Municipality of Milpa Alta

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Milpa Alta through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as San Antonio Tecómitl, Villa Milpa Alta, or San Pablo Oztotepec.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Distrito Federal by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Milpa Alta?

Milpa Alta is a Municipality of 130582 inhabitants, placed in the State of Distrito Federal, with a fertility rate of 2.08 children per woman. 13.90% of the population migrated from outside the State of Distrito Federal. 7.98% of the population is indigenous, 3.40% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.03% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

85.24% of the inhabitants of Milpa Alta are Catholic, 53.93% are economically active and, within this active population, 95.90% are employed. Additionally, 83.23% of the dwellings have piped water and 15.39% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Milpa Alta?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Milpa Alta and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Milpa Alta? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Milpa Alta through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Milpa Alta. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Milpa Alta. As an example, you can find towns and places around San Antonio Tecómitl.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Milpa Alta

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Milpa Alta:

Which is my place if I live in Milpa Alta?

Moxala (161 inhabitants)
Texacazintla (Xacalixpa) (111 inhabitants)
Acatlahuco (95 inhabitants)
Axayatipac (230 inhabitants)
Acopilipan (32 inhabitants)
Acuexcomatl (7 inhabitants)
Aguacasoliztintla (- inhabitants)
Tepetlapa (225 inhabitants)
Ahuatitla (El Tecorral) (83 inhabitants)
Ahuatitla (Ixmatunco) (47)
Apetatita (89)
Apilintitla (51)
Arboledas (183)
Atempa (33)
Atlahuitonca (98)
Atlatlauco (-)
Atlimeya (-)
Atoctenco (546)
Atoctienco (Camino a la Mina) (-)
Atuzanco (20)
Emiliano Zapata (Avenida el Cerro) (45)
Ayotepec (105)
Barranca Seca (Pozo Ocho) (265)
Nuchtla (512)
Belizario Domínguez (182)
Calle Capulines (13)
Camino a la Granja (-)
Concla (Camino a Tlaltenamic) (10)
Camino de la Amistad (-)
Texunco (Camino Real a Tlaltenami) (65)
Tehuistitla (88)
Camino Viejo a Santa Cruz (78)
Camino Viejo a Tlaltenamic (87)
Las Abejas (20)
Carretera a Santa Ana (-)
Cruztitla (1123)
Tecamac (63)
Copexalco (69)
Chautonco (133)
Chichauhtonco (-)
Chichilesca (207)
Cilxúchitl (2)
Citlalcuac (Rancho el Paraíso Perdido) (114)
Coametzu (302)
Teziuhtepec (138)
Cuauhzontlipan (103)
Corraltitla (166)
Ocoximalipa (144)
Coyocalli (44)
Coyote (2)
Cozcatlán (27)
Cristo Rey (Emiliano Zapata) (132)
Cruz Tlaltempa (31)
Cuacuahotlipa (300)
Cuacualipa (36)
Cuapazortitla (-)
Cuapetzayuca (17)
Cuatlixco (13)
Cuauhtec (El Mirador Santa Ana Tlacotenco) (16)
Cuauhtunco (260)
Ahuapapatlapa (4)
Cuyucalco (120)
Don Diegoco (29)
Don Guillermo (1)
Ejidos Tecoxpa (4)
El Cerrito (236)
El Dios Tláloc (9)
Tecoxpa (El Pirul) (11)
El Potrero (23)
El Santanero (5)
El Tejocote (86)
El Triángulo (6)
El Zapote (Techultepec) (66)
Encinos (10)
Ermita del Calvario (-)
Huacaltunco (65)
Huepaltepec (74)
Tlalcocomoya (38)
Hueyahuatitla (2)
Hueycotzingo (110)
Hueyitlatile (9)
Huitlalpa (59)
Tula (Huixtotlazintla) (129)
Hueytepetl (Bugambilias) (249)
Ixotitla (-)
Ixotitla (37)
Ixtonpaxtitla (6)
Iztahuaca (84)
Iztlalco (-)
Jalisco (-)
Joyas del Pedregal (51)
Joyas Parte Alta (591)
Teutlalpa (11)
La Cruz (8)
La Era (7)
La Herradura (Séptima Curva) (102)
Tlalcoxtepec (La Joya) (221)
La Loma de San José (10)
La Lupita Tlacotenco (11)
La Mora (182)
La Mora III (-)
El Rancho (12)
La Mora V (-)
La Purísima (77)
La Virgen (13)
Chimeo (Las Palmas) (146)
Limonuxititla (1)
Los Aguilar (11)
Los Angeles (29)
Los Romero (20)
Malacaxco (314)
Maxulco (Barrio Cruztitla) (222)
Mecalco (Camino al Mirador) (232)
Mecatlán (Rancho el Refugio) (61)
Meliaxco (-)
Memeyuca (6)
Metenco (464)
Mimiradorco (-)
Miquixpa (50)
Mixquiahuac (-)
Matlahuacaloca (251)
Loma Bonita (64)
Ochpantenco (66)
Ocoteloloco (Tlaxcantitla) (-)
Ocotitla (Barrio de Santa Cruz) (74)
Omaxa (191)
Palo Dulce (-)
Panuca (Cuatexoxoco) (49)
Papalocahuitl (37)
Coatepec (121)
Cuauhtetec (270)
Paraje Cuilotepec (Prolongación Guerrero) (-)
Paraje Huicalco (111)
Oluca (367)
Santa Marta Xolco (58)
Tehuizco (301)
Texotitla (20)
Pipitongo (6)
Pixucaltitla (72)
Playa Quieta (-)
Xali (84)
Prolongación Justo Sierra (48)
Las Cruces Parte Alta (Tehuepanco) (166)
Tamasquititla (11)
Prolongación Xolotl (20)
Olla de Piedra (126)
Santa Marta Casalan (Prolongación Avenida México Norte) (98)
Tlalmanco (Prolongación Benito Juárez) (12)
Tlalcoxtepec (Prolongación Juan Escutia) (-)
Tuzanco (Prolongación Mina) (351)
Atoctenco (Prolongación Niños Héroes) (140)
Kilómetro 24 (21)
Queapilco (59)
Centro de Producción las Violetas Temalacatl (46)
Rancho Paraíso Escondido (6)
Rancho Viejo (10)
Zihuantemohuayan (27)
Retamatitla (Tepehualli) (1)
Rinconada del Teoca (134)
San Agustín (72)
San Agustín Xolco (38)
San Antonio Cuilotepec (390)
San Antonio Tecómitl (27768)
San Bartolomé Xicomulco (4933)
San Francisco Tecoxpa (13919)
San Isidro Cuatepec (1063)
San José (313)
San José López Trejo (1)
San Lorenzo Tlacoyucan (4288)
San Marcos (Tezocotitla) (195)
San Miguel (Tecoxomayehualtitla) (34)
San Nicolás Tetelco (4078)
San Pablo Oztotepec (17715)
San Paocotitla (197)
San Pedro Atocpan (9234)
San Salvador Cuauhtenco (16847)
Santa Ana Tlacotenco (11715)
Santa Catarina (Piedra Blanca) (177)
Santa Rosa (187)
Tapalaco (Amacapultitla) (81)
Teacalco (25)
Teatlaco (165)
Techalli (5)
Tecolotzitzatzian (Tiapa) (15)
Tecoloxtitla (158)
Tecpallo (70)
Tecupilco (Kilómetro 17.5) (124)
Tehuehuec (18)
Tehuitzco (-)
Temazcaltitla (71)
Temoayan (12)
Temoclaluca (32)
Tenco (13)
Tenichcalco (-)
Tenopantitla (5)
Tepachac (-)
Tepanoco (33)
Tepecuescotitla (San Antonio) (28)
Tepexomulco (123)
Tepetenco (303)
Tepozán Seco (1)
Tequianquiztunco (18)
Anayeli (1)
Tlacoxpa (Teshutla) (31)
Tetecolok (88)
Tetepanco (153)
Tetexaloca (25)
Tetexipezco (35)
Tetlicuili (El Encinal) (15)
Tetzmititla (33)
Tetzompa (66)
Tetzumpa (18)
Toltecas Parte Alta (Barrio Tenantitla) (3)
Corralixpa (245)
Texalco (157)
Texali (67)
Texcalatlautenco (40)
Texico (21)
Texococlixpa (Rancho Santa Elena) (5)
Texomulco (-)
Tezompa (226)
Tezontlipac (San Lorenzo Tlacoyucan) (31)
Tezquizco (11)
Tepetipac (277)
Tlatlalahuaya (48)
Tlacopanco (59)
Tlacuitlaya (17)
Tlahuiztpa (129)
Tlalaxco (105)
Tlacopac (110)
Nacatulatlaxco (20)
Tlaloxtoc (Ejidos de Tecoxpa) (19)
Tlaloxtutienco (Montesinos) (-)
Tlaltelpampa (10)
Tlaltepec (Tlacoxtepec) (107)
Tlalzonco (41)
Tlapalan (36)
Tlaquexpa (32)
Tlatempa (-)
Tlatepexco (156)
Texcolipan (15)
Tlatlapantunco (17)
Tlatzala (50)
Tlaxala (69)
Tlaxicoapa (Mulotla) (-)
Tlaxiomulco (143)
Teuhtli (46)
Los Pinos (Totulan) (57)
Totomacuentla (5)
Totoxhpa (Cerrada Culiacán) (17)
Tzotzomaco (25)
Tepetitla (Villa Hermosa) (27)
Villa Milpa Alta (18213)
Xalmoyo (95)
Xaltenco (14)
Xaltepec (2)
Xaltepetitla (61)
Xaluis (191)
Xaxalpa (141)
Xicalhuacan (43)
Xilozuchitl (70)
Xilutepec (46)
Xochiatlaco (21)
Xoctonco (394)
Xonacatepec (30)
Zacacali (76)
Zacamoli (-)
Cuaxaltepec (10)
Zacatipla (2)
Zacatonco (359)
Zacazontlipac (363)
Zacuaztitla (413)
Zangahco (72)
Zopilocalco (Tatamazquipa) (5)
Paraje Tatazquiopa (27)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Milpa Alta:

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