Are you considering staying at Bungalows Villas Del Coral? Here you will find all the information so that you can contact the hotel and ask for choice to host events, package holidays or last minute offers.

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Good location near the beach, a great hotel by the sea in Nayarit.

Map. How to get to Bungalows Villas Del Coral?

Bungalows Villas Del Coral is located at 200 meters from the center of Los Ayala, . Walking would take between 3 and 4 minutes to get to the hotel.

Satellite map with the exact position of the hotel, to help you make the decision to stay:

In case it can help, it's also close to Calle Madre Perla and of Calle Tropico.

In the rooms of Bungalows Villas Del Coral you can relax after your arrival at Los Ayala. All the online information about Bungalows Villas Del Coral, located in the city of Los Ayala (Municipality: Compostela, State: Nayarit).

Address of Bungalows Villas Del Coral

:: Postal address: Calle Coral, 1 (Los Ayala)
:: Postal ZIP Code: 63724

Telephone to call Bungalows Villas Del Coral

:: Phone for reservations, request prices: 3272742801

Is Bungalows Villas Del Coral near the coast?

If you like water sports, we inform you that Bungalows Villas Del Coral is only 0.2 kilometers from the coast.

Beaches near Bungalows Villas Del Coral

Beaches near Bungalows Villas Del Coral
Playa Los Ayala01West
Playa El Naranjo1428West
Playa Las Cuevas2227West

Learn more about the city of Los Ayala

Places to visit in the town of Los Ayala and surroundings: magical towns, satellite maps, pictures.

Other accommodations near Bungalows Villas Del Coral

No rooms available at Bungalows Villas Del Coral but you want to stay in a nearby hotel? Don't worry, here's a list of accommodation close by, so you can check them out.
Other accommodations near Bungalows Villas Del Coral
Hotel Villas Corona0.010South
Villas Corona Resort0.030Southwest
Hotel Y Villas Quinta Minas0.070Southesast

Vote for Bungalows Villas Del Coral

Do you want to leave your opinion about Bungalows Villas Del Coral? Help other users to know the best and the worst of Bungalows Villas Del Coral, through these stars. Set "0" if you liked it a little and "5" if you liked it a lot.

Average Rating: 2.5/5
(considering 2 votes)

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More accommodation places in Los Ayala

:: All the hotels in Los Ayala (Nayarit)

Bungalows Villas Del Coral thanks you for visiting this page and invites you to visit its facilities in order to lodge and rest in Los Ayala.
Overall pictures of Hotels:
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Hotel - Accommodation
(These images do not belong to Bungalows Villas Del Coral, and they are just a proposal)