Schools in Tierra Blanca (San Jerónimo Coatlán, Oaxaca)
Where to study in Tierra Blanca? Education is important, and there are many schools to choose from in teachers or distance education. Here is a list of the best schools in the State of Oaxaca.
Good schools in the Municipality of San Jerónimo Coatlán.
In the following towns in the municipality of San Jerónimo Coatlán live the students who attend the listed schools.
- Buena Vista (37 inhabitants)
- Bugambilias (120 inhabitants)
- Caulote (2 inhabitants)
- Cerro el Trabajador (8 inhabitants)
- Cerro Sol (37 inhabitants)
- El Rosario (- inhabitants)
- La Hierba Santa (34 inhabitants)
- La Providencia (40 inhabitants)
- Las Palmas (725 inhabitants)
- Llano de León (537 inhabitants)
- Poza Preñada (El Toreño) (- inhabitants)
- Río Piedra (243 inhabitants)
- San Jerónimo Coatlán (918 inhabitants)
- Tierra Blanca (24 inhabitants)
- Tlachicón (- inhabitants)