Municipality of Chinicuila

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Chinicuila through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Villa Victoria, Tehuantepec, or Salitre de Estopila.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Michoacán de Ocampo by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Chinicuila?

Chinicuila is a Municipality of 5271 inhabitants, placed in the State of Michoacán de Ocampo, with a fertility rate of 3.45 children per woman. 15.29% of the population migrated from outside the State of Michoacán de Ocampo. 0.78% of the population is indigenous, 0.55% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

95.75% of the inhabitants of Chinicuila are Catholic, 43.01% are economically active and, within this active population, 99.59% are employed. Additionally, 86.10% of the dwellings have piped water and 1.57% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Chinicuila?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Chinicuila and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Chinicuila? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Chinicuila through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Chinicuila. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Chinicuila. As an example, you can find towns and places around Villa Victoria.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Chinicuila

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Chinicuila:

Which is my place if I live in Chinicuila?

Agua Blanca (Barranca del Tereso) (27 inhabitants)
Aguacatito (11 inhabitants)
Ahijadero del Pantano (10 inhabitants)
Barranca Atravezada (- inhabitants)
Barranca del Órgano (9 inhabitants)
Barranca del Agua (8 inhabitants)
Barranca del Águila (- inhabitants)
Barranca del Bejuco (12 inhabitants)
Barranca del Colorín (1 inhabitants)
Barranca del Limoncito (47)
Barranca del Ocote (34)
Barranca del Tigre (7)
Barranca la Atravesada (5)
Barranca Oscura (20)
Barranca Seca de Larios (97)
Buena Vista (10)
Bugambilias (-)
Canceles (25)
Canoa Seca (3)
Chocohuiztal (12)
Coahuayula (La Silleta) (117)
Colmeneros (-)
Colmeneros (-)
Crucero del Naranjillo (8)
Cuartoncitos (10)
Dimas (2)
El Agua de la Higuera (-)
El Aguaje (1)
El Ahijadero (14)
El Anono (1)
El Arco (-)
El Bañadero (-)
El Bejuco (3)
El Cabecito (7)
El Calabozo (-)
El Capire (2)
El Cedro (-)
El Chafre (39)
El Chafrillo (-)
El Chayacate (8)
El Chico (17)
El Churén (6)
El Ciruelo (13)
El Derrumbadero (5)
El Encino (-)
El Fraile (1)
El Garbanzo (19)
El Guasimal (22)
El Guayabillo (4)
El Huizachito (2)
El Limón de Ramos (10)
El Maicillo (3)
El Mamey (7)
El Mamey (3)
El Mango Arrancado (6)
El Manguito (-)
El Mirador (17)
El Mono (3)
El Moro (23)
El Naranjillo (Los Naranjos) (28)
El Naranjito (-)
El Nogal (-)
El Ocote (12)
El Ocotito (Los Nogales) (10)
El Otate (113)
El Parejo (El Encino) (3)
El Platanito (-)
El Porvenir (-)
El Potrero Grande (2)
El Pozo (16)
El Puerto de Maguey (-)
El Ranchual (55)
El Rascaviejo (43)
El Resumidero (23)
El Riego (2)
El Rincón (-)
El Saucito (11)
El Sauz Gordo (-)
El Sípimo (101)
El Tamarindo (58)
El Tejón (35)
El Uvalán (-)
El Volantín (14)
Hihuitlán (188)
Huerta de Sánchez (18)
Huitzontla (190)
La Abuela (3)
La Agua Colorada (3)
La Aguja (La Higuera) (5)
La Amargoza (-)
La Barranca del Mamey (13)
La Cardosantera (47)
La Ceiba (-)
La Ciénega (-)
La Ciénega (-)
La Coyulera (26)
La Coyulera (4)
La Crucillera (2)
La Curva (4)
La Encinera (3)
La Escondida (-)
La Esperanza (75)
La Fábrica (9)
La Granada de Carrillo (-)
La Haciendita (-)
La Higuera Panda (79)
La Higuerita (7)
La Laguna de Marmolejo (41)
La Leona (-)
La Lima (3)
La Limoncillera (15)
La Limonera (-)
La Limonera (La Limonera del Pozo) (3)
La Listona (-)
La Minita (14)
La Minita (81)
La Nogalera (9)
La Nuez (La Nuez del Caimán) (65)
La Paranera (-)
La Parota (2)
La Parota (29)
La Parotita (4)
La Piña (3)
La Playa (-)
La Primavera (2)
La Real (7)
La Roblera (4)
La Roblerita (18)
La Sierra (24)
La Sierrita (12)
La Tescalama (2)
La Tortuga (-)
La Vainilla (6)
La Villera (9)
La Yerbabuena (-)
La Yerbabuena Uno (13)
Laguna de Calvillo (38)
Las Canoas (27)
Las Cebollas (10)
Las Conchas (5)
Las Cuevitas (Las Cuiris) (1)
Las Higuerillas (-)
Las Higueritas (-)
Las Playas (-)
Las Puentes (-)
Las Rosas Moradas (La Higuera) (-)
Limoncitos (2)
Los Arroyos (10)
Los Espejos (16)
Los Guayabos (11)
Los Laureles (15)
Los Laureles (1)
Los Llanitos (12)
Los Magueyes (7)
Los Mangos (23)
Los Mojos (9)
Los Naranjos (5)
Los Ocotes (43)
Los Ojos de Agua (-)
Los Parejos (40)
Los Salgado (12)
Mesa de la Perdíz (-)
Ojo de Agua (25)
Ojo de Agua (Agua Blanca) (-)
Palos Altos (-)
Pantla (4)
Paso de Arrieros (La Merced) (115)
Piedras Blancas (6)
Platanarillo (19)
Potrerillos (Paso de Potrerillos) (82)
Puente de Pantla (-)
Puerta Chiquita (19)
Puerto de los Bules (5)
Puerto de los Cuerámos (2)
Puerto del Caimán (La Granadita) (18)
Rancho Nuevo (Barranca la Tierra) (29)
Rancho Quemado (3)
Ranchos Viejos (3)
Salitre de Copala (127)
Salitre de Estopila (178)
Salsipuedes (15)
San Ignacio de Alcalá (El Zapote) (-)
Santas Marías (6)
Sauz del Chico (-)
Solimán (11)
Tapeixtle (5)
Tehuantepec (375)
Tepame (Tepamillo) (43)
Tierras Aradas (12)
Villa Victoria (1068)
Zapote de Fernández (37)

Here you hare more Municipalities in the State of Michoacán de Ocampo