Municipality of Cusihuiriachi

All the data of the municipality of Cusihuiriachi, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Los Álamos de Cerro Prieto, Cerro Prieto (Cerro Prieto de Abajo), or Chopeque.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Chihuahua.

Which is my place if I live in Cusihuiriachi?

Cusihuiriachi is a Municipality of 5414 inhabitants, placed in the State of Chihuahua, with a fertility rate of 2.95 children per woman. 0.79% of the population migrated from outside the State of Chihuahua. 5.62% of the population is indigenous, 3.63% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.26% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

72.33% of the inhabitants of Cusihuiriachi are Catholic, 49.31% are economically active and, within this active population, 98.62% are employed. Additionally, 95.97% of the dwellings have piped water and 1.86% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Cusihuiriachi?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Cusihuiriachi and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Cusihuiriachi? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Cusihuiriachi through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Cusihuiriachi. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Cusihuiriachi. As an example, you can find towns and places around Los Álamos de Cerro Prieto.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Cusihuiriachi

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Cusihuiriachi:

Which is my place if I live in Cusihuiriachi?

Juan Classen Los Charcos (24 inhabitants)
La Laguna (Rancho Hernández RHL) (3 inhabitants)
Acayucan (14 inhabitants)
Bajío de Abajo (212 inhabitants)
Bajío de Arriba (37 inhabitants)
Bernardo Thiesen (4 inhabitants)
Buenos Aires (- inhabitants)
Campo 26 1/2 (142 inhabitants)
Campo 28 (284 inhabitants)
Campo 26 (220)
Campo 27 (258)
Campo Veintinueve (46)
Campo 29 1/2 (Gandarilla) (34)
Campo Veintiocho y Medio (94)
Campo 27B (47)
Campo Veintisiete y Medio (33)
Capilla de los Remedios (137)
Carbajal de Abajo (120)
Carbajal de Arriba (103)
Casa Blanca (9)
Cerro Prieto (Cerro Prieto de Abajo) (324)
Cerro Prieto de Arriba (19)
Charco Azul (-)
Chihuahuita (-)
Chopeque (343)
Colonia Cusi (Ojo de Agua) (342)
Colonia México (La Lagunita) (88)
Coyachi (34)
Cusihuiriachi (97)
El Molino (-)
El Alto de Cerro Prieto (5)
Tres Montes (2)
El Durazno (-)
El Durazno (1)
El Ganso (3)
El Halcón (-)
El Jazmín (6)
El Mastranzo (114)
El Mimbre (82)
El Mortero (43)
El Nogal (Rancho de Quezada) (3)
El Ojito (44)
El Ojito (3)
El Ojo de la Canoa (5)
El Papalote (17)
El Papalote (-)
El Porfín (Rancho de Alfonso Domínguez) (9)
El Refugio (3)
El Saucito (-)
El Tanque (-)
El Taráis (-)
El Táscate (80)
El Temascal (3)
El Tres X (2)
El Tule (-)
Forestal (-)
Guarda Raya (29)
Huerta Alvarado (-)
Huerta Arroyo Seco (5)
Huerta Buenos Aires (-)
Huerta Cusi (15)
Huerta la Finca (19)
Huerta Salvador Corral (La Laguna del Pato) (7)
Huerta San Miguel (4)
Huerta Santa Rita (Rancho Medellín) (5)
Huerta Villagrán (-)
Huizochi (15)
Jesús Velasco González (3)
José Castillo (5)
La Boquilla (2)
La Cantera (30)
La Capilla (5)
La Casita (23)
La Ciénega (-)
La Enramada (-)
La Esperanza (3)
La Jara (7)
La Labor de San Antonio (14)
La Laguna de San Rafael (31)
La Loma (Remigio Rascón) (18)
La Loma (Saúl Rascón) (7)
La Manga (-)
La Manga (-)
La Morenita (11)
La Purísima (-)
La Rosetilla (7)
La Sauceda (-)
La Soledad (16)
La Unión (9)
Lagunita de San Bernabé (27)
Las Huertas (-)
Las Lupes (Rancho Domínguez) (6)
Las Margaritas (3)
Las Palmas (3)
Llanos de Reforma (132)
Loma Linda (3)
Loma Linda (6)
Los Álamos de Cerro Prieto (495)
Los Charcos (18)
Los Cuates de Arriba (13)
Los Estrada (11)
Los García (-)
Los Martínez (2)
Los Molinares (24)
Los Nogales (San Antonio) (7)
Los Terreritos (31)
Meloncillo (4)
Mesa Blanca (6)
Ocochi (-)
Quintas Familiares San Miguel (1)
Rancho Alto de Chávez (Rancho Alto Grande) (7)
Rancho Aragón (-)
Rancho Blanco (-)
Rancho Cavazos (7)
Rancho de Adán Hernández (Santa Cruz) (4)
Rancho de Domínguez (14)
Rancho de González (123)
Rancho de Homero Corral (9)
Rancho de Quintana (Las Golondrinas) (43)
Rancho Domínguez (-)
Rancho el 40 (4)
Rancho el Golfo (3)
Rancho Holguín (13)
Rancho la Finca (-)
Rancho la Finca (1)
Rancho los Cerritos (1)
Rancho Masichín (7)
Rancho Oaxaca (Dos Amigos) (2)
Rancho Ordóñez (La Soledad) (6)
Rancho Orozco (7)
Rancho San Pedro (Rancho Ordóñez Hermanos) (10)
Real de Abajo (10)
Real de Arriba (1)
San Antonio de los Nogales (4)
San Antonio de Loya (-)
San Bernabé (100)
San Gonzalo (6)
San José (3)
San Juan (-)
San Juan de la Junta (-)
San Luis (Las Chivas) (-)
San Manuel (-)
Sandoval (-)
Santa Catarina (Santa Catalina de Mendoza) (-)
Santa Elena (4)
Santa Gertrudis (-)
Santa Rita (125)
Saúl Arévalo (7)
Talayote (3)
Tierras Negras (El Ingeniero) (-)

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