Municipality of Villagrán

All the data of the municipality of Villagrán, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Villagrán, Mexicanos, or Sarabia.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Guanajuato.

Which is my place if I live in Villagrán?

Villagrán is a Municipality of 55782 inhabitants, placed in the State of Guanajuato, with a fertility rate of 2.51 children per woman. 6.31% of the population migrated from outside the State of Guanajuato. 0.58% of the population is indigenous, 0.27% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

93.58% of the inhabitants of Villagrán are Catholic, 47.58% are economically active and, within this active population, 93.75% are employed. Additionally, 91.63% of the dwellings have piped water and 10.53% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Villagrán do most people live?

According to our statistics of Villagrán, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Villagrán? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Villagrán through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Villagrán. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Villagrán. As an example, you can find towns and places around Villagrán.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Villagrán

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Villagrán:

Which is my place if I live in Villagrán?

Alberca Linares (- inhabitants)
Alfredo Carmona (- inhabitants)
Antonio Aguilar (1 inhabitants)
Barajas (19 inhabitants)
Caja de los Refugio (- inhabitants)
Caja de Santana (9 inhabitants)
Caja del Monte (7 inhabitants)
Caja del Zopilote (4 inhabitants)
Caja la Longaniza (2 inhabitants)
Rancho El Jale (-)
Caja San Isidro (-)
Caja San José (7)
Caja San Luis (9)
Caja Santa Leónides (6)
Camelina (9)
Cerrito de las Yerbas (129)
Charco Seco (Pablo Rentería) (12)
Colonia 18 de Marzo (2216)
Colonia Emiliano Zapata (695)
Colonia Villafuerte (17)
Cruz Blanca (4)
Don Beto (7)
Ejido San José de la Venta (10)
El Alto del Parral (199)
El Caracol (1292)
El Chinaco (El Pujido) (1433)
El Ciprés (13)
El Garambullo (-)
El Huizachal (El Parral) (353)
El Limonal (9)
El Monte (Pozo de los Flores) (-)
El Paraíso (4)
El Parral (2)
El Pintor (-)
El Puente (383)
El Puente (Avenida el Cuartel) (60)
El Rehilete (-)
El Socorro (-)
El Tajo del Parral (Tenería de Valdez) (211)
El Trébol (4)
El Tulipán (4)
Empacadora de Vegetales [Empacadora de Vegetales (3)
Encarnación de Gasca (62)
Familia Ochoa Macías (6)
Familia Subias (-)
Felipe Arredondo (Fracción el Pintor) (-)
Fraccionamiento La Venta (4)
Fraccionamiento Praderas de la Venta (3681)
Paseo Aragonez (164)
Fraccionamiento Rehilete (4428)
Fraccionamiento Villas la Salud (370)
Francisco Campos (4)
Granja Avícola Número 50 (1)
Granja Avícola Número 55 (1)
Granja Avícola Número Dos (3)
Granja Avícola Número Nueve (-)
Granja Avícola Número Tres (-)
Granja Avícola Postura 11 (6)
Granja Avícola Número 66 (1)
Granja Avícola Número 64 (2)
Granja Caja Larga (-)
Granja El Tugüe (12)
Granja la Gloria (-)
Granja La Lima (4)
Granja la Soledad (3)
Granja Porcina Olea (-)
Granja Porcina y Avícola Número Uno y Número 52 (4)
Javier Balderas González (-)
Jesús León García (-)
José Acosta (-)
Ex-Hacienda la Venta (José Duarte Diosdado) (-)
José Lerma (7)
José Mendoza Soto [José Mendoza Soto (5)
Julián Navarrete (5)
La Cajita (Pozo de Roberto Franco) (2)
La Capilla (Tolentino) (-)
La Esperanza (4)
La Esperanza (2)
La Luna (3)
La Providencia (-)
La Purísima (98)
La Recibidora (-)
La Trinidad (42)
La Victoria (7)
Las Camelinas (8)
Las Coloradas (1)
Las Higueras (-)
Las Matildes de Arriba (-)
Los Alberto (3)
Los Anaya (José Campos Rangel) (6)
Los Ángeles (1904)
Luis Núñez Rojas (Granja la Estrella) (-)
Manuel Aguilar (Caja de Campos) (4)
Mexicanos (6398)
Pablo Balderas (El Carrizal) (14)
Parada del Olivo (10)
Pozo de Linares (4)
Pozo de los Frías (2)
Pozo Doña Cira (2)
Pozo San Ignacio (-)
Pozo San Martín (6)
Pozo Santa Fe (9)
Praderas de la Venta (-)
Puente Blanco (23)
Quinta San Pancho (1)
Rancho el Pinto (-)
Rancho el Pozo (1)
Rancho Algueras (-)
Rancho San Cayetano (3)
Rancho San Elías (-)
Rancho Viejo (1)
Rancho Viejo (Labradores) (-)
Ricardo García Prieto (-)
Rivera del Río (441)
Rubén Acosta (-)
Rubén Acosta (5)
Salvador Lerma (14)
San Antonio (-)
San Antonio el Chico (119)
San Carlos (2)
San Felipe (7)
San Francisco (4)
San Francisco (-)
San Francisco (-)
San Isidro (El Cuervo) (-)
San Isidro Cerro Gordo (419)
San Isidro de Yerbas (5)
San José de la Venta (Los Chipilos) (25)
San Juan Bautista (-)
San Juan de Gasca (11)
San Pedro (10)
San Pedro Tolentino (268)
San Salvador Torrecillas (1646)
San Vicente (Los Linares) (9)
Santa Catarina de Peña (-)
Santa Catarina de Peña (-)
Santa Fe (Caseta 40) (7)
Santa Rosa (2836)
Santa Rosa (-)
Sarabia (5582)
Silvano Barrón Oliva (5)
Suchitlán (1790)
Tecoripa (-)
El Talayote (-)
Tranquilino Subías Campos (13)
Tres Caballos (Juvencio León López) (-)
Villa Gasca (-)
Villagrán (28109)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Villagrán:

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