Liberación Social (Chiapas)
The most complete information about the small village of Liberación Social (pictures, maps, statistics, population) on a single page.
Did you know that this town in Chiapas has 155 inhabitants?
The town of Liberación Social (Chiapas) belongs to the municipality of Simojovel. There are 155 inhabitants and it is 529 meters altitude. The Magical Town of Tapijulapa is 54 minutes away by car (47 km). It is the most populated town in the position #61 of the whole municipality.
Data: In Liberación Social, 36% of the population over 12 years is single and 0% of the households have Internet connection. More statistics at the bottom of this page.
To locate this beautiful town inside the municipality, you must know that Liberación Social is located at 6.0 kilometers (in direction Southwest) from the locality of Simojovel de Allende, which is the one that has more inhabitants inside the municipality. With our webpage and with our satelital map that you can find below, you can know where is and visit the surroundings of Liberación Social.
#1 Where is Liberación Social? How to go? Map
Map to know how to get to Liberación Social (Chiapas) by road and with geographical references of the surrounding towns. With the controls you can zoom in and out to the position of Liberación Social, which has the following symbol
Find out the most popular and common surnames in the Chiapas State
#2 The population of Liberación Social (Chiapas) is 155 inhabitants
Year | Female Inhabitants | Male inhabitants | Total population |
2020 | 74 | 81 | 155 |
2010 | 58 | 65 | 123 |
2005 | 39 | 51 | 90 |
2020 | 2010 | |
Fertility rate (children per woman): | 2.56 | 18.46 |
Population coming from outside the State of Chiapas: | 0.00% | 0.00% |
Illiterate population: | 11.61% | 21.14% |
Illiterate population (men): | 5.81% | 18.46% |
Illiterate population (women): | 5.81% | 24.14% |
Schooling level: | 6.6 | 3.80 |
Schooling level (men): | 6.48 | 4.13 |
Schooling level (women): | 6.73 | 3.46 |
2020 | 2010 | |
Percentage of indigenous population: | 20.00% | 19.51% |
Percentage speaking an indigenous language: | 8.39% | 8.94% |
Percentage who speak an indigenous language and do not speak Spanish: | 0.65% | 0.81% |
Find out more interesting facts about all the towns in the Municipality of Simojovel (statistics, pictures, maps, restaurants...) at this link.
2020 | 2010 | |
Employed population over 12 years: | 29.03% | 26.83% |
Employed population over 12 years (men): | 55.56% | 50.77% |
Employed population over 12 years (women): | 0.00% | 0.00% |
Number of inhabited private housings: | 37 | 27 |
Homes with electricity: | 100.00% | 88.89% |
Homes with piped water: | 97.30% | 100.00% |
Homes with a toilet or sanitary facilities: | 94.59% | 100.00% |
Homes with a radio: | 35.14% | 48.15% |
Homes with a television: | 64.86% | 70.37% |
Homes with a refrigerator: | 40.54% | 29.63% |
Homes with a washing machine: | 0.00% | 3.70% |
Homes with a car: | 10.81% | 11.11% |
Households with personal computer, laptop or tablet: | 0.00% | 0.00% |
Homes with landline telephone: | 0.00% | 0.00% |
Homes with cell phones: | 51.35% | 22.22% |
Homes with Internet: | 0.00% | 0.00% |
#3 Satellite photo of Liberación Social
Amazing satellite GPS maps of Liberación Social, to see from space this beautiful village, as well as the surroundings of the municipality of Simojovel. You can search free satellite map (2024) of Liberación Social.
#4 Hotels and Accommodation near Liberación Social
Do you want to stay in Liberación Social? We don't have any hotel registered in this town, but you can check in this list of the closest accommodations to Liberación Social:- HOTEL BUGAMBILIAS: 8 km away, direction Southeast (7 minutes by car)
- HOTEL DEL AMBAR: 8 km away, direction Southeast (6 minutes by car)
- HOTEL SAN ANTONIO: 9 km away, direction Southeast (7 minutes by car)
- HOTEL SAN RAFAEL: 8 km away, direction Southeast (6 minutes by car)
#5 What to do in Liberación Social
Want to know what to see in Liberación Social if you are visiting this town?Here are some ideas of activities to enjoy Liberación Social.Mountains in Liberación Social for hiking and trails:
- Cerro Blanco (736 meters): 3.3 km walk (49 minutes), heading Southwest.
- Cerro Guadalupe (1272 meters): 6.0 km walk (95 minutes), heading Northwest.
- Cerro El Duraznal (1469 meters): 8.0 km walk (109 minutes), heading Southwest.
- Cerro Chanival (709 meters): 8.5 km walk (150 minutes), heading Northeast.
- Tapijulapa (Tabasco): Don't miss "Cueva de la Sardina Ciega", 54 km, heading North (47 minutes by car)
- Concepción Buenavista (109 inhabitants): Located 0 km to the East (1 minutes by car)
- La Esperanza (19 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the Northeast (1 minutes by car)
- San José las Granadas (67 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the East (1 minutes by car)
- Gracias a Dios (182 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the Northwest (2 minutes by car)
#6 Population pyramid of Liberación Social (Chiapas)
In Liberación Social there is a very characteristic age structure of the population, which you can see in the following population pyramid, with data from 2005. After analyzing the demographic data of Liberación Social, separated by men and women, and also by age groups, we can analyze what the future of the population in this town will be like.
Age range | Number of women | Number of men | Total population |
Infants (0-5 years) | 12 | 11 | 23 |
Youth (6-14 years) | 10 | 12 | 22 |
Adults (15-59 years) | 47 | 53 | 100 |
Elderly (60+ years) | 5 | 5 | 10 |
#7 Pictures of Liberación Social
In order for you to enjoy nature around Liberación Social, we have compiled a collection of sightseeing and monument pictures of the town and its surroundings. Access a completely free online image gallery of Liberación Social, so you can even use it as a wallpaper to always remember this beautiful town.
Disfrute con las fotos de Liberación Social en este enlace
#8 Vote for Liberación Social as the most beautiful town in Mexico
Do you like Liberación Social or don't you like it very much? Now you can vote for Liberación Social to let everyone know about it. Use these stars ("0" you don't like it much, "5" you like it a lot) to rate it with your opinion.
In the following links you can check the list of the best (and most beautiful) towns in Mexico and the State of Chiapas, by popular vote:
- The best towns in Mexico
- The most beautiful towns in Chiapas
#9 Schools in Liberación Social
>>> Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Simojovel
#10 Other towns in the Municipality of Simojovel
- Berlín (290 inhabitants)
- Chapayal (274 inhabitants)
- El Carmito Buenavista (473 inhabitants)
- El Horizonte (77 inhabitants)
- El Roblar (- inhabitants)
- Gracias a Dios (182 inhabitants)
- Juan Sabines (401 inhabitants)
- La Ilusión Uno (232 inhabitants)
- La Pimienta (1986 inhabitants)
- La Unión (66 inhabitants)
- Once de Febrero (69 inhabitants)
- San Andrés (107 inhabitants)
- San Antonio (5 inhabitants)
- San Caralampio Buenavista (10 inhabitants)
- San Miguel (- inhabitants)