Municipality of Medellín

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Medellín through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Fraccionamiento Puente Moreno, El Tejar, or Fraccionamiento Arboledas San Ramón.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Medellín?

Medellín is a Municipality of 59126 inhabitants, placed in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, with a fertility rate of 1.98 children per woman. 9.28% of the population migrated from outside the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave. 0.61% of the population is indigenous, 0.32% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

74.85% of the inhabitants of Medellín are Catholic, 55.76% are economically active and, within this active population, 97.17% are employed. Additionally, 70.32% of the dwellings have piped water and 12.23% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Medellín?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Medellín and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Medellín? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Medellín through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Medellín. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Medellín. As an example, you can find towns and places around Fraccionamiento Puente Moreno.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Medellín

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Medellín:

Which is my place if I live in Medellín?

Agrícola Tropical del Golfo Santa Teresa (1 inhabitants)
Agricola Karat de México (- inhabitants)
Alberto Lara Rivera (2 inhabitants)
Alvaradito (808 inhabitants)
Ampliación de los Robles (85 inhabitants)
Antorchista Aquiles Córdoba Morán (222 inhabitants)
Arroyo de Caña (- inhabitants)
Bomialvic (4 inhabitants)
Buenavista (Tasajera) (288 inhabitants)
Callejón la Viuda (17)
Callejón Piñero (8)
Canalizo (2)
Carlos Aguirre (5)
Catalán (11)
Cedral (431)
Celaya (231)
Cerro Verde (12)
Colonia Veinte de Noviembre de Medellín de Bravo (335)
Colonia Campestre Herón Proal (55)
Colonia Clara Córdoba Morán (1063)
Colonia las Mariposas (109)
Colonia Lázaro Cárdenas (491)
Colonia Vicente Guerrero Dos (65)
Concepción Ramón (2)
Crispín Maza (6)
Desviación los Robles (9)
Dieciocho de Marzo (762)
Diecisiete Negro (5)
Dos Bocas (136)
Termoeléctrica Dos Bocas (77)
Ejido el Tejar (3)
El Aguacate (1)
El Almendro (15)
El Ñor (El Potrero) (-)
El Bodegón (-)
El Cedral Dos (44)
El Cocal (3)
El Continente (Monte Mayor) (-)
El Copital (306)
El Corral (8)
El Corte (-)
El Doce (Rancho Nuevo) (282)
El Embarcadero (5)
El Escarbadero (1)
El Framboyan (7)
El Gorrión (5)
El Guasimal (404)
El Guayabo (17)
El Infiernillo (190)
El Manantial (49)
El Mangal (278)
El Mangal (2)
El Plan (4)
El Progreso (-)
El Progreso (2)
El Ramadan (Las Américas) (-)
El Recuerdo (Kilómetro 14) (-)
El Regalo (-)
El Retiro (17)
El Rosario (-)
El Rosario (4)
El Rubí (72)
El Talismán (18)
El Tejar (11144)
El Triunfo (-)
El Tucán (2)
El Vidural (-)
El Zapotal (-)
Finca Don Pablo (2)
Finca Junior (5)
Finca San Ramón (2)
Finca San Ramón (San Martín) (2)
Fraccionamiento Arboledas de San Miguel (4159)
Fraccionamiento Arboledas San Ramón (8894)
Fraccionamiento Leonardo Rodríguez Alcaine (245)
Fraccionamiento Nuevo Medellín (1065)
Fraccionamiento Paso del Campestre (-)
Fraccionamiento Puente Moreno (34913)
Fraccionamiento Residencial Marino (276)
Francisco Maza (-)
Grupo Pecuario San Antonio (1)
Guillermina Morales (2)
Ixcoalco (752)
Juan de Alfaro (569)
La Abeja (4)
La Antorcha (6)
La Aurora (2)
La Báscula (La Unión) (107)
La Bocana (Dos Bocas) (523)
La Breña (2)
La Calentura (27)
La Campalleja (-)
La Candelaria (501)
La Casa Amarilla (2)
La Chacra (7)
La Escondida (5)
La Esmeralda (106)
La Esperanza (383)
La Frontera (59)
La Gloria (770)
La Isleta (12)
La Joya (356)
La Laguna y Monte del Castillo (1864)
La Loma (Kilómetro Uno) (7)
La Manga (18)
La Pepehua (170)
La Posta (1)
La Providencia (168)
La Sabana (-)
La Sultana (2)
La Tengualala (28)
La Unión (5)
La Victoria (6)
Laguna de Loros (-)
Las Balsas (226)
Las Balsas (3)
Las Flores (21)
Las Margaritas (3)
Las Mercedes (-)
Las Palmas de Medellín (1576)
Lomas de Guerrero (64)
Lomas del Porvenir (237)
Los Anacastes (10)
Los Gavilanes (10)
Conjunto Habitacional Tinajitas (16)
Los Magueyes (2)
Los Maza (-)
Los Morales (175)
Los Ojoche (12)
Los Pichones (110)
Los Pichones del Edén (-)
Los Pinos (-)
Los Robles (3161)
Luigi (1)
María Luisa (2)
Marcos Vélez Campos (19)
Mata los Prietos (8)
Mata Ortiz (340)
Medellín (2820)
Monagas (4)
Monte Bejuco (-)
Moralillo (320)
Moreno Seco (92)
Mozambique (517)
Nueva Vida (-)
Pablo Zárate (58)
Palmira (369)
Parada de Caballo (21)
Paso Chocolate (15)
Paso Colorado (602)
Paso de los Arrieros (185)
Paso del Toro (5787)
Paso Real (13)
Pastotal (-)
Piedra Blanca (-)
Playa de Vacas (791)
Plaza de Toros (299)
Potrerillo (168)
Primero de la Palma (220)
Progreso (5)
Quenel (1)
Arroyo de Caña (6)
Rancho Chico (27)
Rancho del Padre (1161)
El Jobo (1)
El Sacrificio (3)
La Ilusión (-)
María del Rosario Yépez (-)
Rancho Moreno (Bajos del Jobo) (-)
Rancho Moyalica (4)
Rancho Noriega (Villa Orense) (-)
Rancho Nuevo (-)
Oscar Gutiérrez (-)
Rancho San Ramón (-)
Santa Lucía (-)
Rancho Tete (12)
Rincón de Pérez (102)
Rincón del Copite (188)
Rincón Jarocho (7)
Rubí (-)
Salazar (El Bosque) (27)
Salsipuedes (198)
San Francisco (154)
San Marcos (3)
San Miguel (729)
San Miguel (4)
San Rafael (6)
San Ramón (-)
Santa Cristina (7)
Santa Lucía (6)
Santa Rosa (106)
Santa Teresa (15)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Medellín:

Here you hare more Municipalities in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave