Statistics of the Municipality of Atoyac

These are the Sociological Data and Population Statistics of the Municipality of Atoyac (in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave), so that you can know and analyze it better:

:: Total population: 22986 inhabitants
:: Male population: 11078 men
:: Female population: 11908 women
:: Female/Male ratio: 1.075
:: Fertility rate (children per woman): 2.42
:: Percentage of single population (more than 12 years): 33.00%
:: Percentage of population migrating from outside the the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave: 6.44%

:: Percentage of inhabitants from indigenous peoples of Mexico: 1.07%
:: Percentage of the population (more than 5 years) speaking any indigenous language: 0.47%
:: Percentage of the population (more than 5 years) speaking any indigenous language and not speaking Spanish: 0.00%

:: Percentage of the population (more than 15 years) who are illiterate: 8.53% (6.94% of the men and 9.96% of the women of the Municipality)
:: Average school enrolment ratio (within the population of more than 15 years): 7.28 (7.35 within the men and 7.21 within the women)

:: Percentage of the population (more than 12 years) economically active: 45.51% (71.20% of the men, and 21.61% of the women are working or searching a job)
:: Percentage of the active population who is employed: 93.76% (93.69% of the men, and 93.98% of the women who are economically active have an employment)

:: Percentage of the inhabitants who practice the Catholic Religion: 84.79%
:: Percentage of the population with Protestant, Evangelical, and Biblical Religions: 12.69%
:: Percentage of the population with other Religions: 0.01%
:: Percentage of the population who are Atheistic or with no Religion: 1.67%

:: Percentage of dwellings with a male leader: 73.18%
:: Percentage of dwellings with a female leader: 26.82%

:: Numer of dwellings in Atoyac: 7330
:: Percentage of dwellings with electricity: 97.38%
:: Percentage of dwellings with access to piped water: 77.20%
:: Percentage of dwellings with toilet or restroom: 94.53%
:: Percentage of dwellings with a radio receiver: 75.92%
:: Percentage of dwellings with TV: 89.67%
:: Percentage of dwellings with fridge: 74.21%
:: Percentage of dwellings with washing machine: 50.50%
:: Percentage of dwellings with car, van, or pickup: 23.83%
:: Percentage of dwellings with personal computer: 14.12%
:: Percentage of dwellings with landline telephone: 27.06%
:: Percentage of dwellings with mobile phone: 53.99%
:: Percentage of dwellings with Internet: 9.59%

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