Magical Towns of Coahuila


This is a list with all the Magical Towns of Coahuila, the towns and villages of the State of Coahuila which shelter the essence of the Mexican culture. Please browse the map and click over each one of the localities to know more about the activities to do and the attractions to visit.

:: List with all the Magical Towns of México

:: Arteaga. From the year 2012 on the list of Magical Tows of Mexico
What to see in the locality of Arteaga:
- Templo de San Isidro Labrador de las Palomas
- Bosques de ​Monterreal
- Carbonera los Lirios
- El Tunal

:: Cuatro Ciénegas de Carranza. From the year 2012 on the list of Magical Tows of Mexico
What to see in the locality of Cuatro Ciénegas de Carranza:
- Iglesia de San José
- Museo Casa Carranza
- Poza Azul
- Dunas de Yeso
- Vitivinicolas

:: Parras de la Fuente. From the year 2004 on the list of Magical Tows of Mexico
What to see in the locality of Parras de la Fuente:
- Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y su torre lateral
- Antigua Hacienda del Perote
- Cueva de los murciélagos y su manantial

:: Viesca. From the year 2012 on the list of Magical Tows of Mexico
What to see in the locality of Viesca:
- Dunas de Bilbao
- Plaza de Armas​​
- Parroquia de Santiago Apóstol
- Museo de Arte Sacro​
- Ex Hacienda de Santa Ana de Hornos

:: Candela. From the year 2015 on the list of Magical Tows of Mexico
What to see in the locality of Candela:
- Mesa de Catujanos​
- Mina de los murciélagos​
- Presa de las Higueras​
- Ojo Caliente​
- Los Carricitos​
- Las Lajitas
- Plaza Principal

:: Guerrero. From the year 2015 on the list of Magical Tows of Mexico
What to see in the locality of Guerrero:
- Misión de San Bernardo
- Centro Histórico siglos XVIII y XIX
- Parque la Pedrera
- Lago El Bañadero​

:: Melchor Múzquiz. From the year 2018 on the list of Magical Tows of Mexico
What to see in the locality of Melchor Múzquiz:
- Casa de cultura
- Cascada del río Sabinas
- El Nacimiento
- Iglesia parroquial de Santa Rosa de Lima
- Manantial de Nacimiento
- Maderas del Carmen
- Museo histórico
- Museo de Paleontología
- Parque La Cascada
- Plaza principal
- Quinta Julio Galán Romo