Schools in Potrero de Campinchirán (Campinchirán) (Michoacán)
Teaching quality or teachers are important when choosing a school in Potrero de Campinchirán (Campinchirán) (Michoacán). Get all the facts.
Where can I study in the Municipality of Churumuco?
Find out the localities of Churumuco from where the children go to school.
- Cuiripan (78 inhabitants)
- El Cueramal (7 inhabitants)
- El Ranchito (2 inhabitants)
- El Salitre (202 inhabitants)
- El Salitrillo (32 inhabitants)
- El Salitrillo (34 inhabitants)
- La Candelaria (280 inhabitants)
- La Pedregoza (- inhabitants)
- Las Juntas (- inhabitants)
- Loma el Guayacán (441 inhabitants)
- Los Guajes (7 inhabitants)
- Paso de Palmillas (145 inhabitants)
- Potrerillos (- inhabitants)
- Rincón del Otate (14 inhabitants)
- Valdovinos (64 inhabitants)
Emiliano Zapata, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning