Municipality of Loreto

All the data of the municipality of Loreto, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Loreto, Ensenada Blanca, or Ligüí.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Baja California Sur.

Which is my place if I live in Loreto?

Loreto is a Municipality of 16738 inhabitants, placed in the State of Baja California Sur, with a fertility rate of 2.29 children per woman. 25.34% of the population migrated from outside the State of Baja California Sur. 2.19% of the population is indigenous, 2.00% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.09% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

81.95% of the inhabitants of Loreto are Catholic, 58.44% are economically active and, within this active population, 96.66% are employed. Additionally, 85.66% of the dwellings have piped water and 25.59% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Loreto do most people live?

According to our statistics of Loreto, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Loreto? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Loreto through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Loreto. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Loreto. As an example, you can find towns and places around Loreto.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Loreto

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Loreto:

Which is my place if I live in Loreto?

La Última Agua (11 inhabitants)
Agua Amarga (- inhabitants)
Agua Amarga Dos (2 inhabitants)
El Agua Bonita (2 inhabitants)
Los Aguajitos (5 inhabitants)
Agua Escondida (6 inhabitants)
Agua Verde (7 inhabitants)
Álamo (2 inhabitants)
El Arroyo del León (- inhabitants)
Arroyo de Parras (-)
Buenavista (-)
Canipolé (3)
El Carrizalito (-)
Centro de Readaptación Social (-)
Cerro Blanco (-)
Chula Vista (4)
Depósito de Leche del Valle (-)
Ejido Loreto al Sur (11)
El 47 (-)
El Aguaje (7)
El Batequito (-)
El Belén (-)
El Bombedor (-)
El Cardonal (3)
El Carrizalito (-)
El Cayuquito (-)
El Cimarrón (4)
El Copalito (3)
El Corralito (5)
El Divisadero (6)
El Edén (-)
El Entronque de Agua Verde (-)
El Horno (-)
El Imposible (3)
El Manglito (6)
El Manguito (-)
El Mauto (4)
El Mezquite (10)
El Molino (-)
El Palmar (-)
El Palmarcito (3)
El Palo Blanco (4)
El Palo Chino (-)
El Pasito (11)
El Púa (3)
El Peloteado (6)
El Picacho (-)
La Mesa (3)
El Puertito (1)
El Rincón (-)
El Rincón (5)
El Rosarito (-)
El Salto (-)
El Saucito (2)
El Saucito (2)
El Saucito (5)
El Sauzalito (-)
El Segundo Paso (18)
El Troquero (-)
El Tulillo (6)
El Volcán (-)
Ensenada Blanca (227)
Hacienda Guadalupe (-)
El Huatamote (6)
Huatamote Viejo (1)
Inchá (-)
Isla Nuestra Señora del Carmen (1)
Jacobo (4)
Juncalito (12)
Kilómetro 115 (-)
Kilómetro 5 (-)
Taller Autopartes Y Servicios Díaz (-)
Rancho Guadalupe (2)
Las Brisas (2)
La Altagracia (5)
La Angostura (-)
La Ascensión (3)
La Calera (2)
La Capilla (-)
La Tinaja del Caracol (1)
La Cruz (8)
La Cúpula (5)
Danzante Bay (59)
La Engañosa (5)
La Fortuna (20)
La Giganta (12)
La Herradura (7)
La Herradura (2)
La Higuera (4)
La Higuerita (22)
La Ilusión (2)
La Ladrillera 2 (-)
La Mesa del Chivato (-)
La Morena (4)
La Piedra Rayada (3)
La Pila (3)
La Pila (-)
La Pitaya (2)
La Poza de Teresa (-)
La Presa (-)
Rancho Nuevo Dos (2)
La Presa (10)
La Venta (-)
La Virgencita (4)
Las Ánimas (-)
Las Bebelamas (1)
Las Cuevas (5)
Las Huertas (2)
Las Palmas (2)
Las Parras (-)
Las Piedras Rodadas (3)
Las Pozas (-)
Ligüí (248)
Lomas Altas (5)
Lomas Lindas (3)
Loreto (16311)
Aguajitos (-)
Los Búfalos (14)
Los Cachorones (4)
Los Chamacos (-)
Los Corrales (2)
Los Corrales (11)
Los Corrales Dos (4)
Los Dolores (13)
Los Palos Fierros (2)
Los Seris (2)
Los Sestiaderos (-)
Lote 1 (6)
Lote 11 (15)
Lote 2-A (8)
Lote 26 (-)
Lote 3-A (-)
Lote 60 (-)
Lote 67 (4)
Lote 9-A (-)
Lote 9-B (3)
Los Mangos (8)
Monte Alto (2)
Monte Cabello (1)
Naocojoa (-)
Nopoló (103)
Notri (-)
Nuevo Santa Rosa (-)
Tripuí (Trailer Park) (5)
Palo Blanco (-)
El Paso de Santa Cruz (8)
Pénjamo (5)
La Poza de González (6)
La Poza Seca (5)
La Poza Verde (6)
El Pozo Redondo (2)
Puerto Agua Verde (210)
Puerto Escondido (-)
Punta Ballena (2)
Rancho Escondido (3)
Rancho Nuevo (3)
Rancho Nuevo (2)
Rancho San Judas (1)
Rancho Viejo (2)
Rancho Viejo (3)
Rentoy (2)
San Antonio (2)
San Antonio (-)
San Antonio de la Higuera (2)
San Ángel (4)
San Bruno (-)
San Bruno (-)
San Carlos (-)
Rancho San Cosme (15)
San Cosme (11)
San Enrique (-)
San Gregorio (4)
San Guillermo (1)
San Ignacio (2)
San Javier (155)
San Juan (3)
San Juan Londó (6)
San Juaniquito (40)
San Lucas (2)
San Matías (-)
San Nicolás (90)
San Pedro (-)
San Pedro (-)
San Vicente (2)
Santa Cruz (5)
Santa Inés (5)
Santa Isabel (6)
Santa Martha (-)
Santa Rosa (-)
Santo Domingo (2)
Tecoragui (10)
Timbabichi (22)
Tiombó (-)
Uña de Gato (3)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Loreto:

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