Restaurante De Comida China Imperial Garden 2

#1 Map. How to get to Restaurante De Comida China Imperial Garden 2?

Location map of this place of restaurant, fast food business so that you can get to it easily:

Below you have all the online information of Restaurante De Comida China Imperial Garden 2, an business of restaurant located in Irapuato (Municipality: Irapuato, State: Guanajuato)

#2 Address of Restaurante De Comida China Imperial Garden 2

:: Postal address: Calle Guerrero, 1481 (Moderna)
:: Postal ZIP Code: 36690

#3 Vote for Restaurante De Comida China Imperial Garden 2 as the most beautiful town in Mexico

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Comments and opinions about Restaurante De Comida China Imperial Garden 2

#5 More local food places, eat and dine out, and restaurants in Irapuato

:: Restaurants in Irapuato (Guanajuato)
:: Pizza places in Irapuato (Guanajuato)
:: Burgers in Irapuato (Guanajuato)
:: Chicken restaurants in Irapuato (Guanajuato)
:: Street food stalls (loncherias) in Irapuato (Guanajuato)
:: Papas potatoes in Irapuato (Guanajuato)
:: Elotes (corn on the cob) in Irapuato (Guanajuato)
:: Tamales in Irapuato (Guanajuato)
:: Mexican street food in Irapuato (Guanajuato)
:: Tacos and tortas in Irapuato (Guanajuato)
:: Fast Food in Irapuato (Guanajuato)
Usual pictures of restaurants:
(These images do not belong to Restaurante De Comida China Imperial Garden 2, and they are just a proposal)