Schools in Nueva Reforma (Tapachula, Chiapas)

Teaching quality or students are important when choosing a school in Nueva Reforma (Chiapas). Get all the facts.

Good schools in the Municipality of Tapachula.

In the following towns in the municipality of Tapachula live the students who attend the listed schools.
  1. Brasil (7 inhabitants)
  2. Carrocera (2 inhabitants)
  3. Colorines (- inhabitants)
  4. Cantón Emporio el Naranjo (190 inhabitants)
  5. El Nayar (- inhabitants)
  6. El Refugio (197 inhabitants)
  7. La Esperanza (39 inhabitants)
  8. La Soledad (- inhabitants)
  9. Las Palmeras (909 inhabitants)
  10. San Miguel (15 inhabitants)
  11. Santa Teresa (- inhabitants)
  12. Sonora (12 inhabitants)
  13. Vega de los Molinos (121 inhabitants)
  14. Vega de Malacate (246 inhabitants)
  15. Cantón Zaragoza (239 inhabitants)

Primaria Conafe, Elementary Education (Elementary Conafe)

Type: Public (Mexican Federal, Organismo Descentralizado De La Secretaria De Educacion Publica)
School hours: Morning
Address: Nueva Reforma
Postal Code: 30700
