Municipality of Texistepec

All the data of the municipality of Texistepec, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Texistepec, Venustiano Carranza (Peña Blanca), or San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave.

Which is my place if I live in Texistepec?

Texistepec is a Municipality of 20199 inhabitants, placed in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, with a fertility rate of 2.79 children per woman. 4.41% of the population migrated from outside the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave. 4.94% of the population is indigenous, 2.22% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.02% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

49.49% of the inhabitants of Texistepec are Catholic, 45.67% are economically active and, within this active population, 94.60% are employed. Additionally, 31.48% of the dwellings have piped water and 2.86% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Texistepec do most people live?

According to our statistics of Texistepec, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Texistepec? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Texistepec through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Texistepec. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Texistepec. As an example, you can find towns and places around Texistepec.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Texistepec

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Texistepec:

Which is my place if I live in Texistepec?

Alfredo V. Bonfil (112 inhabitants)
Ampliación Tenochtitlán (32 inhabitants)
Ampliación Yatepec (132 inhabitants)
Antonio Cano (- inhabitants)
Apóstol Francisco I. Madero (106 inhabitants)
Bartolo Pavón (2 inhabitants)
Boca del Río (396 inhabitants)
Braulio González Muñoz (5 inhabitants)
Buena Vista (78 inhabitants)
Buena Vista (3)
Buenavista (El Corpal) (121)
Casa Blanca (3)
Casas Viejas (42)
Colombia (189)
Correa de Abajo (2)
Desviación Potrero Nuevo (-)
Ejido Texistepec (35)
Ejido Texistepec (Ex-Hacienda Camahuacapa) (7)
El Amate (21)
El Azuzul (-)
El Bajío (-)
El Bajío (33)
El Campo (48)
El Campo (2)
El Caracol (Esteban Domínguez) (-)
El Cedral (Modesto Méndez) (-)
El Centralito (22)
El Chinine (4)
El Chinine (2)
El Corte (5)
El Cortijo (4)
El Diamante (5)
El Halcón (32)
El Jaguar (-)
El Licenciado Rentano (4)
El Limón (14)
El Majagual (4)
El Manantial (8)
El Mangal (8)
El Manilar (-)
El Mirador (3)
El Naranjo (-)
El Naranjo (-)
El Norteño (1)
El Olmeca (-)
El Porvenir (Roberto Reyes) (7)
El Progreso (61)
El Progreso (16)
El Propósito (La Cal) (-)
El Recreo (-)
El Sinaí (4)
El Suspiro (-)
El Tigrito (4)
El Viejo (San Carlos) (3)
El Yute (4)
Emiliano Zapata (382)
Encinal de Ojapa (439)
Espiga de Oro (4)
Finca Blanca Estrella (17)
Francisco I. Madero (664)
Guadalupe Victoria (236)
Hipólito Landeros (Zacatal) (609)
Ixtepec (185)
José María Morelos y Pavón (209)
José María Pino Suárez (273)
La Aguavina (1)
La Avispa (6)
La Báscula (-)
La Cal (32)
La Cal (9)
La Ceiba (-)
La Ceiba (-)
La Consentida (12)
La Cruz (-)
La Cuña (4)
La Frontera (-)
La Frontera Dos (2)
La Gloria (6)
La Huachilama (2)
La Isla (-)
La Joya (5)
La Laguna (125)
La Laguna la Cal (-)
La Magdalena (8)
La Primavera (9)
La Puerta Blanca (6)
La Verónica (2)
La Verdad (David Osorio Santos) (3)
Las Américas (4)
Las Cañas (Juan Teodoro) (3)
Las Camelias (San Francisco) (250)
Las Carmelitas (11)
Las Mesas (9)
Las Palomas (2)
Las Praderas (5)
Las Salinas (6)
Lázaro Cárdenas (190)
Leovigildo García Garza (66)
Lino Hipólito Gómez (11)
Loma Bonita (455)
Loma Central (166)
Los Cocos (2)
Los Pingos (-)
Los Pinos (11)
Los Reyes (2)
Mario Zurita (-)
Mata de Caña (54)
Mata de Palma (5)
Mazatlán (-)
Ojo de Agua (347)
Paso de los Indios (90)
Patolman (10)
Patolman Uno (10)
Predio la Alegría (37)
Rafael Arroyo (-)
Rafael Pereida (8)
Rancho de Gallego (2)
El Progreso (-)
Rancho Grande (5)
Los Laureles (-)
San Miguel (14)
Santa Cruz (4)
Rancho Tenoch (6)
Rancho Zamora (10)
Rogelio Reyes López (1)
San Antonio (6)
San Francisco (-)
San Gabriel (4)
San Isidro (-)
San Lorenzo Potrero Nuevo (292)
San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán (1058)
San Miguel (El Gallego) (-)
San Rafael (6)
San Rafael Meyapán (-)
Santa Isabel (2)
Santa Rosa (1)
Santa Rosa (Efrén Alafita Domínguez) (3)
Secundino Torres (Kilómetro 52) (14)
Tapagapa Pasoreal (-)
Tatalaco (32)
Texistepec (8969)
Tierra Santa (-)
Trejo Viejo (11)
Tres Lomas (-)
Tres Manueles (-)
Valle de Agua (1)
Venustiano Carranza (Peña Blanca) (1130)
Villa Alta (988)
Xochiltepec (154)
Xochitlán (Palmillas) (258)
Xochitlán Monte Negro (154)
Yatepec (101)
Zacatal (86)
Zamora Dos (6)
Zona Arqueológica El Azuzul (19)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Texistepec:

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