Municipality of Jiménez

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Jiménez through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as San Carlos, Jiménez, or Santa María.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Jiménez?

Jiménez is a Municipality of 9935 inhabitants, placed in the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza, with a fertility rate of 2.73 children per woman. 6.08% of the population migrated from outside the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza. 0.40% of the population is indigenous, 0.16% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

60.76% of the inhabitants of Jiménez are Catholic, 44.82% are economically active and, within this active population, 90.00% are employed. Additionally, 70.57% of the dwellings have piped water and 3.59% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Jiménez do most people live?

According to our statistics of Jiménez, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Jiménez? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Jiménez through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Jiménez. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Jiménez. As an example, you can find towns and places around San Carlos.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Jiménez

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Jiménez:

Which is my place if I live in Jiménez?

Abundio Medina (- inhabitants)
Albino Varela Herrera (- inhabitants)
Alejandro Siller (4 inhabitants)
Alfredo Martínez (- inhabitants)
Ampliación San Carlos (30 inhabitants)
Andrés Flores Castorena (19 inhabitants)
Anselma González (- inhabitants)
Antonio Reveles Vera (3 inhabitants)
Antonio Vázquez (Nueva Palestina) (13 inhabitants)
Armando Galicia (-)
Armando Vallejo (1)
Arroyo Blanco (Juan Antonio Cisneros) (3)
Aurelio Duarte Loera (2)
Balcones (3)
Balcones (Nuevos Balcones) (-)
Cabeceras (-)
Candelario Ledezma Hernández (2)
Chapa (2)
Chupadero (6)
Casa de Rescate Cristo Vive de México (144)
Cristales (290)
Cuatro More (7)
Damacio Díaz (-)
Domingo Romero Ibarra (1)
Don Beto (1)
Eduardo Tobías (-)
Efraín Martínez (1)
Egipto (-)
El Álamo (3)
El Bajío (1)
El Capricho (3)
El Carmen (-)
El Carmen (José Carlos Martínez) (1)
El Cedro (-)
El Coyote Uno (-)
El Divisadero (107)
El Encinal (-)
El Federal (4)
El Meño (2)
El Olmo (-)
El Orégano (461)
El Orégano (-)
El Papalote del Venado (-)
El Paraíso (2)
El Pilar (Presa el Centenario) (7)
El Pinto (Josué Santana Hernández) (-)
El Potrillo (1)
El Refugio (1)
El Salto (2)
El Tinaco (Hermín Valdez Torres) (-)
El Vado (Los Álamos) (-)
El Vallado (-)
El Viejo Campo Real (5)
Eliseo Cervantes Delgado (1)
Emiliano Zapata (Santa Elena) (106)
Ernesto Ledezma Alviso (2)
Facundo Tobías (-)
Felipe Martínez (-)
Francisco Gómez Cruz (1)
Francisco Huerta (5)
Francisco Veloz Garcés (1)
García Lemos (14)
Gaspar Banderas (7)
Gonzalo Ríos Balderas (3)
Guadalupe Hernández (9)
Gumersindo Martínez Aguilar (-)
Ignacio García (-)
Jarita (-)
Jesús Martínez (2)
Jiménez (1162)
José María Gómez (-)
José Moreno (-)
José Narváez Faz (-)
José Alberto Ríos (4)
José Lemus Martínez (1)
José López (14)
Juan Carlos Hernández Ramírez (5)
Juan García Barrera (4)
Juan Rodríguez (1)
Juan Vázquez Hernández (-)
Kilómetro 22 (San Vicente) (3)
La Aviación (2)
La Bandera (-)
La Bandera (Nueva Bandera) (63)
La Calamidad (3)
La Cascada (-)
La Fragua (2)
La Gloria (2)
La Lajita (-)
La Lonja (1)
La Muralla (235)
La Potasa (210)
La Potasa (La Mota) (-)
La Resolana (4)
La Ruidosa (1)
La Salada (-)
Ladislao Villegas R. (El Tranchetero) (1)
Las Lilas (-)
López (3)
León Martínez (-)
Los Dos Hermanos (9)
Los Juanes (4)
Los Pinos (-)
Los Potrillos (1)
Los Potros (Miguel Lozano Arízpe) (3)
Los Toritos (-)
Los Watanabe (14)
Madero del Río (468)
Madero del Río (171)
Magdalena (-)
Manuel de Jesús Pachicano (2)
Manuela Dávila (8)
María Esthela Santana (2)
Marcelino Cruz (-)
María Magdalena González González (8)
Gloria Monsiváis (5)
Miguel Hernández (-)
Néstor de la Rosa (5)
Nueva Jarita (129)
Nueva Palestina (La Y) (19)
Nuevo Balcones (8)
Nuevo Miravalles (1)
Oralia Sánchez (-)
Oro Verde (-)
Palmira (2)
Palmira (-)
Palmira (Victoria) (370)
Paso de las Mulas (1)
Patricio Cruz González (3)
Presa Centenario (-)
Presa Centenario (-)
Purísima (382)
Rancho 2H (6)
Rancho 3 V (2)
Rancho Ciudad de Dios (20)
Rancho de los Santos (1)
Rancho de Soto (2)
Rancho Gutiérrez (-)
Rancho Jóvenes del Rey (5)
Reyes Gaspar (1)
Reynaldo Castro (4)
Reynaldo Menchaca (5)
Rogelio García Arévalo (1)
Rolando de la Cruz Barrera (6)
Rubén Pérez (-)
Rumualdo Sandoval (2)
San Alberto (1)
San Carlos (3303)
San Carlos (-)
San José (3)
San José (1)
San Marcos (6)
San Matías (4)
San Miguel (-)
San Pedro (-)
San Vicente (84)
Santa Bertha (4)
Santa María (997)
Santa María (1)
Santa Rosa (222)
Santos Loera Santillán (2)
Santos Villanueva García (2)
Severo Valenzuela (1)
Tepeyac (El Capricho) (142)
Tres Puentes (-)
Vallejo (1)
Vieja Palestina (54)

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