Restaurants in Puerto Madero (San Benito)

Do you like vegetarian restaurants and are looking for one in Puerto Madero (San Benito)? Or are you one of those who prefer steakhouses?.

Places open for lunch in Puerto Madero (San Benito) using the interactive map below. Browse the streets and find out the best local restaurants to dine in right now.

We encourage you to reserve in restaurants such as Restaurant Paty, Restaurant Baos, Restaurante Sirena or Cocina EconÓmica Diana (at Calle Central Norte (carretera A Tapachula)), famous in Puerto Madero (San Benito).

Here is a location map of the best restaurants in Puerto Madero (San Benito). Click on each point for more information..

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Other food places and restaurants in Puerto Madero (San Benito)

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