La Mesa Ancha
Learn about tiny town of La Mesa Ancha through its pictures, maps and population statistics.
All the information about this town of 7 inhabitants of the State of Durango
The town of La Mesa Ancha belongs to the municipality of Tamazula (State of Durango). There are 7 inhabitants and it is 2,631 meters altitude. It is the most populated town in the position #578 of the whole municipality.
To locate this beautiful town inside the municipality, you must know that La Mesa Ancha is located at 56.1 kilometers (in direction South) from the locality of Tamazula de Victoria, which is the one that has more inhabitants inside the municipality. With our webpage and with our satelital map that you can find below, you can know where is and visit the surroundings of La Mesa Ancha.
#1 Where is La Mesa Ancha? How to go? Map
What is the route to get to La Mesa Ancha (Durango)? Find out on this map the access to this town. With the zoom controls you can zoom in and out to the icon
Do you want to know if your last name is among the most common in the Durango State? Here is a complete list of the most popular ones
#2 The population of La Mesa Ancha (Durango) is 7 inhabitants
Year | Female Inhabitants | Male inhabitants | Total population |
2020 | 7 | ||
2010 | 4 | ||
2005 | 2 |
#3 Satellite photo of La Mesa Ancha
With the satellite map of La Mesa Ancha will I be able to look for my location? Yes, access the map, zoom in and see the surroundings of this town and the municipality of Tamazula. Get free live access to satellite views of 2024 of La Mesa Ancha.
#4 Hotels and Accommodation near La Mesa Ancha
Many people want to stay in the town of La Mesa Ancha itself, but unfortunately there are no hotels in the village yet. Don't worry, we have created this list of the closest accommodations, so you can ask if they have rooms available:- HOTEL RAMOS: 46 km away, direction Southeast (37 minutes by car)
- HOTEL ALDAMA: 56 km away, direction Southeast (48 minutes by car)
- HOTEL RODRIGUEZ: 53 km away, direction Southeast (41 minutes by car)
- HOTEL LA PLAZUELA: 55 km away, direction Southeast (43 minutes by car)
#5 What to do in La Mesa Ancha
A weekend in La Mesa Ancha and looking for tourist attractions? Tourism in La Mesa Ancha and surroundings to find the best destinations.Las mejores montes de La Mesa Ancha para excursiones y actividades al aire libre:
- Cerro El Alto de Dolores (2798 meters): 2.8 km walk (43 minutes), heading Northwest.
- Cerro La Alameda (2743 meters): 10.3 km walk (126 minutes), heading West.
- Mesa El Refugio (2127 meters): 15.5 km walk (321 minutes), heading Northeast.
- Cerro Guacamaya (2391 meters): 19.7 km walk (274 minutes), heading Northeast.
- Palmillas (Casas Grandes) (13 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the South (1 minutes by car)
- Escarbaderos (8 inhabitants): Located 1 km to the Southwest (1 minutes by car)
- Pericos (26 inhabitants): Located 2 km to the Southeast (3 minutes by car)
- La Mesa del Ocote (Mesa Ancha) (45 inhabitants): Located 3 km to the South (4 minutes by car)
#6 Pictures of La Mesa Ancha
Would you like to see what this town looks like and enjoy landscape pictures of La Mesa Ancha? We have located on the Internet several beautiful images of places and locations nearby, so you can see the beauty of this Mexican town. Some are artistic pictures and others are simply panoramic pictures taken by amateurs and friends who simply like La Mesa Ancha.
Disfrute con las fotos de La Mesa Ancha en este enlace
#7 The Postal Code of La Mesa Ancha (Durango) is 34570
Are you going to send a letter to La Mesa Ancha? Do you have a friend in La Mesa Ancha and want to send them a gift through the postal service? The Postal Code of La Mesa Ancha consists of the following 5 digits: 34570. If you want to know more about how Post Codes are determined in Mexico, the first two postal digits of La Mesa Ancha ("34") correspond to the state code of Durango, and the last three correspond to the people themselves. In Mexico, the same ZIP code can be assigned to several towns.
#8 Vote for La Mesa Ancha as the most beautiful town in Mexico
Do you like La Mesa Ancha or don't you like it very much? Now you can vote for La Mesa Ancha to let everyone know about it. Use these stars ("0" you don't like it much, "5" you like it a lot) to rate it with your opinion.
In the following links you can check the list of the best (and most beautiful) towns in Mexico and the State of Durango, by popular vote:
- The best towns in Mexico
- The most beautiful towns in Durango
#9 Schools in La Mesa Ancha
>>> Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Tamazula
#10 Other towns in the Municipality of Tamazula
- Casas Viejas (- inhabitants)
- El Gorgoyón (- inhabitants)
- El Pueblito (4 inhabitants)
- Escarbaderos (8 inhabitants)
- La Campana (127 inhabitants)
- La Contrayerba (109 inhabitants)
- La Junta (17 inhabitants)
- La Mesa de las Milpas (5 inhabitants)
- La Palmita (- inhabitants)
- Las Calabazas (7 inhabitants)
- Las Juntas de los Arroyos (- inhabitants)
- Las Milpas de Arriba (36 inhabitants)
- Los Coyotes (18 inhabitants)
- Palo Dulce (13 inhabitants)
- San Fernando (33 inhabitants)