Schools in Tembladera de la Selva 1 (Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa, Oaxaca)

Schools in Tembladera de la Selva 1 (Oaxaca), and list of top schools, with data and alumni opinions on teaching quality or computers.

Where to study in the Municipality of Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa.

The students of these schools come from other towns in the municipality of Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa.
  1. Campo Chico (30 inhabitants)
  2. Cerro las Águilas (1 inhabitants)
  3. Colonia Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez (211 inhabitants)
  4. El Cedral (628 inhabitants)
  5. La Carbonera (866 inhabitants)
  6. La Defensa (821 inhabitants)
  7. La Ogada (- inhabitants)
  8. Los Manantiales (1 inhabitants)
  9. Los Osorio (Parcela los Osorio) [Rancho} (9 inhabitants)
  10. Mundo Nuevo (- inhabitants)
  11. Ojo de Agua o Palma Cuata (415 inhabitants)
  12. Paso Limón (5 inhabitants)
  13. Rancho El Mangal (La Raya) (6 inhabitants)
  14. San Evaristo (15 inhabitants)
  15. Zona Urbana Ejidal (1730 inhabitants)

Benito Juarez, Elementary Education (General Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Benito Juarez S/n
Postal Code: 68422

Jardin De Nios, Elementary Education (General Preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Calle Principal S/n
Postal Code: 68422

Telesecundaria, Elementary Education (Distance Education For High Schools)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Vicente Guerrero Num. 6
Postal Code: 68420
