San Miguel Arcángel (Guanajuato)
Learn about small village of San Miguel Arcángel through its pictures, maps and population statistics.
All the information about this town of 38 inhabitants of the State of Guanajuato
The town of San Miguel Arcángel (Guanajuato) belongs to the municipality of Dolores Hidalgo Cuna de la Independencia Nal.. There are 38 inhabitants and it is 1,936 meters altitude. The Magical Town of Dolores Hidalgo Cuna de la Independencia Nal is 4 minutes away by car (3 km).
Data: In San Miguel Arcángel, 42% of the population over 12 years is single and 58% of the households have Internet connection. More statistics at the bottom of this page.
#1 Where is San Miguel Arcángel? How to go? Map
Map to know how to get to San Miguel Arcángel (Guanajuato) by road and with geographical references of the surrounding towns. With the controls you can zoom in and out to the position of San Miguel Arcángel, which has the following symbol
Do you want to know if your last name is among the most common in the Guanajuato State? Here is a complete list of the most popular ones
#2 The population of San Miguel Arcángel (Guanajuato) is 38 inhabitants
Year | Female Inhabitants | Male inhabitants | Total population |
2020 | 20 | 18 | 38 |
2020 | 2010 | |
Fertility rate (children per woman): | 2.82 | - |
Population coming from outside the State of Guanajuato: | 15.79% | -% |
Illiterate population: | 0.00% | -% |
Illiterate population (men): | 0.00% | -% |
Illiterate population (women): | 0.00% | -% |
Schooling level: | 9.08 | - |
Schooling level (men): | 9.33 | - |
Schooling level (women): | 8.86 | - |
2020 | 2010 | |
Percentage of indigenous population: | 0.00% | -% |
Percentage speaking an indigenous language: | 0.00% | -% |
Percentage who speak an indigenous language and do not speak Spanish: | 0.00% | -% |
Find out more interesting facts about all the towns in the Municipality of Dolores Hidalgo Cuna de la Independencia Nal. (statistics, pictures, maps, restaurants...) at this link.
2020 | 2010 | |
Employed population over 12 years: | 55.26% | -% |
Employed population over 12 years (men): | 66.67% | -% |
Employed population over 12 years (women): | 45.00% | -% |
Number of inhabited private housings: | 12 | - |
Homes with electricity: | 100.00% | -% |
Homes with piped water: | 91.67% | -% |
Homes with a toilet or sanitary facilities: | 100.00% | -% |
Homes with a radio: | 83.33% | -% |
Homes with a television: | 83.33% | -% |
Homes with a refrigerator: | 91.67% | -% |
Homes with a washing machine: | 75.00% | -% |
Homes with a car: | 33.33% | -% |
Households with personal computer, laptop or tablet: | 16.67% | -% |
Homes with landline telephone: | 16.67% | -% |
Homes with cell phones: | 91.67% | -% |
Homes with Internet: | 58.33% | -% |
#3 Satellite photo of San Miguel Arcángel
Amazing satellite GPS maps of San Miguel Arcángel, to see from space this beautiful village, as well as the surroundings of the municipality of Dolores Hidalgo Cuna de la Independencia Nal.. You can search free satellite map (2024) of San Miguel Arcángel.
#4 Hotels and Accommodation near San Miguel Arcángel
It seems that there are no accommodations in the town of San Miguel Arcángel, but we have a record of the closest hotels and motels to San Miguel Arcángel so you can contact them:- RENTA DE CUARTOS: 3 km away, direction North (2 minutes by car)
- POSADA ILUSIÓN CASA DE HUÉSPEDES: 2 km away, direction Northwest (2 minutes by car)
- HOTEL SAN JUAN: 3 km away, direction North (2 minutes by car)
- RENTA DE CUARTOS: 3 km away, direction North (2 minutes by car)
#5 What to do in San Miguel Arcángel
Want to know what to see in San Miguel Arcángel if you are visiting this town?Here are some ideas of activities to enjoy San Miguel Arcángel.Mountains in San Miguel Arcángel for hiking and trails:
- El Gusano (2249 meters): 10.1 km walk (141 minutes), heading West.
- Cerro El Venado (2095 meters): 12.3 km walk (217 minutes), heading Southeast.
- Cerro El Común (2161 meters): 11.1 km walk (185 minutes), heading Southeast.
- El Gallo (2299 meters): 13.3 km walk (257 minutes), heading Southwest.
- Dolores Hidalgo Cuna de la Independencia Nal (Guanajuato): Don't miss "Museo del Bicentenario", 4 km, heading North (3 minutes by car)
- Colonia Lomas de Lourdes (31 inhabitants): Located 0 km to the North (0 minutes by car)
- Bolaños (32 inhabitants): Located 0 km to the Southeast (1 minutes by car)
- Colonia las Palomas (139 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the North (1 minutes by car)
- Colonia Santa Cecilia (257 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the West (1 minutes by car)
#6 Vote for San Miguel Arcángel as the most beautiful town in Mexico
Do you like San Miguel Arcángel or don't you like it very much? Now you can vote for San Miguel Arcángel to let everyone know about it. Use these stars ("0" you don't like it much, "5" you like it a lot) to rate it with your opinion.
In the following links you can check the list of the best (and most beautiful) towns in Mexico and the State of Guanajuato, by popular vote:
- The best towns in Mexico
- The most beautiful towns in Guanajuato
>>> Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Dolores Hidalgo Cuna de la Independencia Nal.
#7 Other towns in the Municipality of Dolores Hidalgo Cuna de la Independencia Nal.
- El Capulín (244 inhabitants)
- El Cuervo (9 inhabitants)
- El Gusano (312 inhabitants)
- El Mirador (4 inhabitants)
- El Tranqueño (187 inhabitants)
- La Cajita (Agua Azul) (60 inhabitants)
- La Capilla (- inhabitants)
- La Cazuela (203 inhabitants)
- La Cruz del Pastor (62 inhabitants)
- La Trinidad (4 inhabitants)
- Rancho de Jesús (24 inhabitants)
- San Martín (18 inhabitants)
- San Pablo (- inhabitants)
- Santa Catarina (324 inhabitants)
- Tres Mezquites (53 inhabitants)