Municipality of Tezonapa

All the data of the municipality of Tezonapa, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Tezonapa, Motzorongo, or Presidio (Plan de Libres).

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave.

Which is my place if I live in Tezonapa?

Tezonapa is a Municipality of 52584 inhabitants, placed in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, with a fertility rate of 2.82 children per woman. 10.30% of the population migrated from outside the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave. 29.24% of the population is indigenous, 18.48% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.18% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

85.53% of the inhabitants of Tezonapa are Catholic, 44.28% are economically active and, within this active population, 98.12% are employed. Additionally, 29.30% of the dwellings have piped water and 2.51% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Tezonapa do most people live?

According to our statistics of Tezonapa, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Tezonapa? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Tezonapa through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Tezonapa. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Tezonapa. As an example, you can find towns and places around Tezonapa.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Tezonapa

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Tezonapa:

Which is my place if I live in Tezonapa?

Úrsulo Galván (151 inhabitants)
Adolfo López Mateos (369 inhabitants)
Adolfo Ruiz Cortines (129 inhabitants)
Agua Escondida (328 inhabitants)
Almilinga (Santo Domingo Manzanares) (715 inhabitants)
Altamira (101 inhabitants)
Altotonga (25 inhabitants)
Atlipozonia (236 inhabitants)
Atlipozonia Viejo (49 inhabitants)
Atlizacuapan (601)
Barrio Nuevo (177)
Campo Agrícola Experimental El Palmar (388)
Campo Villa Nueva (100)
Carrizal (298)
Caxapa (2026)
Cedro Quemado (205)
Cerro Azul (90)
Cerro Seco (-)
Cesekapa (197)
Colonia Agrícola Independencia (294)
Colonia Agrícola Marco Antonio Muñoz (414)
Colonia Agrícola Rincón de las Flores (776)
Colonia Buenavista (Las Josefinas) (103)
Colonia Cafetera Veracruzana (La Joya) (68)
Colonia el Progreso (198)
Colonia Ignacio Allende (113)
Colonia Ignacio Escobar Contreras (212)
Colonia la Paz (13)
Colonia Morelos (Congregación Vázquez Vela) (255)
Colonia San Bernardo Segunda Fracción (134)
Colonia Santa María (146)
Cuajilote (34)
Ejecatépetl (68)
El Aguaje (329)
El Cedro (483)
El Crucero (Colonia las Josefinas) (84)
El Filete (El Calvario) (116)
El Guapinole (5)
El Manguito (El Valle) (27)
El Mirador (390)
El Otate (Cruztitla Ojo de Agua) (340)
El Palmar Grande (1198)
El Sol (48)
El Suspiro (527)
El Tigre (45)
El Triunfo (198)
Francisco Villa Primera Fracción (San Bernardo) (115)
Francisco Villa Segunda Fracción (169)
Galera Chica (2)
Guía del Porvenir (2)
Ixtacapa el Chico (1294)
Ixtacapa el Grande (670)
Joya Honda (112)
Juan Pablo II (236)
La Caseta (La Gasolinera Vieja) (18)
La Esperanza (-)
La Galera San Miguel (14)
La Gloria (40)
La Joya (Congregación Paraíso Reforma) (287)
La Luisa (-)
La Luna (83)
La Pochota (179)
La Soledad (405)
La Toma (205)
La Toma Chica (-)
La Unión (303)
La Victoria (San Joaquín) (115)
Laguna Chica (Pueblo Nuevo) (1892)
Las Flores (459)
Las Josefinas (635)
Las Limas (942)
Las Maravillas (255)
Las Palomas (98)
Libertad Cerro de Agua (304)
Limonestitla (751)
Loma Buenavista (241)
Lomas Verdes (291)
Los Cedros (-)
Los Pavorreales (5)
Manantiales de los Altos (119)
Maravillas (Los Quiaguas) (27)
María Loma San Miguel (86)
Marcelino Chavarrias Lemus (Ejido Mata de Agua) (42)
Miramar (70)
Monte Alto (Emiliano Zapata) (719)
Motzorongo (4037)
Nicoxcotla (177)
Ojo de Agua Chico (176)
Ojo de Agua Grande (211)
Palmarito (141)
Paraíso la Reforma (2435)
Paraíso Viejo (40)
Paso Atzíhuatl (-)
Paso Rayón (18)
Paso Tigre (La Unión) (22)
Pocitos (683)
Potrerillo (313)
Pozo Blanco (El Retiro) (18)
Presidio (Plan de Libres) (2372)
Primera Ampliación San Gabriel (56)
Puente Chilapa (447)
Rancho Alegre (6)
Los Chacones (23)
Rancho Chico (-)
Rancho Chilapa (5)
Los Alfaro (63)
Los García (69)
El Vado (5)
Los Montieles (35)
Rancho Nuevo (1121)
Rancho Tobón (17)
Raya Caracol (618)
San Agustín del Palmar (1161)
San Antonio (108)
San Bernardo (418)
San Gabriel (157)
San Isidro (92)
San Isidro (San Isidro Villa Nueva) (380)
San Jerónimo Manzanares (504)
San José Atitla (332)
San José Buenavista (89)
San José las Lajas (Villa Nueva) (404)
San Juan (Villa Nueva) (247)
San Miguel Tenejapa (340)
Santa Catarina (2)
Santa Cruz (Cachalapa) (45)
Santa Cruz Olintzi (235)
Santo Tomás (Rancho de Peragalo) (6)
Soyatla (Tenexapa) (414)
Tecuanapa (58)
Tepecoxtla (756)
Tepetlampa (693)
Tepetzingo (122)
Tezonapa (5653)
Tilica (383)
Tres Cruces (105)
Unión Agrícola (67)
Unión y Progreso (Villa Nueva) (343)
Vázquez Vela (338)
Villa Hermosa (Villa Nueva) (512)
Villa Nueva (Primera Manzana) (978)
Villa Nueva Panteón (208)
Vista Hermosa (390)
Xinicuila (Paso Viejo) (148)
Xocoapa (456)
Xometla (217)
Xonotla (846)
Yohualtepec (124)
Yololtepec (110)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Tezonapa:

Here you hare more Municipalities in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave