Schools in Lo de Marcos (Nayarit)

Teachers or teaching quality are important when choosing a school in Lo de Marcos (Nayarit). Get all the facts.

Where can I study in the Municipality of Bahía de Banderas?

In the following towns in the municipality of Bahía de Banderas live the students who attend the listed schools.
  1. Bloquera el Sauce y la Palma (- inhabitants)
  2. Cruz de Huanacaxtle (4169 inhabitants)
  3. El Aguatal (1 inhabitants)
  4. El Retiro (2 inhabitants)
  5. El Tapatío (- inhabitants)
  6. Ernesto Santana (- inhabitants)
  7. Esquivel Flores de Anda (5 inhabitants)
  8. La Quebrada (5 inhabitants)
  9. Las Piletas (2 inhabitants)
  10. Playa las Cargadas (4 inhabitants)
  11. Rancho Coastecomates (2 inhabitants)
  12. Pozo de las Higueras (- inhabitants)
  13. San Francisco (1431 inhabitants)
  14. Santa Cecilia (5 inhabitants)
  15. Villa Bali (10 inhabitants)

15 De Mayo, Elementary Education (General Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Luis Echeverria 15 (Franciscoi Madero, Alvaro Obregon)
Postal Code: 63729

Luis Echeverria Alvarez, Elementary Education (Distance Education For High Schools)

Type: Public (State level, Estatal)
School hours: Morning
Postal Code: 63726

Tayou Mar, Elementary Education (General Preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Francisco I. Madero Num. 1 (Emiliano Zapata, Luis Echeverria)
Postal Code: 63726
