Municipality of San Andrés Tuxtla

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of San Andrés Tuxtla through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as San Andrés Tuxtla, Comoapan, or Salto de Eyipantla.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and pictures of the beautiful towns of the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in San Andrés Tuxtla?

San Andrés Tuxtla is a Municipality of 157364 inhabitants, placed in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, with a birth rate of 2.50 children per woman. 3.39% of the population migrated from outside the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave. 1.12% of the population is indigenous, 0.48% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

72.91% of the inhabitants of San Andrés Tuxtla are Catholic, 45.93% are economically active and, within this active population, 96.25% are employed. Additionally, 91.96% of the housings have piped water and 6.49% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of San Andrés Tuxtla?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of San Andrés Tuxtla and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about San Andrés Tuxtla? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of San Andrés Tuxtla through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of San Andrés Tuxtla. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of San Andrés Tuxtla. As an example, you can find towns and places around San Andrés Tuxtla.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of San Andrés Tuxtla

List with all the towns in the Municipality of San Andrés Tuxtla:

Which is my place if I live in San Andrés Tuxtla?

Úrsulo Galván (51 inhabitants)
Abrevadero (1322 inhabitants)
Adolfo Ruiz Cortines (286 inhabitants)
Adolfo Ruiz Cortines (35 inhabitants)
Ahuacapan (436 inhabitants)
Ampliación Caravaca (Kilómetro 30) (75 inhabitants)
Apixita (563 inhabitants)
Arroyo de Limón (345 inhabitants)
Arroyo de Liza (412 inhabitants)
Axochio (1411)
Balzapote (407)
Belén Grande (60)
Bella Vista (169)
Benito Juárez (937)
Bezuapan (687)
Buenos Aires Texalpan (2412)
Buenos Aires Xoteapan (1008)
Calería (4066)
Casa Blanca (71)
Cebadilla Chica (503)
Cebadilla Grande (520)
Cerro Amarillo de Abajo (568)
Cerro Amarillo de Arriba (756)
Cerro las Iguanas (1986)
Cerro Venado Laguna Encantada (38)
Chilapan (83)
Chuniapan de Abajo (933)
Chuniapan de Arriba (2364)
Cobaltepec (221)
Colonia Benito Juárez (68)
Colonia el Paraíso (136)
Colonia el Zacatal (78)
Colonia Habitat (179)
Colonia los Cocuites (186)
Colonia Proviva (66)
Comoapan (5426)
Costa de Oro (Arroyo de Oro) (472)
Coyoltepec (378)
Cuauhtémoc (160)
Cuesta Amarilla (1047)
Cuesta de Laja (1445)
Dos Aguajes (330)
Dos Arroyos (40)
Dos de Abril (Montepío Chiquito) (287)
El Bebedero (300)
El Cafetal (33)
El Cebollal (121)
El Crucero de Matacapan (539)
El Diamante (197)
El Huidero (1153)
El Laurel (1450)
El Laurel Viejo (150)
El Nacaxtle (213)
El Nopal (446)
El Paraíso (127)
El Polvorín (672)
El Popotal (902)
El Remolino (681)
El Zapote (28)
Enrique López Huitrón (384)
Estación Ohuilapan (89)
Francisco I. Madero (677)
Francisco J. Moreno (225)
Ixbiapan (283)
José María Morelos y Pavón (1042)
Bodega de Totontepec Juan Jacobo Torres (1605)
Kilómetro Tres (56)
La Aurora (94)
La Boca (315)
La Nueva Victoria (1798)
La Palma (36)
La Redonda (847)
La Técnica (46)
Laguna Escondida (44)
Laguneta (1303)
Las Delicias (65)
Las Galeras (615)
Las Limas (29)
Lauchapan (407)
Lázaro Cárdenas (123)
Ley Seis de Enero de 1915 (80)
Los Órganos (249)
Los Chontal (34)
Los Manantiales (371)
Los Mérida (702)
Los Naranjos (1021)
Los Pinos (1367)
Los Puchetas (72)
Los Tuxtlas (142)
Matacapan (1333)
Matalapan Monterrey (82)
Mazumiapan (1894)
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla (47)
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla (60)
Miltepec (196)
Montepío (188)
Movimiento Cardenista (235)
Nacimientos de Xogapan (Francisco I. Madero) (975)
Niños Héroes (89)
Nompita (111)
Nuevo Progreso (252)
Ocelota (1399)
Ohuilapan (1245)
Paso de la Vía (355)
Pizapan (228)
Plan de Xoxonata (62)
Playa Hermosa (425)
Progreso Tepánca (37)
Puerta Nueva Xoteapan (Puerta Nueva) (2085)
Rancho Nuevo (La Ceiba de Abajo) (415)
Río de Tuxtla (659)
Real de San Andrés (1139)
Revolución (136)
Ricardo Flores Magón (395)
Salinas Roca Partida (865)
Salto de Eyipantla (4008)
Salvador Díaz Mirón (El Salto Huatusco) (158)
San Andrés Tuxtla (64445)
San Antonio (67)
San Carlos (27)
San Isidro Xoteapan (San Isidro Texcaltitán) (1556)
San Joaquín (68)
San Juan (73)
San Juan de la Gloria (478)
San Leopoldo (502)
San Marcos (245)
Santa Rosa Abata (1237)
Seminario Mayor Diosesano San Andrés Apóstol (43)
Sihuapan (3803)
Sihuapan (127)
Soyata (1112)
Tepáncan (34)
Texalpan de Abajo (2000)
Texalpan de Arriba (2163)
Texcaltitán Xoteapan (Texcaltitán) (2399)
Tierra Dura (290)
Tilapan (1783)
Tonalapan (1418)
Toro Prieto (397)
Tres Zapotes (177)
Tulapan (1775)
Villas de Santa María (308)
Vista Hermosa (164)
Vista Hermosa II (152)
Xoteapan (1793)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of San Andrés Tuxtla:

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