Municipality of Tulum

All the data of the municipality of Tulum, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Tulum, Ciudad Chemuyil, or Akumal.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Quintana Roo.

Which is my place if I live in Tulum?

Tulum is a Municipality of 17626 inhabitants, placed in the State of Quintana Roo, with a fertility rate of 3.02 children per woman. 2.81% of the population migrated from outside the State of Quintana Roo. 0.57% of the population is indigenous, 0.34% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

99.13% of the inhabitants of Tulum are Catholic, 51.39% are economically active and, within this active population, 95.18% are employed. Additionally, 83.83% of the dwellings have piped water and 8.97% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Tulum?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Tulum and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Tulum? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Tulum through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Tulum. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Tulum. As an example, you can find towns and places around Tulum.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Tulum

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Tulum:

Which is my place if I live in Tulum?

Áaktun Ha (1 inhabitants)
Akumal (2154 inhabitants)
Akumal Sur (15 inhabitants)
Akunynam (4 inhabitants)
Árboles Tulum (20 inhabitants)
Águila Azteca (- inhabitants)
Bahías de Punta Solimán (56 inhabitants)
Bajío del Indio (25 inhabitants)
Balam Ak'ab (1 inhabitants)
Boca Paila (3)
Cachito de Cielo (9)
Cafeto Cimarrón (15)
Camino Maya (4)
Casa Celeste (2)
Casa del Sol (2)
Casa Indi (2)
Casa Nalum (4)
Casa Tzalam (3)
Casa Wom (2)
Cayetano Nieto Colín (6)
Cenote Nooch (5)
Cenote Tho (2)
Cenote Zazil-Ha (3)
Los Gallineros de la Galera (-)
Chan Ha (1)
Chanchén Palmar (597)
Chanchen Primero (1078)
Chonita (7)
Ciudad Chemuyil (548)
Cobá (1738)
Colonia Cristal (352)
Coscusillo (-)
Crucero de las Ruinas de Tulum (1)
Don Brígido (33)
Don Renzo (1)
Dos Ceibas (-)
Dylan Chimal Herrera (6)
EA (2)
Efraín Cen (2)
Ek Che (7)
El Belén (3)
El Bimbalete (12)
El Campesino (1)
El Capulin Verde (83)
El Cedro (11)
El Durazno (10)
El Espino de Arriba (19)
El Gavilán (-)
El Lince (4)
El Madroño (20)
Casa Canario (-)
El Palancar (3)
El Tepozán (230)
El Varal (9)
El Venado (6)
El Viejo del Mar (-)
Hacienda Cobá (5)
Harumi Fandiño Sakane (4)
Hondzonot (391)
Villa Destini (-)
India Blanca (26)
Inlakech (5)
Jacinto Pat (100)
Javier Rojo Gómez (Punta Allen) (393)
Kaakulxa (5)
Alux (2)
Kilómetro Diez Punto Cinco (15)
Kilómetro Doce (40)
Kilómetro Seis (3)
Koox Campestre (9)
La Culebra (2)
La Esperanza (3)
La Jarrilla (2)
La Loma (Loma de los Jiménez) (64)
La Nueva Esperanza (2)
La Olla (El Parral) (3)
La Pescadora (1)
La Picuda (1)
La Tepoza (7)
La Unión (74)
La Unión (62)
Las Cabañas (2)
Loma Linda (2)
Lote Treinta y Uno (1)
Lotes Lum Ha (9)
Macario Gómez (884)
Alejandro Terrazas (1)
Manuel Antonio Ay (621)
Manuel Chivero (1)
María Magdalena (1)
Marités (36)
Noh Aaktun (7)
Noh Aktún (-)
Nubia Aracely González López (3)
Número Siete (1)
Océano Azul (12)
Pacha Mamá (1)
Paraíso (4)
Playa Selva (-)
Poblado de Apoyo del Hotel Dreams Tulum (1)
Pueblito Chemuyil (1)
Punta Sur (16)
Rancho Alegre (-)
Rancho Antigua (1)
Rancho Canbalan (1)
Rancho Cobá (1)
Rancho El Tigre (4)
Rancho Ixchel (7)
Rancho Machete (4)
Rancho Mauricio (3)
Rancho Morales (9)
Rancho Mucuy (2)
Rancho Najil'kaax (4)
Rancho Pakchen (1)
Rancho Paraíso (9)
Rancho Yax'muul (5)
Residencial Xcacel (2)
Restaurante Mi Amigo Faisán (2)
Retiro Maya (-)
Sac-Be (4)
Sahcab Mucuy (596)
San Agustín (-)
San Antonio de los Franco (59)
San Felipe (5)
San Isidro (-)
San José (8)
San Juan (770)
San Manuel (1)
San Martín (-)
San Mateo (2)
San Miguel (5)
San Nicolás (271)
San Pablo (1)
San Pedro (136)
San Ramón (116)
Santa María (9)
Silvia Canché (3)
Sol Caribe (1)
Sol Maya (1)
Tankah Cuatro (7)
Tankah Tres (62)
The Jungle Place (3)
The Smilling Iguana (2)
Tita Tulum (-)
Tres Hermanos (18)
Tres Nietos (Don Lupe) (5)
Tulum (33374)
Tulum Monkey Santuary (TMS) (6)
Valle de Barak (6)
Villa Dzidzilché (1)
Villa Dzidzilche (1)
Vivero [Vivero (2)
Vivienda Doña Martina (5)
Vivienda Eleazar Pool (1)
Xamach Dos (-)
Xbecal (2)
Xcacel (-)
Yakunah (1)
Yalkú (6)
Yaxché (367)
Yolis (10)
Yum' Kíim (2)

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