhabitants | Total population |
2010 | 9 |
#3 Satellite photo of Tanque los Carrizos
With the satellite map of Tanque los Carrizos will I be able to look for my location? Yes, access the map, zoom in and see the surroundings of this town and the municipality of Aguascalientes. Get free live access to satellite views of 2024 of Tanque los Carrizos.
#4 Hotels and Accommodation near Tanque los Carrizos
Do you want to stay in Tanque los Carrizos? We don't have any hotel registered in this town, but you can check in this list of the closest accommodations to Tanque los Carrizos:- ADMINISTRACION BB LINIET SA DE CV: 3 km away, direction North (2 minutes by car)
- MOTEL REAL DE AGUASCALIENTES: 3 km away, direction South (2 minutes by car)
- ZIMMER HOUSING SERVICES: 3 km away, direction North (2 minutes by car)
- HOTEL Y VILLAS HARU: 4 km away, direction East (3 minutes by car)
#5 What to do in Tanque los Carrizos
Are you visiting and don't know what to do in Tanque los Carrizos? The list of the best places to visit in Tanque los Carrizos and nearby locations.Mountains in Tanque los Carrizos for hiking and trails:
- Cerro Mujeres (1855 meters): 12.6 km walk (194 minutes), heading Southwest.
- Cerro Picacho (2424 meters): 12.3 km walk (218 minutes), heading West.
- Cerro La Peña Blanca (2433 meters): 12.0 km walk (175 minutes), heading West.
- Cerro La Palma (2350 meters): 15.9 km walk (290 minutes), heading Southwest.
- San José de Gracia (Aguascalientes): Don't miss "Comer pacholas y membrillate", 51 km, heading North (44 minutes by car)
- Pabellón de Hidalgo (Aguascalientes): Don't miss "Ex Hacienda de San Blas", 60 km, heading North (48 minutes by car)
- Colonia la Perla (402 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the Northwest (1 minutes by car)
- San Ignacio (1815 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the Southwest (1 minutes by car)
- La Perla (7 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the North (1 minutes by car)
- La Mascota (25 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the Northwest (2 minutes by car)
- Granja la Providencia (7 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the East (2 minutes by car)
#6 Vote for Tanque los Carrizos as the most beautiful town in Mexico
Do you like Tanque los Carrizos or don't you like it very much? Now you can vote for Tanque los Carrizos to let everyone know about it. Use these stars ("0" you don't like it much, "5" you like it a lot) to rate it with your opinion.
In the following links you can check the list of the best (and most beautiful) towns in Mexico and the State of Aguascalientes, by popular vote:
- The best towns in Mexico
- The most beautiful towns in Aguascalientes
>>> Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Aguascalientes
#7 Other towns in the Municipality of Aguascalientes
- Cañada del Tabaco (21 inhabitants)
- Calvillito (Barrio de la Escuela) (4 inhabitants)
- El Jagüey (107 inhabitants)
- El Refugio II (2 inhabitants)
- El Rocío (4 inhabitants)
- Granja Lety (3 inhabitants)
- La Palanca (- inhabitants)
- La Providencia (155 inhabitants)
- Nochtli (6 inhabitants)
- Norias de Cedazo (Cedazo Norias de Montoro) (265 inhabitants)
- Norias del Paso Hondo (101 inhabitants)
- Presa de Guadalupe (- inhabitants)
- Rancho La Estrella (50 inhabitants)
- San José de la Esperanza (27 inhabitants)
- San Luis Gonzaga (38 inhabitants)