Schools in La Trinidad de Temascatío (Guanajuato)

Distance education or educational platform are important when choosing a school in La Trinidad de Temascatío (Guanajuato). Get all the facts.

List of educational centers in the Municipality of Irapuato.

The students of these schools come from other towns in the municipality of Irapuato.
  1. Colinas del Río (5 inhabitants)
  2. Colonia los Laureles (Los Pirules) (232 inhabitants)
  3. El Capricho (- inhabitants)
  4. Fraccionamiento Villa las Torres (- inhabitants)
  5. Granja Antonio Zavala (La Zahúrda) (14 inhabitants)
  6. Granja Jardín de Guadalupe (17 inhabitants)
  7. Granja los Hernández (Ignacio Hernández) (11 inhabitants)
  8. Granja San Charbel (6 inhabitants)
  9. Granja Villegas (- inhabitants)
  10. La Noria del Chino (6 inhabitants)
  11. La Trinidad de Temascatío (1364 inhabitants)
  12. Paso Blanco (795 inhabitants)
  13. Predio el Cerrito (2 inhabitants)
  14. San Judas Tadeo (El Crucero de Serrano) (20 inhabitants)
  15. Tejamanil (998 inhabitants)

NiÑos Heroes, Elementary Education (General Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Trinidad Temascatio
Postal Code: 36820

Pedro Moreno, Elementary Education (General Preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Trinidad Temascatio
Postal Code: 36500
