Municipality of Ocampo

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Ocampo through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Ocampo, Adolfo López Mateos (Chamal Nuevo), or El Pensil.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Tamaulipas by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Ocampo?

Ocampo is a Municipality of 12962 inhabitants, placed in the State of Tamaulipas, with a fertility rate of 3.15 children per woman. 8.02% of the population migrated from outside the State of Tamaulipas. 0.58% of the population is indigenous, 0.31% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

84.55% of the inhabitants of Ocampo are Catholic, 42.55% are economically active and, within this active population, 97.44% are employed. Additionally, 88.77% of the dwellings have piped water and 6.16% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Ocampo do most people live?

According to our statistics of Ocampo, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Ocampo? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Ocampo through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Ocampo. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Ocampo. As an example, you can find towns and places around Ocampo.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Ocampo

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Ocampo:

Which is my place if I live in Ocampo?

3 Hermanos (- inhabitants)
Adolfo López Mateos (Chamal Nuevo) (870 inhabitants)
Alamar del Platanito (5 inhabitants)
Alejandro Herrera (- inhabitants)
Altamira (72 inhabitants)
Ana María (Los Cerritos) (2 inhabitants)
Águilas del Sur (- inhabitants)
Ángel Vargas Zapata (- inhabitants)
Buenavista (2 inhabitants)
Buenavista (Oliverio Herrera Rodríguez) (4)
Santa Rosa (Cajeme) (-)
Cantarranas (-)
Felipe Carrillo Puerto (Las Abritas) (-)
Celestino Gasca (-)
San Isidro (Hipólito López Guerrero) (3)
Chamal Nuevo (El Chamalito) (19)
Chamal Viejo (358)
Chamal Viejo (Benito Lucio Báez) (3)
Chihuayán (Huachiguayán) (2)
Coahuila (96)
Colonia Tamaulipas (4)
Compra Venta de Cerdos El Cerrito (5)
Domingo Hernández (-)
Dos Arroyos (-)
El Bajío (4)
El Borrego (13)
El Carmen (-)
El Carmen (-)
El Carrizo (2)
El Carrizo (1)
El Carrizo (Eugenio Ramírez) (-)
El Chamalito (-)
El Chamalito Dos (Guillermo) (-)
El Colorado (-)
El Consuelo (1)
El Consuelo (-)
El Corozo (5)
El Corozo (3)
El Dorado (6)
El Durazno (4)
El Guayabo (9)
El Higuerón (6)
El Huasteco (-)
El Meco (15)
El Mirador (-)
El Mirador (Las Cortadas) (3)
El Nogalito (José Rodríguez) (-)
El Olvido (-)
El Palmar (Rancho Viejo) (-)
El Paraíso (1)
El Paraíso (-)
El Pensil (901)
El Sabino (7)
El Sacrificio (2)
El Sacrificio (1)
El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús (3)
El Saltito (1)
El Saucillo (12)
El Semental (3)
El Texano (-)
El Tigre (260)
El Toro Negro (2)
Eligio Treviño (El Bejuco) (31)
La Escondida y el Atravesaño (La Escondida) (16)
Felipe Carrillo Puerto (La Agustina) (51)
Francisco Medrano (La Morita) (195)
Jorgito (Los Cerritos) (7)
La Boquilla (-)
La Brecha (2)
La Brisa (7)
La Cabaña (2)
La Cebada (-)
La Ceiba (El Carrizo) (9)
La Ceiba (Julián Banda) (3)
La Ceiba (Narciso Enríquez) (4)
La Escondida y el Atravesaño (La Colonia) (17)
La Coma (2)
La Concordia (-)
La Esperanza (3)
La Esperanza (23)
La Floreña (-)
La Granja (2)
La Josefina (10)
La Joya (1)
La Lobera (1)
La Loma Alta (4)
La Misión (-)
La Muralla (428)
La Pirinola (-)
La Presa (2)
La Presita (La Escondida) (-)
La Reforma (2)
La Soledad (99)
La Unión (18)
La Vega del Chamalito (2)
Las Abritas (San Carlos) (1)
Las Agret (1)
Las Canoas (364)
Las Crucitas (-)
Las Flores (273)
Las Hondas (2)
Las Marcelas (-)
Las Moras (-)
Las Norias (4)
Las Palmas (-)
Lázaro Cárdenas (31)
Lázaro Cárdenas (9)
Libio Guerra Leal (53)
Librado Rivera (Providencia) (145)
Linares (1)
Loma Alta (5)
Lorenzo Vargas (80)
Los Arados (-)
Los Ángeles (10)
Los Cerritos (-)
Los Cortina (29)
Los Manantiales (1)
Los Naranjos (54)
Los Naranjos (2)
Los Otates (1)
Los Puentes (5)
Los Puentes Uno (11)
Los Taylor (Los Puentes) (-)
Los Tejones (-)
Magdaleno Aguilar (51)
María de la Luz Garza (1)
Mayorga (5)
Miguel González (-)
Miraflores (-)
Nicolás Bravo (181)
Nicolás Bravo Viejo (-)
Ocampo (5456)
Palo Verde (14)
Paso Real de Morelos (La Puente) (174)
Potrero del Llano (Primer Llano) (15)
Práxedis G. Guerrero (Callejones) (108)
Práxedis G. Guerrero (La Laja) (222)
Progreso (Los Cuartos) (-)
Progreso de los Guerra (3)
Protasio F. Guerra (Corrales) (126)
Protasio F. Guerra (El Capricho) (43)
Pueblo Viejo (225)
Rancho Nuevo (85)
Rancho Nuevo (Lee Taylor) (6)
Rancho Nuevo (Los Coyotes) (68)
Real de Volantines (-)
Loma Alta (Refugio Rodríguez Torres) (11)
Ricardo Flores Magón (806)
Rubén Vázquez (3)
San Antonio Buena Vista (9)
San Antonio Buena Vista (4)
San Carlos (14)
San Felipe de los Martínez (-)
San Isidro (13)
San José (8)
San Juan (-)
San Juan (1)
San Juan de Dios (-)
San Juanito (-)
San Lorenzo (Las Bayas) (39)
San Lorenzo el Grande (52)
San Vicente (-)
Santa Bárbara (6)
Santa Clara (-)
Santa Cruz (Las Norias) (-)
Santa Cruz (-)
Santa Elsa (-)
Santa Eugenia (-)
Santa Fe (-)
Santa Fe (-)
Santa Fe (2)
Santa Fe (El Limón) (2)
Santa Fe Dos (24)
Santa Fe Uno (-)
Santa María de Guadalupe (La Colonia) (311)
Sarón (4)
Seis de Mayo (2)
Sharon (-)
Soledad del Alto (-)
Tanlajás (15)
Tanlajás (La Alhajilla) (145)
Tehuacán (3)
Víctor Camacho Vázquez (-)
Veinte de Noviembre (Las Pozas) (165)
Veinte de Noviembre Dos (30)
Venustiano Carranza (1)
Vista Hermosa (4)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Ocampo:

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