Municipality of Monte Escobedo

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Monte Escobedo through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Monte Escobedo, Laguna Grande, or María de la Torre.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Zacatecas by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Monte Escobedo?

Monte Escobedo is a Municipality of 8929 inhabitants, placed in the State of Zacatecas, with a fertility rate of 3.35 children per woman. 12.57% of the population migrated from outside the State of Zacatecas. 0.60% of the population is indigenous, 0.31% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

96.90% of the inhabitants of Monte Escobedo are Catholic, 41.90% are economically active and, within this active population, 92.43% are employed. Additionally, 93.05% of the dwellings have piped water and 7.65% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Monte Escobedo do most people live?

According to our statistics of Monte Escobedo, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Monte Escobedo? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Monte Escobedo through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Monte Escobedo. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Monte Escobedo. As an example, you can find towns and places around Monte Escobedo.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Monte Escobedo

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Monte Escobedo:

Which is my place if I live in Monte Escobedo?

Adjuntas del Refugio (246 inhabitants)
Agua Espíritu (2 inhabitants)
Agua Zarca (4 inhabitants)
Arroyo de Guajolotes (4 inhabitants)
Berrendos (50 inhabitants)
Buenavista (3 inhabitants)
Buenavista (27 inhabitants)
Caballerías (6 inhabitants)
Camachos (29 inhabitants)
Chupaderos (8)
Ciénega de Room (42)
Colonia Anacleto López (Colonia Flores) (120)
Colonia Potrero Nuevo (La Colonia) (125)
Colonia Vicente Guerrero (120)
Corral de Piedra (-)
Coyotes (-)
Crucero Santa Teresa (19)
De la Torre (1)
El Bajío (17)
El Capulín de los Ruiz (116)
El Capulincito (14)
El Centenario (4)
El Conejo (2)
El Cuije (7)
El Durazno (60)
El Espejo (22)
El Guaje (28)
El Huerto (4)
El Jagüey (13)
El Malacate (8)
El Mastranto (11)
El Milagro (2)
El Mirador (6)
El Montecillo del Durazno (7)
El Paraíso (4)
El Parral (46)
El Paso (30)
El Pocito (70)
El Pocito (3)
El Portillito (6)
El Portillo (18)
El Ranchito (-)
El Ranchito (El Paraje) (-)
El Rincón (37)
El Salitre (7)
El Salto del Refugio (5)
El Salvador (27)
El Saucillo (-)
El Saucito (20)
El Terrero (6)
El Velador (2)
El Vergel (11)
Estancia de García (41)
Estancia de Jesús María (7)
Fraccionamiento COPROVI (-)
Fraccionamiento La Estrella (4)
Francia (12)
Gómez (190)
Hierbabuena (-)
Huejuquillita de los Márquez (56)
Huerta de las Manzanas (Sociedad Piriticuchi) (-)
Jacales (11)
Jácome (24)
Jocotic (103)
La Cabaña de Ruiz (5)
La Canastilla (Caseta de la SARH) (-)
La Candelaria (36)
La Ceja de Jesús María (1)
La Cruz (5)
La Laborcita (2)
La Lagunilla (1)
La Lagunita de Martínez (25)
La Loma (8)
La Loma Uno (-)
La Longaniza (Las Trojas) (8)
La Manga de San Ramón (2)
La Masa (49)
La Masita (147)
La Mesa Alta (Ángel Márquez) (3)
La Nopalera (8)
La Palma (8)
La Peña (3)
La Pila (-)
La Pitaya (-)
La Providencia (4)
La Puerta de Santa Rosa (-)
La Puerta del Llano (11)
La Purísima (Olguín) (2)
La Soledad (40)
La Tetarrona (3)
La Troje (3)
Laguna Grande (947)
Laguna Honda (25)
Laguna Larga (3)
Lagunita de Pinedo (5)
Las Carboneras (26)
Las Cruces (9)
Las Lajas (13)
Las Parras (3)
Las Tortugas (3)
Las Víboras (6)
Los Abados (-)
Los Cabrales (-)
Los Cardos (19)
Los Cardos (5)
Los Cedros (Capulín de los Cedros) (24)
Los Díaz (5)
Los Pinos (5)
Los Pinos (-)
Los Pozos (2)
Los Romero (48)
Manuel Méndez (2)
María de la Torre (250)
Mesa de Santa Bárbara (2)
Monte Escobedo (4247)
Ojo de Agua de los Bañuelos (16)
Ojo de Agua de los Pereyra (9)
Ojo de Agua de Rojas (62)
Ojos de Agua (4)
Ojuelos (-)
Palafox (-)
Palos Altos (3)
Paso del Río Atoloac (35)
Pastoría (27)
Playa Sola (-)
Potrero de las Tierras Nuevas (-)
Potrero Viejo de Valdez (2)
Presa de Toribio (Rancho de Don Nicanor) (3)
Presa Santa Teresa (1)
Puentecillas (3)
Ranchito de los Venegas (-)
Diecinueve de Mayo (Potrero de los Torres) (3)
Rancho de Arriba (-)
Rancho de Enmedio (-)
Rancho de Gamboa (-)
Rancho de Rojas (-)
Rancho del Valle (4)
Rancho Dos Ríos (8)
Rancho El Montecillo (4)
Rancho El Rincón (-)
Rancho Jesús Arreola (-)
Rancho Nuevo (3)
Rancho Nuevo (-)
Rancho Viejo (9)
Rosendo Guzmán Madera (-)
Salto de Santa Cruz (Salto de los Sánchez) (-)
San Antonio de Abajo (42)
San Antonio de Arriba (10)
San Antoñito (2)
San Bartolo (84)
San Cayetano (10)
San Diego (23)
San Fernando (El Infiernillo) (21)
San Ignacio (6)
San Isidro (30)
San José de la Cruz (11)
San Judas (10)
San Luis (El Gato) (94)
San Martín de las Rosas (Casa Pinta) (-)
San Pablo (4)
San Pedro de Enmedio (17)
San Pedro de los Nava (12)
San Pedro de Pastoría (5)
San Rafael (3)
San Ramón (99)
Santa Bárbara (87)
Santa Fe (-)
Santa Gertrudis (3)
Santa Inés (3)
Santa Rita (3)
Santa Teresa (18)
Sombrerero (El Ranchito) (-)
Tres Pinos (-)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Monte Escobedo:

Here you hare more Municipalities in the State of Zacatecas