Casa Vieja (Sinaloa)
We have collected many facts about the tiny town of Casa Vieja, as well as pictures, maps or statistics.
So you will learn about this incredible town of 3 inhabitants of Sinaloa.
The town of Casa Vieja (Sinaloa) belongs to the municipality of Choix.
The Mexican census of 2010 decided to declare this community as uninhabited.
#1 Where is Casa Vieja? How to go? Map
What is the route to get to Casa Vieja (Sinaloa)? Find out on this map the access to this town. With the zoom controls you can zoom in and out to the icon
Do you want to know if your last name is among the most common in the Sinaloa State? Here is a complete list of the most popular ones
#2 The population of Casa Vieja (Sinaloa) is 3 inhabitants
Year | Female Inhabitants | Male inhabitants | Total population |
2020 | 3 |
#3 Satellite photo of Casa Vieja
Amazing satellite GPS maps of Casa Vieja, to see from space this beautiful village, as well as the surroundings of the municipality of Choix. You can search free satellite map (2024) of Casa Vieja.
#4 Hotels and Accommodation near Casa Vieja
Do you want to stay in Casa Vieja? We don't have any hotel registered in this town, but you can check in this list of the closest accommodations to Casa Vieja:- MOTEL BRINCA.BRINCA: 15 km away, direction West (12 minutes by car)
- HOTEL HUITES: 18 km away, direction West (12 minutes by car)
- HOTEL REAL DE MINAS: 18 km away, direction West (14 minutes by car)
- HOTEL MAHIRANY: 20 km away, direction West (14 minutes by car)
#5 What to do in Casa Vieja
A weekend in Casa Vieja and looking for tourist attractions? Tourism in Casa Vieja and surroundings to find the best destinations.Mountains in Casa Vieja for hiking and trails:
- Cerro Matzomiqui (1017 meters): 3.6 km walk (70 minutes), heading Southwest.
- Cerro El Orito (843 meters): 4.2 km walk (64 minutes), heading East.
- Cerro El Potrerito (893 meters): 4.5 km walk (55 minutes), heading Southeast.
- Cerro La Plata (727 meters): 4.4 km walk (57 minutes), heading Northwest.
- El Trigo (76 inhabitants): Located 2 km to the Southeast (3 minutes by car)
- Potrero de Cancio (243 inhabitants): Located 3 km to the Northwest (3 minutes by car)
- La Vainilla (6 inhabitants): Located 4 km to the West (6 minutes by car)
- El Orito (7 inhabitants): Located 4 km to the East (5 minutes by car)
- Huillachapa (Buenavista) (47 inhabitants): Located 5 km to the South (7 minutes by car)
#6 Vote for Casa Vieja as the most beautiful town in Mexico
Do you like Casa Vieja or don't you like it very much? Now you can vote for Casa Vieja to let everyone know about it. Use these stars ("0" you don't like it much, "5" you like it a lot) to rate it with your opinion.
In the following links you can check the list of the best (and most beautiful) towns in Mexico and the State of Sinaloa, by popular vote:
- The best towns in Mexico
- The most beautiful towns in Sinaloa
>>> Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Choix
#7 Other towns in the Municipality of Choix
- Agua Amarilla (- inhabitants)
- El Flojo (- inhabitants)
- El Reventón (- inhabitants)
- El Trigo (1 inhabitants)
- La Molienda (29 inhabitants)
- Las Canoas (Huillachapa) (2 inhabitants)
- Los Cauques (24 inhabitants)
- Los Corralitos (- inhabitants)
- Los Parajes (7 inhabitants)
- Los Taraíses (- inhabitants)
- Nacapule (3 inhabitants)
- Nuevo Techobampo (202 inhabitants)
- Puerto la Joya (11 inhabitants)
- Rancho Nuevo (- inhabitants)
- Rancho Viejo (- inhabitants)