Municipality of Mineral de la Reforma

All the data of the municipality of Mineral de la Reforma, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: La Providencia, Campestre Villas del Álamo, or Pachuquilla.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Hidalgo.

Which is my place if I live in Mineral de la Reforma?

Mineral de la Reforma is a Municipality of 127404 inhabitants, placed in the State of Hidalgo, with a fertility rate of 1.76 children per woman. 27.51% of the population migrated from outside the State of Hidalgo. 4.74% of the population is indigenous, 2.07% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

80.52% of the inhabitants of Mineral de la Reforma are Catholic, 58.62% are economically active and, within this active population, 95.70% are employed. Additionally, 97.33% of the dwellings have piped water and 30.21% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Mineral de la Reforma?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Mineral de la Reforma and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Mineral de la Reforma? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Mineral de la Reforma through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Mineral de la Reforma. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Mineral de la Reforma. As an example, you can find towns and places around La Providencia.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Mineral de la Reforma

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Mineral de la Reforma:

Which is my place if I live in Mineral de la Reforma?

Alvento Habitat (16 inhabitants)
Azoyatla de Ocampo (4477 inhabitants)
Álamo Rustico (602 inhabitants)
Rancho los Alcatraces (5 inhabitants)
Carboneras (2442 inhabitants)
Carboneras Fraccionamiento (2818 inhabitants)
CEUNI (368 inhabitants)
Colonia las Águilas (- inhabitants)
Colonia Militar (1861 inhabitants)
Colonia San José Palacios (34)
Dos Carlos (-)
Dos Carlos Pueblo Nuevo (2938)
Ejido Ampliación el Saucillo (95)
El Álamo (841)
El Capulín (Gonzalo Gamero Sánchez) (5)
Nuevo Centro de Población Agrícola el Chacón (2218)
El Llano (21)
El Popolito (2)
El Saucillo (3399)
El Saucillo Fraccionamiento (10317)
El Venado (1920)
Ex-Hacienda de Chavarría (-)
Rancho las Torres (Felipe Guerrero Flores) (1)
Forjadores de Pachuca (4027)
Bosques del Mineral (604)
Campestre Villas del Álamo (FOVISSSTE) (593)
Cipreses (1867)
El Paraíso (1877)
El Roble (1058)
Unidad Habitacional FSTSE (298)
Jesús Ángeles Contreras (Fraccionamiento) (232)
Jorge Rojo Lugo (CBTIS 8) (445)
La Colonia (3021)
La Reforma (Fraccionamiento) (1355)
Las Flores (629)
Los Pinos (257)
Tulipanes (2155)
Magisterio Digno (2026)
Paseo de las Reynas (1726)
PRI Chacón (2778)
Los Tuzos (6670)
Privada Don Francisco (160)
Privada Don Jaime (383)
Privada Quinta Bonita (577)
San Francisco (11)
Privadas de San Javier (1055)
Privada del Álamo II (567)
Privadas del Parque (451)
Privadas del Sur (296)
Privadas la Hacienda (457)
Real de Oriente (464)
Real de San Francisco (295)
Rinconada de los Ángeles (6754)
Rinconadas de San Francisco (1406)
Rinconada de San Francisco el Venado (454)
Rinconada del Álamo (392)
Rinconada del Venado (1097)
Rinconada del Venado II (573)
Rincones del Paraíso (368)
SAHOP Chacón (506)
San Cristóbal Chacón (773)
San Fernando (Fraccionamiento) (4562)
San Fernando (Chacón) (762)
San José (1440)
Unidad Habitacional CTM (785)
Campestre Villas del Álamo (5862)
Francisco Villa (128)
Guadalupe Minerva (1907)
Hacienda Margarita (5155)
Ex-Hacienda Santa Gertrudis (4)
Industrial la Paz (55)
La Noria (1412)
La Pila (222)
La Providencia Siglo XXI (22705)
San Guillermo la Reforma (995)
Las Águilas (522)
Las Ladrilleras (Parcela Número 8) (8)
Colinas de Plata (5579)
Lomas del Chacón (583)
El Portezuelo (819)
Lomas Portezuelo (438)
Los Gemelos (574)
Manuel Ávila Camacho (3003)
Abundio Martínez (297)
Pachuquilla (9559)
Loma Bonita (Palmamocha) (103)
Parque Industrial La Reforma (CANACINTRA) (10)
Paseo de las Reynas I (287)
Paseo de los Tulipanes (1877)
Paseos de Chavarría (22023)
Pradera Dorada (19)
Praderas de Virreyes (4638)
Privada de los Olivos (259)
Privada del Álamo (1245)
Privada del Bosque (112)
Privada Don Pablo (638)
Privada Las Palomas (27)
Privada Lomas de Nopalapa (865)
Privadas Bosques del Venado (726)
Agua Bendita (13)
Ex Hacienda de Cadena (46)
Rancho San Antonio (Florentino Baños) (6)
San Isidro (56)
Rancho San Juan (8)
Rinconada los Álamos (325)
Río de la Soledad (1814)
Ex-Hacienda San Cayetano (4)
San José Palma Gorda (756)
San Luis II (1457)
Hacienda San Lunes (28)
El Huizachal (12)
San Miguel la Higa (720)
Santa María la Calera (2261)
Santiago Jaltepec (1958)
Segunda Sección del Portezuelo (78)
Taxistas (452)
Unión Chacón (207)
Unidad Habitacional Dina-Sidena Chacón (722)
Unidad Minera 11 de Julio (5108)
Valle Dorado (209)
El Velillo (2)
Villas del Álamo (2501)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Mineral de la Reforma:

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