Municipality of Hidalgotitlán

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Hidalgotitlán through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Hidalgotitlán, Vicente Guerrero, or Cahuapan (Anexo Niños Héroes).

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Hidalgotitlán?

Hidalgotitlán is a Municipality of 18277 inhabitants, placed in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, with a fertility rate of 2.95 children per woman. 7.03% of the population migrated from outside the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave. 5.61% of the population is indigenous, 2.07% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.02% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

52.05% of the inhabitants of Hidalgotitlán are Catholic, 43.70% are economically active and, within this active population, 98.56% are employed. Additionally, 26.61% of the dwellings have piped water and 1.59% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Hidalgotitlán do most people live?

According to our statistics of Hidalgotitlán, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Hidalgotitlán? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Hidalgotitlán through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Hidalgotitlán. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Hidalgotitlán. As an example, you can find towns and places around Hidalgotitlán.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Hidalgotitlán

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Hidalgotitlán:

Which is my place if I live in Hidalgotitlán?

Abel Patraca Pacheco (- inhabitants)
Adalberto Tejeda (284 inhabitants)
Adolfo López Mateos (386 inhabitants)
Adolfo López Mateos Viejo (López Viejo) (26 inhabitants)
Alejandro Cortázar Santiago (Golo) (5 inhabitants)
Alfredo Hernández Salazar (4 inhabitants)
Amazonas (Tres Islas) (5 inhabitants)
Antonia Canseco Cruz (1 inhabitants)
Arroyo de la Palma (525 inhabitants)
Ángel Hernández Cruz (10)
Boca de Oro (319)
Bonanza (-)
Bonifacio Ramírez Beltrán (2)
Buenavista (55)
Campo Santo (-)
Cantarranas (5)
Casiano Reyes Morales (-)
Cerro Pelón (El Retorno) (126)
Chichonal (118)
Cielito Lindo Tres (2)
Cinco Estrellas (10)
Coapiloloya (179)
Colonia Rodolfo Sánchez Taboada (Primera Sección) (252)
Colonia Benito Juárez (209)
Colonia los Naranjos (1)
Colonia Miguel Hidalgo (5)
Colonia Miguel Hidalgo (2)
Cuatro Hermanos (16)
David Domínguez (-)
Desviación al Arrozal (-)
Domingo Ramos Rosas (4)
Don Mario (10)
Dos Arbolitos (41)
Edel Shimabuko Pérez (2)
Ejido Miguel Hidalgo (346)
El Alpozón (2)
El Amate (20)
El Apompal (24)
El Apompo (2)
El Arrozal (192)
El Cascajal (15)
El Cedrito (-)
El Chivo (-)
El Chocolín (-)
El Cinco (7)
El Cometa (30)
El Corchal (4)
El Depósito (56)
El Durazno (7)
El Fortuño (-)
El Framboyán (-)
El Gallo Giro (5)
El Higo (12)
El Hojillal (-)
El Huasteco (4)
El Infiernillo (6)
El Jícaro (-)
El Macayal (565)
El Manatí (30)
El Mango (-)
El Matadero (143)
El Mirador (10)
El Olvido (2)
El Palmar (6)
El Pípila (11)
El Progreso (258)
El Robalito (45)
El Robalo (183)
El Rompido (7)
El Salto del Matadero (218)
El Suspiro (6)
El Suspiro (6)
El Tortuguero (9)
El Zapotal (508)
El Zapotal (8)
Emigdio Fonseca Luna (7)
Emiliano Zapata (211)
Emilio Mora (2)
Estero Rabón (14)
Fortuño y Potrero Largo (216)
Galapata (74)
General Ignacio Zaragoza (Las Quinientas) (86)
Gorgonio Hernández Torres (14)
General Rodolfo Sánchez Taboada (Los Juanes) (173)
Hermanos Juárez (4)
Hidalgotitlán (4106)
Higinio Ortiz Gómez (4)
Ignacio Allende Chico (El Robalito) (95)
Ignacio Allende el Grande (476)
Isidoro Guevara (5)
Javier Ayala Cebrero (-)
Javier Rojo Gómez (373)
Jesús Hernández Salazar (8)
Juan Avilés (4)
Juan Domínguez Hernández (2)
La Amistad (16)
La Arena (137)
La Arena (8)
La Ceiba (142)
La Concepción (La Unión) (115)
La Costeña (4)
La Encantada (-)
La Esperanza (89)
La Esperanza (337)
La Fortuna (4)
La Galera (34)
La Guadalupe (143)
La Majahua (218)
La Merced (208)
La Nueva Victoria (196)
La Pera (8)
La Pera (Solosúchil) (-)
La Raya (4)
La Soledad (13)
La Soledad (16)
La Soledad (-)
La Tropical (316)
Laguna del Fortuño (43)
Las Conchas (La Colonia) (52)
Las Cruces (4)
Las Flores (8)
Las Palomas (352)
Licenciado Gabriel Ramos Millán (635)
Lindavista (Los Morales) (12)
Los Arbolitos (3)
Los Arellano (8)
Los Gavilanes (Sehualaca) (5)
Los Laureles (154)
Los Laureles (2)
Los Lirios (62)
Los Pinos (2)
Los Tulipanes (8)
Lucino Sámano (1)
Lucino Sámano Delgado (2)
Luis Hernández Salazar (3)
Mata de Plátano (77)
Mata de Plátano (5)
Matrosur (12)
Miguel San Juan (-)
Monterrosa (272)
Narciso Mendoza (24)
Nereo Padua Reyes (-)
Nueva Creación Abundancia (122)
Nuevo Mundo (31)
Nuevo Paraíso (62)
Nuevo Poblado (15)
Palo Alto (Sitio Viejo) (74)
Paulino Hernández Benítez (-)
Perfecto Valenzuela (6)
Plan de Pericos (-)
Playa Grande (78)
Primero de Mayo (471)
Rancho Azteca (4)
El Arroyito (9)
El Capulín (-)
El Recuerdo (2)
El Roble (21)
El Tesoro del Palmar (7)
Las Lomas (3)
Los García (7)
Rancho Primavera (5)
San Antonio (1)
Santa Anita (11)
Reubicación Paraíso (53)
Rodolfo Sánchez Taboada (Tercera Sección) (44)
San Antonio (24)
San Carlos (619)
San Fernando (1)
San Fernando (-)
San Francisco de Asís (El Salvador) (-)
San Isidro (5)
San José (97)
San José (4)
San José (2)
San Marcos (80)
San Martín (-)
San Pedro (5)
Santa Anita (9)
Segunda Sección las Flores (33)
Sehualaca (9)
Silverio Policarpo Franco (8)
Simón Ortiz González (-)
Taxcocuayo (71)
Tenextetlán (6)
Trinidad Fonseca Luna (4)
Urbina (102)
Víctor Manuel Morales (5)
Veinte de Noviembre (13)
Vicente Guerrero (1173)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Hidalgotitlán:

Here you hare more Municipalities in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave