Restaurants in Santa Rosalía

Thinking about eating in Santa Rosalía (Baja California Sur)? Fancy an Italian restaurant or a seafood restaurant?

Restaurants near you in Santa Rosalía. You may find the following map useful, it includes a selection of the best restaurants, to ask even if they offer take-away food.

CafÉ Boca2 (at Avenida Manuel F. Montoya), Restaurante Tercos Pollito (at Calle Álvaro ObregÓn), Restaurant En Santa RosalÍa (at Calle Transpeninsular) or Restaurant El Muelle (at Calle Plaza) are well-known restaurants in Santa Rosalía where you can go for dinner.

Zoom in this interactive map to check if the restaurant of Santa Rosalía has a terrace or is close to where you are.

Other food places and restaurants in Santa Rosalía

Restaurants Restaurants