Municipality of Dr. Arroyo

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Dr. Arroyo through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Doctor Arroyo, La Yerba, or Los Medina.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and pictures of the beautiful towns of the State of Nuevo León by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Dr. Arroyo?

Dr. Arroyo is a Municipality of 35445 inhabitants, placed in the State of Nuevo León, with a birth rate of 3.60 children per woman. 13.86% of the population migrated from outside the State of Nuevo León. 0.24% of the population is indigenous, 0.14% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

83.33% of the inhabitants of Dr. Arroyo are Catholic, 44.19% are economically active and, within this active population, 96.54% are employed. Additionally, 53.84% of the housings have piped water and 5.22% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Dr. Arroyo?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Dr. Arroyo and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Dr. Arroyo? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Dr. Arroyo through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Dr. Arroyo. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Dr. Arroyo. As an example, you can find towns and places around Doctor Arroyo.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Dr. Arroyo

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Dr. Arroyo:

Which is my place if I live in Dr. Arroyo?

Acuña (334 inhabitants)
Agua Nueva (252 inhabitants)
Albercones (287 inhabitants)
Amaro (142 inhabitants)
Álvaro Obregón (Cruz de Costilla) (107 inhabitants)
Boquillas (299 inhabitants)
Capaderito (171 inhabitants)
Carmen de Castaño (298 inhabitants)
Carmen de la Laja (397 inhabitants)
Cerrito de Vacas (171)
Charco de la Granja (147)
Coloradas (195)
Cruz de Elorza (320)
Doctor Arroyo (11822)
El Álamo (118)
El Canelo (115)
El Cerrito del Aire (145)
El Charquillo (338)
El Consuelo (80)
El Fraile (El Coyote) (27)
El Jarro (75)
El Leoncito (55)
El Milagro (80)
El Ojo de Agua (28)
El Pequeño (65)
El Pineño (59)
El Pocito (147)
El Refugio de Apanico (41)
El Refugio de Cedillo (139)
El Refugio de las Viejas (43)
El Refugio y el Reparo (234)
El Represadero (119)
El Rucio (145)
El Salto (57)
El Tajo (67)
El Tecolote (263)
El Tepetate (41)
Emiliano Zapata (42)
Entronque los Medina (La Loma) (327)
Estanque Nuevo (60)
Guadalupe de Silva (100)
Jesús María de Berrones (251)
Jesús María y el Salto (185)
La Agüita (136)
La Bolsa (158)
La Boquilla (39)
La Chiripa (139)
La Concepción (246)
La Contra de los Chávez (37)
La Escondida de Arzola (126)
La Esperanza (28)
La Joya del Orégano (35)
La Laguna (38)
La Lagunita (95)
La Lajita (196)
La Lobera de Portillo (133)
La Mesa de Berrones (118)
La Presa de Quintero (118)
La Presita de Macías (67)
La Presita de Rueda (110)
La Punta de la Loma (26)
La Reforma (29)
La Tapona de Camarillo (329)
La Unión y el Cardonal (407)
La Yerba (853)
La Zorra (31)
Lagunita de Castillo (425)
Lagunita y Ranchos Nuevos (75)
Las Catorce (237)
Las Huertas de Quiroga (91)
Las Jarillas (140)
Las Vírgenes (128)
Los Altitos (130)
Los Arreozola (104)
El Corazón (1001)
Los Cuartos (204)
Los Medina (527)
Los Segovia (34)
Los Terrenos (113)
Madrugadores (41)
Majada el Mirador (43)
Mesa de González (70)
Mesa del Traidor (252)
Palma Gorda (350)
Palmillas (Aguilillas) (92)
Panales de Arriba (447)
Panalillos (85)
Parada del Tepetate (26)
Parada la Escondida (35)
Pompeya (199)
Presa de Guadalupe (26)
Presa de Maltos (483)
Presa de San Carlos (285)
Presa San Antonio (65)
Puerta de Aguilar (281)
Puerta de Aguilar (56)
Puerto de Dolores (152)
Puerto del Aire (415)
Rancho Largo (117)
San Agustín de Valdez (78)
San Antonio de Buenavista (Los Cochinitos) (90)
San Antonio de Peña Nevada (393)
San Blas (37)
San Cayetano de Vacas (504)
San Diego (San Diego de Vacas) (97)
San Felipe (71)
San Felipe de Martínez (29)
San Francisco de los Desmontes (89)
San Francisco de Zúñiga (52)
San Francisco del Yugo (74)
San Gregorio (101)
San Ignacio de Torres (175)
San Isidrillo (42)
San Isidro de Fernández (241)
San Isidro de Martínez (Las Cuatas) (43)
San Joaquín (47)
San José de Flores (105)
San José de la Luz (77)
San José del Sitio (49)
San José y la Pinta (41)
San Juan (43)
San Juan de la Cruz (349)
San Juan del Palmar (269)
San Juanito (82)
San Mateo (28)
San Miguel de los Aguirre (69)
San Miguelito (34)
San Pablo de Rueda (130)
San Pedro de González (San Pedro de Rueda) (369)
San Pedro de Nolasco (39)
San Rafael del Castillo (50)
San Ramón de los Martínez (530)
San Vicente de González (104)
San Vicente de la Puerta (183)
San Vicente de Rueda (43)
Santa Ana (379)
Santa Fe del Hueso (El Hueso) (28)
Santa Gertrudis (166)
Santa Isabel (109)
Santa Lucía (105)
Santa María (129)
Santa Margarita (119)
Santa Rita (404)
Santa Rosa (49)
Santa Teresa (Don Jesús) (46)
Santa Teresa y San Jerónimo (103)
Tanquecillos (151)
Taponcita de Camarillo (34)
Vallecillos (58)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Dr. Arroyo:

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