Municipality of Angostura

All the data of the municipality of Angostura, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: La Reforma, Angostura, or Colonia Independencia (Chinitos).

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Sinaloa.

Which is my place if I live in Angostura?

Angostura is a Municipality of 44993 inhabitants, placed in the State of Sinaloa, with a fertility rate of 2.80 children per woman. 7.88% of the population migrated from outside the State of Sinaloa. 1.05% of the population is indigenous, 0.64% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

80.30% of the inhabitants of Angostura are Catholic, 42.59% are economically active and, within this active population, 94.39% are employed. Additionally, 92.52% of the dwellings have piped water and 9.76% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Angostura?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Angostura and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Angostura? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Angostura through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Angostura. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Angostura. As an example, you can find towns and places around La Reforma.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Angostura

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Angostura:

Which is my place if I live in Angostura?

18 de Diciembre (364 inhabitants)
Acatita de los Castro (26 inhabitants)
Agrícola Paraíso (La Cochera) (- inhabitants)
Agustina Ramírez (836 inhabitants)
Alhuey (2569 inhabitants)
Alhueycito (22 inhabitants)
Angostura (5457 inhabitants)
Batamotos (348 inhabitants)
Batury (1039 inhabitants)
Bruno Beltrán García (378)
Campo Bacamopita (-)
Campo de los Espinoza (1)
Campo el General (427)
Campo Gaxiola (2)
Campo las Maravillas (-)
Morelia (12)
Rancho Niño Gastón (11)
Campo San Manuel (4)
Campo San Miguel (-)
Campo Zanaria (2)
Capomones (66)
Capomos (741)
Caseta Ciento Veintidós (-)
Caseta de Cobro Alhuey (10)
Caseta de Sección 37 (1)
Caseta Número Dos (3)
Cerro Angostura (112)
Cerro de en Medio (Cerro de Don Bacilio) (5)
Cerro de los Sánchez (172)
Cerro Segundo (126)
Chumpilihuiztle (334)
Colonia Agrícola México (Palmitas) (2258)
Colonia Agrícola Sinaloa (749)
Colonia Independencia (Chinitos) (3170)
Comercializadora de Granos Patrón (139)
Corea (-)
Costa Azul (1457)
Dámaso Cárdenas (300)
Doce de Octubre (La Sonrisa) (124)
Doroteo López [Doroteo López (6)
Ejido Independencia (864)
El Ébano (1053)
El Batallón (El Batallón de los Payanes) (122)
Beceraje (1)
El Bonete (28)
El Cachorón (La Esmeralda) (34)
El Campito (-)
Corralón Municipal (-)
Delia Moreno (-)
El Ebanito (33)
El Encanto (-)
El Esterón (17)
El Fuerte (17)
El Guayacanal (2)
El Hijito (-)
El Llano (291)
El Molino (42)
El Norteño (11)
El Nuevo Ostional (248)
El Ostional (-)
El Pitahayal (-)
El Playón (13)
Rancho el Potrero (1)
El Ranchito (155)
El Rodeo (-)
El Saucito (81)
Agrojer del Évora (-)
Empaque San Francisco (-)
Empaque San Manuel (3)
Entronque Carretera Angostura-Reforma (3)
Estación Acatita (644)
Granja de Raymundo Osuna (5)
Granja San Manuel (-)
Guayparime (11)
Gustavo Díaz Ordaz (Campo Plata) (1016)
Rancho de Benjamín Haras del Évora (-)
Ignacio Allende (317)
Jesús Bejarano [Jesús Bejarano (1)
Jorge Alonso Peñuelas Domínguez [Jorge Alonso Peñuelas Domínguez (4)
Juan de la Barrera Número Dos (122)
La Agustinita Loca (11)
La Cercada (246)
La Choya (-)
La Colorada (187)
La Esperanza (1604)
Ana María Espinoza [Ana María Espinoza (3)
Rancho La Gastritis (5)
La Ilama (274)
La Isleta (197)
La Isleta (-)
La Loma (85)
La Otra Banda (-)
La Palapa (4)
La Palma (1132)
La Pocita (2)
La Primavera (462)
La Providencia (17)
Entronque a San Isidro La Ramada (1)
La Reforma (6596)
La Rosita (43)
La Unión (329)
Laguna del Monte (-)
Las Flores (8)
Las Infamias (118)
Las Tatemitas (129)
Las Tunas (6)
Leopoldo Sánchez Celis (El Gato de Lara) (2242)
Llano Grande (9)
Los Achires (5)
Los Cedritos (-)
Los Gatones (1)
Los Tesitos (3)
María Lidia Gallardo Castro [María Lidia Gallardo Castro (4)
Mascareño (Siboney) (4)
Mojolo (12)
Nacozari (143)
Norotal (-)
Nuevo Laredo (4)
Palos Verdes (27)
Playa Colorada (840)
Évora Comercializadora de Granos [Évora Comercializadora de Granos (3)
Protomártir de Sinaloa (316)
Rafael Buelna (266)
Cuatro Milpas (-)
Rancho Bigotes (1)
Rancho Blancartes (1)
Rancho Chapo Arce (11)
Paredón Colorado (1)
Rancho Contreras (7)
Rancho de Isabel Rodríguez (-)
El Álamo (1)
El Coyote (-)
El Gavilán (-)
La Granja (6)
Rancho el Paraiso (-)
El Pino (1)
Rancho Juan Colorado (1)
Los Dos Capules (2)
Las Flores (-)
Los Pozos (-)
Rancho Medardo Armenta (2)
Pista del Camarón (-)
Rancho el Cerco (1)
Rancho Rosario Romo (-)
Rancho Víctor González (-)
Vinoramal (-)
Manuel Bojórquez [Manuel Bojórquez (6)
Salsipuedes (2)
San Antonio (178)
San Eligio (2)
San Isidro (1116)
San Luciano (435)
San Manuel (-)
Santa María del Playón (9)
Santa Rita (62)
Soyopa (7)
Toberi (121)
Valentín Gómez Farías (El Muerto) (363)
Villa del Carmen (-)
Vinaterías (-)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Angostura:

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