We have gathered a lot of data of the accommodation Hotel Lacantum. Call by phone and ask about best location, option of swimming pool or all-inclusive options.
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Map. How to get to Hotel Lacantum?
If you are staying in Hotel Lacantum, do not want to be in Boulevard (the area where the accommodation is located) and prefer to take a nice walk to see the center of Tapachula de Córdova y Ordóñez, you have to know that the distance is 2900 meters (approximately 39-40 minutes).
Satellite map with the exact position of the hotel, to help you make the decision to stay:
![Hotel Lacantum Hotel Lacantum](
Address of Hotel Lacantum
:: Postal address: Prolongacion Central Oriente, 0 Sn (Boulevard):: Postal ZIP Code: 30700
Telephone to call Hotel Lacantum
:: Phone for reservations, request prices: 9626266523Is Hotel Lacantum near the coast?
If the beach is for you, we warn you that Hotel Lacantum is quite far from the coast, more than 26 kilometers away.Learn more about the city of Tapachula de Córdova y Ordóñez
Places to visit in the town of Tapachula de Córdova y Ordóñez and surroundings: magical towns, satellite maps, pictures.![Iglesia principal de Tapachula, denominada San Agustin](
![Tapachula plaza principal](
![Gran Logia del Estado de Chiapas](
Other accommodations near Hotel Lacantum
Hotel Villas Tucan | 0.36 | 0 | East |
Villas Tucan | 0.52 | 1 | East |
Motel Nor JardÍn | 1.19 | 2 | Northwest |
Vote for Hotel Lacantum
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More accommodation places in Tapachula de Córdova y Ordóñez
:: All the hotels in Tapachula de Córdova y Ordóñez (Chiapas)We thank you for your time on this website with information of Hotel Lacantum. We hope you will consider it on your next visit or vacation in Tapachula de Córdova y Ordóñez.
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