Municipality of Calera

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Calera through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Víctor Rosales, Ramón López Velarde (Toribio), or Río Frío.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Zacatecas by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Calera?

Calera is a Municipality of 39917 inhabitants, placed in the State of Zacatecas, with a fertility rate of 2.59 children per woman. 8.55% of the population migrated from outside the State of Zacatecas. 0.53% of the population is indigenous, 0.26% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

94.28% of the inhabitants of Calera are Catholic, 52.43% are economically active and, within this active population, 96.99% are employed. Additionally, 96.99% of the dwellings have piped water and 11.54% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Calera do most people live?

According to our statistics of Calera, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Calera? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Calera through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Calera. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Calera. As an example, you can find towns and places around Víctor Rosales.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Calera

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Calera:

Which is my place if I live in Calera?

A. Feregrino (6 inhabitants)
Benjamín Félix (4 inhabitants)
Colonia Santa Anita (- inhabitants)
Corrales de Engorda Los Dos Hermanos (- inhabitants)
Cuatro Milpas (4 inhabitants)
Desarrollo Ganadero Dos Marías (7 inhabitants)
Deshidratadora La Esperanza (Antonio A. R.) (- inhabitants)
Don Filiberto (Jaime Ortiz Ávila) (- inhabitants)
El Bajío (- inhabitants)
El Bordo (-)
El Canario (4)
El Chamizal (-)
El Duraznito (14)
El Fresno (Flavio Hernández) (3)
El Horizonte (2)
El Huizache (-)
El Lucero (José García) (6)
El Manzano (-)
El Mezquite (Roberto Hernández) (-)
El Montecillo (3)
El Parral (Julián Hernández Murillo) (4)
El Porvenir (92)
El Porvenir Dos (Juan García) (3)
El Ranchito (2)
El Refugio (6)
El Retoño (4)
El Retoño Uno (3)
El Rosario (El Huizache) (3)
El Tanque (-)
El Triángulo (José Luis Villaseñor) (4)
El Vergel (8)
El Viñedo Setenta y Seis (-)
Colonia Buenavista (-)
Francisco I. Madero (Coyotes) (-)
Gilberto Arellano (-)
Granja La Soledad (8)
Granja San Francisco Uno y Dos (2)
Granja San Isidro (-)
Jacinto Lara Pacheco (14)
José Tinajero Márquez (14)
La Cabaña (Felipe Velázquez Salazar) (5)
La Dientona (Los Cuates) (12)
La Espía (10)
La Fe (15)
La Flor (Gonzalo Belmontes G.) (5)
La Joya (4)
La Joya (-)
La Joya (Antonio Villaseñor) (5)
La Joya (Raúl García Gallegos) (2)
La Laborcilla (-)
La Nueva Soledad (4)
La Paz (José Manuel Delgado Soto) (4)
La Peregrina (-)
La Piñata (Alberto Gallegos) (5)
La Providencia (9)
La Soledad (Benjamín Félix) (7)
La Soledad Chiquita (6)
Las Amapolas (Fernando de Loera) (-)
Las Amarradas (Hilario Alvarado Medina) (-)
Las Auras (78)
Las Cuñas (José Manuel Ruiz Luján) (3)
Las Negritas (Miguel Correa Álvarez) (1)
Las Palomas (Manuel Raygoza) (-)
Las Pampas (1)
Lomas de Calera (-)
Los Carrizos (8)
Los Gutiérrez (26)
Los Isabeles (María del Consuelo Sotero) (6)
Los Lara (Ramón Luján) (-)
Los Pirules (5)
Los Pirules (Álvaro Ruiz) (-)
Los Tejabanes (Señor del Consuelo) (4)
Los Triángulos (5)
Los Triángulos (José Pérez Palacios) (-)
Manuel Raygoza (3)
María Muro (-)
Monte de Abajo (18)
Nacho Caraza (7)
Nombre de Dios (Rancho la Joya) (-)
Noria de Agostadero (El Agostadero) (5)
Nueva Alianza (Ñates) (116)
Nueva Colonia Francisco I. Madero (192)
Palma Delgadita (San José de la Palma) (6)
Palma Delgadita Dos (Roberto Ruiz Luján) (1)
Paso del Norte (7)
Gonzalo Hernández (-)
Ramón López Velarde (Toribio) (5993)
Rancho Blanco (El Oasis) (-)
Rancho Campo Florido Dos (3)
Rancho Campo Florido Uno (6)
Rancho de Jarillas (4)
Rancho de Pedro Martínez (7)
Rancho de Saúl Lamas (4)
Rancho El Alamito (-)
Rancho El Campito (Fernando Ortíz Chávez) (7)
Rancho El Cristo (-)
Rancho El Danubio (Lucio Espinoza) (4)
Rancho El Rosario (Rogelio Lara) (6)
Rancho La Esperanza (2)
Rancho la Frontera (Francisco Correa) (-)
Rancho La Sauceda (5)
Rancho La Tarimera (4)
Rancho Laguna de las Jarillas (11)
Rancho Las Maravillas (-)
Rancho Las Maravillas (Palemón de la Torre) (5)
Rancho Los Cuates (7)
Rancho Los Hernández (-)
Rancho Los Nogales (1)
Rancho Los Tajos (Rogelio Montoya) (-)
Rancho San Agustín (5)
Rancho San Benito (Sector Felipe Ángeles) (24)
Rancho San Carlos (Simón García) (3)
Rancho San Ramón (1)
Río Frío (551)
Real del Valle (9)
San Antonio (Alfonso Mejía) (10)
San Antonio del Bordo (-)
San Carlos (Rancho de Elías García) (3)
San Felipe (Héctor García) (4)
San Francisco (13)
San Ignacio (Carlos Pérez) (7)
San Isidro (2)
San Isidro (7)
San Isidro (Felipe Félix) (3)
San José (Patrocinio Luna) (5)
San José (Simón García) (11)
San Juan (10)
San Juan de los Ruiz (Roberto Ruiz) (2)
San Juan Dos (-)
Santa Cruz (5)
Santa Mónica (4)
Santa Rosalía (Antonio Valdez Sánchez) (1)
Santa Teresa (-)
Santo Tomás (El Gringo) (1)
Santo Tomás (Tomás Medrano) (-)
SPR Guayaberos y Cañeros de Juchipila (-)
Tomás Medrano (2)
Toribio (Raúl Tapia Valádez) (-)
Víctor Rosales (38193)
Zaratoga (5)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Calera:

Here you hare more Municipalities in the State of Zacatecas